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R-1 Project Risk Management. R-2  Qualitative Risk Analysis  Quantitative Risk Analysis  Risk Response Planning  Sticky note technique  Risk matrix.

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Presentation on theme: "R-1 Project Risk Management. R-2  Qualitative Risk Analysis  Quantitative Risk Analysis  Risk Response Planning  Sticky note technique  Risk matrix."— Presentation transcript:

1 R-1 Project Risk Management

2 R-2  Qualitative Risk Analysis  Quantitative Risk Analysis  Risk Response Planning  Sticky note technique  Risk matrix template  FMEA template  Case exercise

3 R-3 Cause & Effect (“fishbone”) diagrams, Delphi method, Brainstorming, Nominal Group Brainstorming, Creativity, Idea Generation Methods, mind mapping student companion site, appendices, creativity & idea generation

4 R-4 Impact Probability Low Medium High

5 R-5 ThreatNameSeverity, SLikelihood,LAbilityToDetect, DRPN 167284 2854160 3485 432636 542756 Severity of the impact, S, 1=no effect, 10=very severe effect Likelihood of the threat occurring, L, 1=remote very unlikely, 10=almost certain Ability to Detect, D, 1=detectability is almost certain, 10=failure will not be detected in time to avoid or mitigate RPN=Risk Priority Number

6 R-6 We can also use other techniques (MC simulation, decision trees,...) to see possible effects of various time and cost estimates.

7 R-7 Avoid Transfer Mitigate Accept

8 Warehouse Software Implementation Project Divide into small groups Read about the project Develop a list of five (5) project threats or threat areas A – Construct a risk matrix B – Construct a FMEA table Discuss and explain. R-8

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