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Cell as a unit of life Cell theory (4) Types of cells Types and specialized of cell prokaryoteseukaryotes Plant cell Animal cell animal plant meristem.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell as a unit of life Cell theory (4) Types of cells Types and specialized of cell prokaryoteseukaryotes Plant cell Animal cell animal plant meristem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell as a unit of life Cell theory (4) Types of cells Types and specialized of cell prokaryoteseukaryotes Plant cell Animal cell animal plant meristem permanent ground tissue vascular - Nerve - Epithelial - Connective - Muscle differences

2 Biocatalysis Properties and mechanisms Properties of enzyme Mechanism of activation energy ! Activation energy models Lock and key 2 hypothesis Induce fit cofactors - Types of cofactors inhibition reversible irreversible competitive Non- competitive Enzyme classification

3 Gaseous exchange and its control animalplant Organ & structures alveolus haemoglobin Gas transportation Oxygen dissociation curve myoglobin Foetus & adult Bohr effect breathing stoma openclose 2 hypothesis 1.Sugar accumulation 2.K+ concentration O2 CO2

4 Mammalian heart & its control Structure Initiation factors affecting Cardiac cycle Heart beat Cardiovascular Diseases Hypertension Myocardial infarction arteriosclerosis Cardiac output Electrocardiogram

5 Homeostatic organ Liver Role Control of Blood glucose level Liver structure Homeostatic function Carbohydrate metabolism detoxification transamination deamination Formation of urea Ornithine/urea cycle kidney

6 Nervous system organization Basic unit : neuron Central nervous system components Peripheral nervous system somaticautonomic Symphatetic parasymphatetic Generation of action potential from resting stage Transmission of impulse synapse structuresmechanism

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