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SHAZAM!!! Put a kick into health and physical education with technology Lauretta J.Burton Sandra Owen Mike Tenoschok April 2001 Produced by Ying Wang,GRA.

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Presentation on theme: "SHAZAM!!! Put a kick into health and physical education with technology Lauretta J.Burton Sandra Owen Mike Tenoschok April 2001 Produced by Ying Wang,GRA."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHAZAM!!! Put a kick into health and physical education with technology Lauretta J.Burton Sandra Owen Mike Tenoschok April 2001 Produced by Ying Wang,GRA

2 SHAZAM!!! A joint project of Cobb County Health/Physical Educators and the Department of Kinesiology and Health, Georgia State University Need: Since 1997, the Cobb County Board of Education has required 5 SDU credit hours in technology for certificate renewal. Need: Since 1997, the Cobb County Board of Education has required 5 SDU credit hours in technology for certificate renewal. Typically, these courses did not provide relevant health and physical education applications. Health and Physical Educators requested a 50 contact hours, 5 SDU credit hours technology course specific to health and physical education applications. Typically, these courses did not provide relevant health and physical education applications. Health and Physical Educators requested a 50 contact hours, 5 SDU credit hours technology course specific to health and physical education applications.

3 On-Line Course Description 32 hours interacting through a course discussion board, on-line assignments, and Web Quest writing; 12 hours in classroom/gym application; 6 hours in skill training. On-line course written by Sandra Owen Department of Kinesiology and Health Incorporates state, national, and international technology standards into health and physical education learning activities; Incorporates state, national, and international technology standards into health and physical education learning activities; Promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and reflection through “web-questing” by students and teachers; and Promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and reflection through “web-questing” by students and teachers; and Emphasizes technology-based communication Emphasizes technology-based communication

4 Middle/High School Health and Physical Education Technology Applications Process: 1. Instructor posted online HPE model Process: 1. Instructor posted online HPE model 2. Teachers developed and implemented field-based HPE applications, and 2. Teachers developed and implemented field-based HPE applications, and 3. Posted their reflections on a course discussion board. Teachers were encouraged to read each others’ reflections 3. Posted their reflections on a course discussion board. Teachers were encouraged to read each others’ reflections 4. Students posted reflections about the technology-based learning experience

5 Technology Applications for Health & Physical Education Learning Expedition (P.E. Example) The teacher directs students to to review various steps to meet a personal exercise goal. Upon selecting the goal, the student is asked to review the suggested strategies for the goal and develop a plan of action. Students are asked to team with a peer and communicate by e-mail celebrating successes and supporting each other during the difficult “behavior back slides.” Learning Expedition (P.E. Example) The teacher directs students to to review various steps to meet a personal exercise goal. Upon selecting the goal, the student is asked to review the suggested strategies for the goal and develop a plan of action. Students are asked to team with a peer and communicate by e-mail celebrating successes and supporting each other during the difficult “behavior back slides.” Teacher’s comment :”These websites correlated well with the Prudential Fitness test. Students learned to calculate resting heart rate, max heart rate, heart rate reserve, and training zone. Students worked well in pairs, helping each other to reach personal goals.” Teacher’s comment :”These websites correlated well with the Prudential Fitness test. Students learned to calculate resting heart rate, max heart rate, heart rate reserve, and training zone. Students worked well in pairs, helping each other to reach personal goals.”

6 Technology Applications for Health & Physical Education  Guided Co-Operative Questioning: Health Teacher reviews the five types of guided co-operative questions, has students pair-up, and directs students to alert/club drug alert.html Each student writes two guided co-operative questions to discuss with his/her partner. Each pair posts on the course discussion board new understandings about club drugs. alert/club drug alert.html alert/club drug alert.html  Teacher Comment :”I was pleasantly surprised by the students’ ability to write questions and their honesty during peer discussions and reflections.”  Student Comment : ”By reading the article on club drugs, we would not have learned as much as we did by asking each other questions on it, and answering them too.”

7 Assessment of Course Impact  Measured 9 learning environment variables, 6 learner variables, and 6 teacher competency variables.  Items were taken from the Seven Dimensional Analysis Model developed by the Milken Exchange.  Instrument reliability for this sample of 20 teachers was.88  One tailed, Paired t test, alpha.05, MES =1

8 Assessment of course impact Learner Variables  My students’ communication skills have been improved through the use of technology (t=2.89,.005, power=.97)  Technology has prompted insightful, complex questioning by my students (t=2.20,.025, power=.98)  Technology has improved my students’ ability to forecast results(t=2.15,.025, power=.98)  Technology has increased my students’ meaningful application of content (t=1.85,.05,power=.99)

9 Assessment of course impact Learning Environment Variables  Technology facilitates the use of a wide variety of instructional strategies designed to maximize learning and meet individual needs (t=3.08,.005, power=.97)  Teachers and students initiate communication with experts on a regular basis to find, test, and elaborate on knowledge areas (t=2.49,.025, power=.97)  Content supported by technology is carefully integrated with district curriculum and linked to local and state standards (t=2.16,.025, power=.98)

10 Assessment of course impact Teacher competency Variables  Technology has increased my opportunity to communicate and has improved my communication skills (t=2.39,.025, power=.99)  My use of technology has deepened my understanding of content ( t=2.07,.05, power=.99)

11 Future Plans  Add applications on “assistive technology”; “incorporating international, translated e-mail among schools ”; and “incorporating technology in a one computer classroom”.  Submit application to the state education department for technology SDU approval.  Submit application for technology college course credit approval.  Market the course to school districts.  Continue to develop and post web quest applications for teacher access.

12 WebQuest Defined: “ an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet…” “ an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet…”inquiry-oriented activity inquiry-oriented activity (Dodge,1995)

13 WebQuest Defined: Learners: Learners: –Obtain information from a variety of sources –Examine a body of knowledge –Reconstruct new information –Demonstrate understanding

14 WHERE DO WEBQUESTS FIT IN BLOOM'S TAXONOMY WHERE DO WEBQUESTS FIT IN BLOOM'S TAXONOMY “It is very important to be cognizant of Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain.” “It is very important to be cognizant of Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain.” Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy –(Lane, 2000)

15 The WebQuest Page

16 Components of a WebQuest Introduction Introduction Task Task Process Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion

17 WebQuest:The Introduction The IntroductionThe Introduction Purpose Purpose –Prepare and hook the reader –Provide background –Communicate the “Big Question” “Big Question”

18 WebQuest: Task WebQuest: Task Clear description of what the end result of the learner’s activities will be. Clear description of what the end result of the learner’s activities will be. Examples –Play –PowerPoint –HyperStudio –Verbal Presentation »Debate –Newspaper Account –Letter –Videotape Newscast

19 WebQuest: Process Process A description of clearly defined steps that learners should go through in completing the task A description of clearly defined steps that learners should go through in completing the task Can also provide learning advice Can also provide learning advice

20 WebQuest: Resources Resources A list of on-line resources which the instructor has located, ones that will help the learners accomplish the task. The resources are pre-selected by the teacher. A list of on-line resources which the instructor has located, ones that will help the learners accomplish the task. The resources are pre-selected by the teacher. Some resources may not be on the web. Some resources may not be on the web.

21 Resources Audioconference with an expert Audioconference with an expert Textbooks Textbooks Audiotapes Audiotapes Face-to-face interaction Face-to-face interaction Web Pages Web Pages E-Mail with expert Searchable databases

22 WebQuest: Evaluation A rubric that examines the different aspects of the student product. A rubric that examines the different aspects of the student product. Rubrics designed by the teacher are the most authentic assessments Rubrics designed by the teacher are the most authentic assessments

23 WebQuest: Conclusion Brings closure to the WebQuest Brings closure to the WebQuest Summarizes the project Summarizes the project Reviews what the students have learned Reviews what the students have learned Encourages reflection and exploration of the topic Encourages reflection and exploration of the topic Gain feedback from students Gain feedback from students

24 How to Begin The WebQuest Project should : The WebQuest Project should : –be tied to local, state or national curriculum standards; –replace a lesson that you are not totally satisfied with –make good use of the Web –require a degree of understanding that goes beyond comprehension


26 Example WebQuests Cobb County Health and Physical Education Technology Application Project Cobb County Health and Physical Education Technology Application Project Go to the ITCweb page Go to the ITCweb pageITC –

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