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Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Castellano/Ms. Woebbeking First Grade Room 507.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Castellano/Ms. Woebbeking First Grade Room 507."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Castellano/Ms. Woebbeking First Grade Room 507

2 Contact Information  Planner – Please sign each day  Note  Email-   Voice Mail 873-4732

3 Student Expectations  Do your best!  Complete homework nightly  Treat others with respect  Listen and follow directions

4 Parent Expectations  Sign the planner nightly  Encourage independent thinking  Communicate any important info.  Support 1 st grade activities

5 Teacher Expectations  Hold expectations high for all students  Give individualized attention  Keep in contact with parents

6 Discipline Procedures  We use a number/letter system to monitor behavior/choices  Rewards for positive choices/penalties for poor choices

7 Supplies  Please refer to handout for supplies needed  Please check with your child quarterly to “restock” any needed supplies

8 Special Events/Highlights  Field Trips (One in Fall, One in Spring)  Champion of the Month  Going for Gold  Teach-In  Holidays Around the World.  Parents are Invited!!!!!!

9 Other Important Information  Dickenson has a mandatory uniform policy  Please send a note if your child will be going home a different way  Birthday change  School Nurse Information  Dress Code

10 What to expect this year…  Language Arts Overview  Math & Science Overview  Social Studies Overview  Questions & Answers

11 READING  Driven by Hillsborough County’s 1st Grade Expectations  Read Alouds  Shared Reading  Guided Reading  Independent Reading

12 Reading Expectations Uses Reading Processes Effectively in Text at 1 st Grade or Higher Level Uses text features & prior knowledge to generate ?’s & predict story events/content Identifies a purpose for reading (skimming for facts, answer a ?, compare/contrast) Constructs Meaning From a Variety of Text at 1 st Grade or Higher Level Compares & contrasts information Identifies & explains the main idea & provides support from text Summarizes & sequences information from text Recognizes & discusses cause-and effect relationships Demonstrates Effective Reading Behavior Uses decoding strategies to read text fluently. Reads, listens to, and discusses a variety of text for a variety of purposes (extend knowledge, build vocabulary, gather information)

13 Shared, Guided, Independent Reading  Read Aloud –Modeling  Shared -1 st grade expectations - Think Alouds -Respond in writing  Guided  -1st Grade expectations in small setting -Small reading groups -Written responses  Independent -RP (Renaissance Place) -Capstone - Literature Responses

14 WRITING  Driven by Hillsborough County’s 1 st Grade Expectations

15 Writing Expectations Focuses on Topic Focuses writing on topic Organizes Ideas Uses organizational pattern Supports Topic With Details Develops, elaborates, & supports main idea Writes supporting details that are specific & relevant Uses precise, vivid words Uses Conventions Spells high frequency words correctly Uses dialogue Edits for conventions, sentence structure & handwriting Organizes to Communicate in Writing Uses various prewriting strategies (brainstorming, listing, mapping) Writes a narrative piece that relates to an experience or tells a story Write an expository piece that has a clear focus elaborated with many supporting ideas, facts, anecdotes or examples Expository, Narrative, & Persuasive

16 Communication  Penmanship: demonstrate fluent & legible manuscript writing skills  Listening & Speaking: listen & speak to gain & share information for a variety of purposes (i.e. personal interviews, dramatic/poetic recitations, formal presentations)

17 Writer’s Workshop Model  Read Alouds  Modeled Writing  Guided Writing  Independent Writing  Graded Holistically

18 MATH  Big Idea 1: Use Basic Facts- Addition and Subtraction  Big Idea 2: Use Tens and Ones  Big Idea 3: Geometry, Patterns, and Measurement

19 Big Idea 1: Use Basic Addition /Subtraction Facts  Model addition and subtraction situations using the concepts of part- part-whole, adding to, taking away from, and missing addend.  Identify, describe, and apply addition and subtraction as inverse operations.  Create and use increasingly sophisticated strategies and use properties – commutative, associative, and additive identity to add whole numbers  Use counting strategies, number patterns, and models as a means for solving basic addition and subtraction fact problems.

20 Big Idea 2: Use Tens and Ones *Compare and order numbers to at least 100 *Represent two digit numbers in terms of tens and ones. *Order counting numbers, compare their relative magnitudes, and represent numbers on a number line. Use mathematical reasoning and beginning understanding of tens and ones, including the use of invented strategies, to solve two digit addition and subtraction problems. Solve routine and non-routine problems by acting them out, using manipulatives, and drawing diagrams.

21 Big Idea 3: Geometry, Patterns and Measurement  Use appropriate vocabulary to compare shapes according to attributes and properties such as number and length of sides, and number of vertices.  Compose and decompose plane and solid figures, including making predictions about them, to build an understanding of part-whole relationships and properties of shapes.  Measure by using iterations of a unit and count the unit measures by grouping units.  Compare and order objects according to descriptors of length, weight, and capacity.

22 PHYSICAL SCIENCE  Classifying by Properties  Six Ways Things Move  Motion & Forces: Push or Pull

23 EARTH SCIENCE  Stars  Benefits/Harmful Effects of the Sun  Water Safety  Fast/Slow Changes  Biomes/Environments

24 LIFE SCIENCE  Living Things  Animals and Plants  Parts of Seeds/Plants  Adaptations  Parent/Baby Animals and Plants

25 SOCIAL STUDIES  Our Community  Our State  Our Country  Our World  Holidays and Celebrations

26 Questions & Answers

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