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The Use of Apps for Shopping Malls A market overview for Austria, Germany and Switzerland Veronika Lang Peter Sittler 6 th July 2013 ERES 2013, Vienna,

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Presentation on theme: "The Use of Apps for Shopping Malls A market overview for Austria, Germany and Switzerland Veronika Lang Peter Sittler 6 th July 2013 ERES 2013, Vienna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Use of Apps for Shopping Malls A market overview for Austria, Germany and Switzerland Veronika Lang Peter Sittler 6 th July 2013 ERES 2013, Vienna, Austria INSTITUT OF REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT University of Applied Sciences Vienna - FHWien

2 Research background ► ERES Conference 2011, Eindhoven, Netherlands „Looking for property via Smartphone“ ► PRRES Conference 2012, Adelaide, Australia „Augmented Reality for Real Estate“ ► ERES Conference 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland „Real Estate Applications for Smartphones“ ► UACEG Conference 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria „The Use of Apps for Shopping Malls“ (in Austria) ► REAL CORP 2013, Rome, Italy „Augmented Reality Apps for Real Estate“

3 What are Apps? ► English short form for application ► Simple use and shallow learning curve ► Defined (small) functional area ► Short life cycle ► Consumer orientated ► Mainly low-priced ► Distribution with virtual marketplaces

4 Use of tablets and smartphones for shopping Source: Adobe (2013), “2013 Digital Publishing Report: Retail Apps & Buying Habits”, 01/2013, p. 3

5 Classification of AR Real Estate Apps Real estate apps Real estate search/Infor mation on surrounding area Land register Real estate administration/ Property management Tools for flats Information on real estate Infotainment Shopping malls Dimensions/Pla nnings Architecture/I nterior design Tools for calculation/finan cial calculation Lexicon/Lang uages

6 Trade in the last centuries Source: adapted from Haderlein, A. (2012), „Die digitale Zukunft des stationären Handels. Auf allen Kanälen zum Kunden“, p. 16

7 Digitizing, internet and point of sale Source: adapted from Haderlein, A. (2012), „Die digitale Zukunft des stationären Handels. Auf allen Kanälen zum Kunden“, p. 30

8 Apps for Shopping Malls ► Marketing Tools ► Innovative and dynamic ► Connection of digital and real shopping experience “Shopping center must retain customer in the digital world not to lose them to the online trading in the real world.” Diehl, B. (2012), „Digitale und reale Centerwelten“, p. 22

9 Apps for Shopping Malls in Austria 1

10 Apps for Shopping Malls in Germany 1

11 Apps for Shopping Malls in Germany 2

12 Apps for Shopping Malls in Germany 3

13 Apps for Shopping Malls in Switzerland 1

14 Functions of Shopping Mall Apps 1 ► Center/Mall Maps ► Store/Shop-Finder ► Indoor-Mapping/Routing (with navigation functionalities) ► Additional Information (e.g. for foreign customers) ► News ► Couponing/Promotions ► Shopping-Lists

15 Functions of Shopping Mall Apps 2 ► Car Finder ► Administration of Gifts & Shopping Cards ► Integration of Social Media (e.g. Facebook) ► Gaming and entertainment ► In­App advertising ► Mall blog ► Additional tools like QR-reader

16 Offline Marketing as Support

17 Conclusions ► Usage of mobile devices will increase ► Important is the added value for the user ► Often “first mover” advantage ► Customers are getting younger and much more technically savvy ► Indoor mapping ► AR will become more important (navigation, promotion) ► Combination with Social Media ► Connecting digital and real shopping experience

18 Future research ► Survey of mall visitors to measure the acceptance of shopping mall apps eg. 004 Technologies USA (2013), „An Overview of the use of mobile apps by shopping malls in the United States”

19 Lexicon/Languages WordLens

20 INSTITUT FOR REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna Telephone +43 (1) 476 77-5820 Fax -5704 Veronika Lang Peter Sittler

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