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Make a list of evidence that God is real.
Reflection question Make a list of evidence that God is real. Make a list of evidence that God is not real.
WE Believe Part one The Apostles creed
What is The apostles creed
Faith brings about 3 aspects of the Catholic faith What we believe How we worship and pray How we live in response to our beliefs “the What” can be found in the Creeds Nicene – said every during every Mass Apostles – professed personally at Baptism and the beginning of the Rosary Creed From the Latin word “credo” – mean “I believe” Have the students discuss their personal I believe statements from the other day.
I believe in God, the father almighty…
It is simple, short and prayerful Highlights essential Christian doctrine of the Blessed Trinity by proclaiming faith in: The first Divine Person (the almighty and eternal God the Father) and the work of creations The second Divine Person (Jesus Christ, God-made-man) and his work of redemption The third Divine Person (the Holy Spirit), who is the origin and source of sanctification that comes to us through Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church (CCC 190)
vocabulary definitions
A person who denies the existence of God
atheist A person who denies the existence of God
Religions that believe that there is only one God.
monotheistic Religions that believe that there is only one God. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are three great monotheistic world religions Mono – one – Greek Theos – God - Greek
Religions that believe in multiple gods and goddesses.
polytheistic Religions that believe in multiple gods and goddesses. The ancient Greeks and Romans were polytheistic, as is the Hindu faith.
Deism The belief that God did create the universe but that he takes no further interest
People who claim that God’s existence cannot be known
agnostics People who claim that God’s existence cannot be known
transcendence A trait of God that refers to God’s total otherness and being infinitely beyond and independent of creations
immanence A trait of God that refers to God’s intimate union with and total presence to his creation
Doctor of the church A church writer of great learning and holiness whose works the Church has highly recommended for studying and living the faith
covenant The open-ended contract of love between God and human beings. Jesus’ Death and Resurrection sealed God’s new covenant of love for all time. Testament = covenant
The inspired word of God; the written record of revelation
Bible The inspired word of God; the written record of revelation
Sacred tradition The living transmission of the Church's Gospel message found in the Church’s teaching, life, and worship. It is faithfully preserved, handed on, and interpreted by the Church’s Magisterium.
A central truth of Revelation that Catholics are obligated to believe.
dogma A central truth of Revelation that Catholics are obligated to believe.
yahweh The sacred Hebrew name for God that means “I am who am”, “I am”, or “I am who I am”
Blessed Trinity The central dogma of the Christian faith that there are three Divine Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – in one God
Claim that the world can operate without any recourse to God.
Secular humanism Claim that the world can operate without any recourse to God.
abba An Aramaic term of endearment meaning “daddy”. Jesus used this word to teach that God is a loving Father.
omnipresent God is everywhere
omnipotence God is mighty, power is unlimited, but loving, merciful, and gracious power
Divine Providence God’s loving and watchful guidance over his creatures on their way to their final goal and perfection
Original Sin The fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born. Christ Jesus came to save us from Original Sin
Original Holiness and Justice
The state of man and women before sin. “From their friendship with God flowed the existence in paradise” (CCC,284).
concupiscence An inclination to commit sin that can be found in human desires and appetites as a result of Original Sin
Who are your brothers and sisters?
Reflection question Who are your brothers and sisters? How can you treat them so that they feel your love and support?
How we will study the creed
Chap 1 – I believe in God the Father, almighty maker of Heaven and earth Chap 2 - I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day, He rose again. He ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. Chap 3 – I believe in the Holy Spirit Chap 4 – the holy catholic Church Chap 5 – the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen
Who is God? Who Is God Question 1 What is God Like?
Take out you God: real or not reflection What is some of your evidence that God is real? What is some of your evidence that God is not real? God Statements activities
In your text book, Read pages 17-21
Reading assignment In your text book, Read pages 17-21 Answer questions 3 – 18 from your Directed Reading Worksheet Chapter 1 packet.
Intellectual Proofs for God’s existence
Beliefs about god Intellectual Proofs for God’s existence
I believe: The sun is shinning today The square root of 529 is 23
My mother loves me I am a good listener Honesty is the best policy Scientist will find a cure for cancer What are some ways the above statements can be proven? Which of these beliefs are reasonable, even though they can not be “proved” through the use of our senses or intellect?
assignment Read pages 23-24 The Prophet Moses
Download “The Prophet Moses” from share point Start in class, complete for home work Submit next class via Bring color pencils/crayons to next class
Intellectual proofs for God’s existence
Saint Thomas Aquinas ( ) provides five “proofs” for the existence of God
The unmoved mover There is motion in the world (neutrons, electrons, protons and atoms) Whatever is in motion had to moved by something else Think back to the beginning of time; Who do you think was the First Mover?
First Cause Nothing causes itself
A painting comes from an artist, how comes from her parents. Where do the parents come from? And those parents? All the way to beginning, we must conclude that there was a First Cause or Uncaused Cause that was eternal This Being we call God Even today, one must question where the primeval matter for the Big Bang Theory came from Only logical answer is a Divine Being, who made it
Everything comes from something
“Nothing” can not create something We can conclude there must be one necessary, eternal Being (God) that who always was and brought others into existence
Supreme models Persons and things in this world have different degrees of qualities Goodness, growth, beauty and justice Can only speak of different degrees of qualities by comparing them to a Supreme Model or reference points God is the perfect model of goodness, truth and beauty
Grand Designer There is beauty, immensity, symmetry and power in our world that forces us to conclude that forces us to conclude that there is a Grand Designer made it all Spider spinning web A beaver building a dam These realities suggest that a God who implanted laws into the universe to make it work right
Which Proof of God’s existence do you find most compelling? Why?
Heartfelt proofs for God’s existence
“The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God for God” CCC,27
4 heartfelt Proofs for God’s existence
An unquenchable thirst for joy and happiness All want to be happy An experience of beauty and truth Much of the beauty and truth of Heaven can be found on Earth A sense of personal conscience, moral goodness and justice God’s voice teaching to do good Love love comes from love itself, God
directions Come in quietly Bags on floor - Laptops out
New word doc titles: My qualities for perfect model of faith Submit via Prayer Review answers to Moses Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
What qualities do you need to be consider a perfect model of faith?
Reflection What qualities do you need to be consider a perfect model of faith?
Divine revelation
Revelation God reveals himself in many ways Divine Revelation
Free gift of God’s self-communication by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan Scripture and Sacred Tradition are two ways that God’s Revelation is shared Traditions – Revelation (teachings and practices of the faith) and the process of handing on the faith trough oral tradition and written tradition Living communication of the word , brought about by the Holy Spirit
Oral Tradition Sacred Scripture, as we know it now, in fact is a written record of the Church’s earliest Traditions Originally was the spoken stories told After Jesus’ Death, the Apostles began to share the stories remembered about Jesus As the Apostles began to Jesus message, letters were written to support the new Christian communities 100 years after Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, the Gospels began to be written based on the stories that had been handed down by oral tradition
Covenant Work Covenant – a special agreement between God and his people in which God promises Examples of Covenants with God Genesis 8:20-22; 9:1, 7-17 Genesis 17:1-22 Exodus 19:3-8
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