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Religions of The World. Introduction Major world religions can be divided into three categories based on geographical location All these religions have.

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Presentation on theme: "Religions of The World. Introduction Major world religions can be divided into three categories based on geographical location All these religions have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religions of The World

2 Introduction Major world religions can be divided into three categories based on geographical location All these religions have their origin in the East  Near East  India  Far East

3 Near East Judaism  2000 B.C.  Originate in Jerusalem  Covenant between Abraham and God  Covenant is renewed between Moses and God  God’s laws and commandments are revealed via the Torah

4 Near East Christianity  1 A.D.  Originated in Bethlehem  Centered on the life & teachings of Jesus Christ (Son of God & Messiah) in the New Testament  Teachings are also shared with the Hebrew Bible (the old testament)

5 Near East Islam OOriginated about 500 A.D. YYoungest of the three “Eastern” religions OOriginated in Mecca (Arabia) BBased on the teachings of Mohammed FFor Muslims, Mohammed is not a religious founder, but a great prophet who reestablished God’s message

6 All 3 religions have languages originating from either Hebrew or Arabic and therefore called SEMITIC Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are classified as Abrahamic Religions

7 Judaism, Christianity, & Islam share: MMonotheism – belief in ONE god GGod is referred to in FATHERLY terms GGod is considered the CREATOR of the world TThis God: Made us in his image Gave us commandments to follow Told us to live in brotherly love with one another SSalvation Aspect – A belief that man has fallen from God’s grace (sin) but can be saved




11 One of the tragedy’s of the modern world is that despite all of the things held in common by so many people (all 3 religions), they continue to fight & persecute each other. This is the HUMAN ELEMENT of religion

12 India Hinduism FFounded 2500 B.C. OOriginated in India NNo religious founder MMany important teachings and books (Vedas, Upanishads, Tantra’s, etc.) VVery complicated religion, having many system of beliefs


14 Buddhism 5500 B.C.E OOriginated in India, but now concentrated in Thailand, Indo-China NNo belief in God, instead a philosophy & psychology on how to live life FFounded on teachings of the Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) TTeachings are in Dhamma meaning “teachings of the awakened one”

15 Sikhism  1500 B.C.E  Originated in India, but now concentrated in Thailand, Indo-China  Focuses on pursuit of salvation (union with God)  Salvation is attained by disciplined personal meditation, on the name of God  Teachings are from ten Sikh Gurus (enlightened leaders) and the Guru Gurū Granth Sāhib—which (holy scripture) Gurū Granth Sāhib

16 Far East From the Far East, we have 3 major religions CConfucianism (from China, about 500 B.C.E.) TTaoism (from China, about 500 B.C.E.) ZZen-Buddhism (from Japan)

17 Confucianism 5551 B.C.E FFounded by K’ung Fu Tzu (Confucius) AA great teacher, believing education was a means of self-transformation who travelled China teaching about morals, ethics, and the proper use of political power CConfucianism is a ethical system concerned with how people should act toward each other, rather than a traditional religion concerned with the metaphysical (spiritual)

18 Taoism 4440 C.E FFounded by Lao-Tse, with hope of ending feudal warfare CCombination of psychology & philosophy WWritings in Tao-te-Ching, describe the nature of life the way to peace how a ruler should lead his life TTao is “the path”, a source of energy through the universe TThe goal of life is to become one with the Tao through humility, compassion, virtue, and moderation

19 Parent vs. Derivative Religions Derivative Religions Parent Religions From the East JudaismChristianityIslamHinduismBuddhism Sikhism Zen-BuddhismConfucianism

20 Parent Religions Often these religions remain within the region of origin The religions are often a way of life The real founder is not an individual, but a group of people and it develops over a number of years within the group  Example – the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews as the chosen people  Example – Abraham, Moses, & Jesus etc. were leaders, not founders Parent religions are a whole way of life for a distinct group of people who did not attempt to convert others (self contained) Key Points:  No founder group  Way of life  Slow growing

21 Derivative Religions These religions grew from or out of a parent religion They where founded by a single person  Example – Christianity (Jesus Christ)  Example – Islam (Mohammed) Widespread, growing very rapidly These religions are missionary  They are not confined to a single group.  These religions go out and covert others  These religions grow rapidly  These religions tend to be larger

22 How are Religions Most Similar? All religions are similar in eight different ways (1) Belief in a Power  A power greater than humans, worthy of being worshipped  A source of life (2) Holy Places  Place of religious importance  Must make a pilgrimage

23 How are Religions Most Similar? (3) Religious Symbols  A symbol identifying the religion  Signs may also have specific meaning (4) Liturgy  Having religious observances  Having “holy days”

24 How are Religions Most Similar? (5) Holy Writings  Literature of religious importance  May contain history, poetry, rules, answers to problems,  It is a form of worship (6) Important People  People who are revered or worshiped  These can include: founders, missionaries, or historical characters

25 How are Religions Most Similar? (7) Places of Worship  Enclosed structure  Location for coming together to worship (8) Golden rule  The idea of “goodwill”

26 How are Religions Different? (1) Sin & Evil  Some believe people are basically evil  Some religions say naturally good people are corrupted by the evil world  Some say people are a part of nature, neither good nor evil (2) Salvation  Some religions are Messianic – having a belief that a divine intervention will save people from destruction  Other religions believe God to be remote

27 How are Religions Different? (3) A Priesthood  Some religions have “intermediaries” between the people and god  Other religions believe in the direct interaction with God (4)A Personal God  God can be personally reached,  God cannot be personally reached

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