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Unit Essential Questions  What was the role of geography is Rome’s expansion and fall?  How did Rome’s military affect its society and government? 

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2 Unit Essential Questions  What was the role of geography is Rome’s expansion and fall?  How did Rome’s military affect its society and government?  What was the influence of various religions in the history Ancient Rome?  Where did Rome go wrong?

3 Unit Objectives  The student will analyze the significance of geography in Rome’s expansion and later fall.  The student will evaluate the lasting influence of Roman politics, society, and culture in Western history.  The student will analyze the evolution of Rome’s government from its independence from Etruscan rule to its fall to Germanic tribes.  The students will explain the significance of the advent of Christianity on the Roman Empire.

4 Romulus & Remus

5 Livy, The Story of Romulus and Remus “But it came to pass that Rhea bare twin sons, whose father, it was said, was the god Mars. Very wroth was Amulius when he heard this thing; Rhea he made fast in prison, and the children he gave to certain of the servants that they should cast them into the river. Now it chanced that at this season _______ had overflowed his banks...nevertheless [the servants] did not doubt that the children would perish,... But after a while the flood abated, and left the basket wherein the children had been laid on dry ground. And a she-wolf, coming down from the hill to drink at the river...heard the crying of the children and ran to them. Nor did she devour them, but gave them suck [and] she licked them with her tongue.” 1 1 Tiber

6 The She-Wolf Lupa

7 More Likely History ca. 753 BCE, a group known as the Latins moved into central Italy and built villages along the Tiber River (where do you think this group came from?)

8 Rome, con’t by 620 BCE, the Etruscans from N. Italy conquered the Latins and Rome prospered 509 BCE, the Latins (i.e. Romans) revolted against the Etruscans and founded the Republic

9 Roman Geography  What do you think were the advantages of the location of the city of Rome?  The city itself?  Italian Peninsula?  Alps?  Apennines?  Mediterranean Sea?  Advantages  City: Centrally located in the Mediterranean Basin and distant from eastern Mediterranean powers  Italian Peninsula: good soil, mild-moist climate, rocky shores  Alps: separated Italy from Europe  Apennines: made East-West travel in Italy difficult  Med. Sea: sea trade

10 Roman Social Groups  Under the Etruscans, one group of Latins prospered  These people were the patricians  They were wealthy and aristocratic landowners  The other major class in Roman society were the plebeians, and included  Wealthy, non-aristocratic townspeople and landowners  Merchants, shopkeepers, small farmers, laborers  Both patricians and plebeians were citizens  But only patricians could be elected to office

11 Features of Roman democracy  Representative Democracy  Assemblies  Senate  Consuls  Tribunes (represented Plebeians)  Class conflict  Twelve Tables  Legal Code  Written down to increase fair enforcement of Laws. Dictator (temporarily appointed in times of crisis) Legislative Branch: Senate (Patrician) Assemblies (Patrician) Tribunes (Plebian) Executive Branch: Consuls (elected) Other officials (judges, tax record keepers)

12 Sources Livy. Stories from Livy. Trans. Alfred John Church. N.p.: Amazon Digital Services, 2012. Kindle. Lupa image part of a series of 12 installed along the Tiber in 2005. Siena Cathedral was completed in the 13th century. "Founding the Roman Republic." World History: The Human Journey. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2003. 148-79. Print. “Features of Roman Democracy” slide created by Katie McCall

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