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First Knight Assignment

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1 First Knight Assignment

2 This assignment can be competed in one of three ways:
Answer the following questions using two well-constructed paragraphs, one for each question. Using point form Using a mind map –You will do two mind maps, one to describe how Arthur represents democracy and another to describe how Malagant represents the authoritarian way.

3 You will be assigned marks based on how well you do the following:
Relate each of the points in the note Authoritarian and Democratic Ways to your analysis of First Knight. Provide specific detailed examples from the DVD “First Knight” to support your answers. Follow the standards set in the rubric (see over). Assignment is neat and clearly written. If I can not read it, I cannot mark the assignment. NOTE: If you have any problems understanding this assignment you must let me know.

4 How does Arthur demonstrate the “Democratic Way”?
Show how Arthur makes decisions. Show how Arthur handles those who he thinks broke the rules. Show how Arthur demonstrates the highest value of the democratic way.

5 How does Prince Malagant demonstrate the “Authoritarian Way”?
Show how Malagant makes decisions. Show how Malagant handles those he thinks broke the rules. Show how Malagant demonstrates the highest value of the authoritarian way.

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