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Topic: Chemistry Aim: Explain how elements are classified in the Periodic Table of Elements. Do Now:

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Chemistry Aim: Explain how elements are classified in the Periodic Table of Elements. Do Now:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Chemistry Aim: Explain how elements are classified in the Periodic Table of Elements. Do Now: HW: Other side of homework ditto.



4 Periodic Table of Elements
System of grouping all of the known elements and to predict the properties of elements

5 Element Key

6 Atomic number: # of protons
Never changes Same as # of electrons (in a neutral atom) Different for each element


8 Element Key

9 Mass number: protons + neutrons
Round up the atomic mass


11 How can we determine the # of neutrons?
Mass # - Atomic # 197-79 = 118 neurons

12 How many protons? How many electrons? How many neutrons? 2 2 2 4-2 =



15 How are elements arranged?
In order of increasing atomic number

16 Columns Families or Groups Elements have similar BUT NOT identical properties

17 Ex: Family 1 (Alkali metals):
are all soft, white, shiny metals highly reactive

18 Ex: Family 2 (Alkaline Earth Metals)
are less reactive than alkali metals highly reactive are shiny

19 Ex: Family 13 (Boron Family):
are all soft and metallic

20 Rows Periods (7 of them) Elements are not alike in properties
Left to right  atomic # increases

21 4 main categories of PT

22 1. Metals: 88 elements to left of zigzag line (metals or metal-like elements)





27 (Chemistry Castle Learning due on Monday!)
Topic: Chemistry Aim: Explain how elements are classified in the Periodic Table of Elements. Do Now: HW: Color the nonmetals, metalloids and noble gases on your periodic table different colors. (Chemistry Castle Learning due on Monday!) Determine the: # of protons # of electrons # of neutrons



30 2. Nonmetals: to right of zigzag line


32 Sulfur

33 3. Metalloids: have properties of both metals and nonmetals


35 4. Noble Gases (inert gases)
Group 18 (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn)

36 Noble gases glow brightly when an electric charge is passed through them, and so are used as advertising signs: neon tubes glow red, xenon blue, and krypton bluish-white; argon tubes glow pale red at low pressures, blue at high pressures.

37 Let’s summarize… Explain how the periodic table of elements is arranged. What are the various pieces of information that can be found in an element key? Describe the location of metals, nonmetals, metalloids and noble gases on the periodic table.

38 Review: Elements in the periodic table are arranged by atomic number atomic weight number of neutrons chemical reactivity

39 2. Which of these things will you NOT find in the periodic table?
Element symbol Atomic weight Atomic orbital radius Atomic number

40 3. Elements at the left of the periodic table are known as
Nonmetals Metals Noble Gases Metalloids

41 4. Elements at the right of the periodic table are known as
Nonmetals Metals Noble Gases Metalloids

42 5. Which element is a metalloid?
S (Sulfur) Si (Silicon) Ba (Barium) Br (Bromine)


44 5. Volume is the amount of matter in an object the amount of space an object takes up. the gravitational pull on an object. an object's resistance to a change in motion.

45 3. A millimeter is equal to a. 0.1m b. 0.01m c. 0.001m d. 0.0001m

46 6. A liter of water contains
1000 mL. b. 100 mL. c. 10 mL. d. 1 mL






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