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COOKING ADVENTURE -- Chinese Cuisine Major Studio Interactive Fengyu Hao 03/11/2008.

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Presentation on theme: "COOKING ADVENTURE -- Chinese Cuisine Major Studio Interactive Fengyu Hao 03/11/2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 COOKING ADVENTURE -- Chinese Cuisine Major Studio Interactive Fengyu Hao 03/11/2008

2 BASIC INFORMATION It is a cooking game. It introduces Chinese food and its culture It creates a simulation of environment It provides a new experience of learning. Target audience is any one who are interested in cooking Chinese food.

3 QUOTE …”situated cognition” (I.e., thinking as tied to a body that has experiences in the world)… human learning is not just a matter of what goes on inside people’s heads but is fully embedded in (situated within) a material, social, and cultural world. --What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy.(James Paul Gee)

4 RESEARCH GAME Simulation game can proved an virtual environment for players. Real lves : Sim :

5 RESEARCH GAME Cooking games. What do they count to evaluate players. Cooking mama :

6 RESEARCH GAME Cooking games. What do they count to evaluate players. Cooking games :

7 RESEARCH GAME Cooking games. What do they count to evaluate players. Cooking games :

8 RESEARCH Chinese regional cooking : Cooking regions

9 RESEARCH Food culture Traditional festivals and food.

10 SETTING OF THE GAME Time: in ancient time Place: running all over China Rough story: The player has dinner in an old Chinese restaurant. When he opens his fortune cookies, he is brought to another world -- ancient China. In order to go back home, he has to cook a gorgeous Chinese meal to earn the permit. He needs not only cooking skills but also different kitchen wares for this meal. So he travels across the whole country to learn Chinese cuisine, and by winning cooking competitions, he collects kitchen wares. Another idea is -- no narrative story for the game.

11 GAME STRUCTURE Cooking region as different levels Festivals as special events location time

12 Technology NDS or Wii Taking advantage of motion censor to produce a realistic experience. or

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