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5.2. Groups of the Periodic Table  Groups – share similar properties  Periods – similar e- configs  Group 1 – Alkali Metals – ns 1  Most reactive.

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1 5.2

2 Groups of the Periodic Table  Groups – share similar properties  Periods – similar e- configs  Group 1 – Alkali Metals – ns 1  Most reactive metals  Silvery soft metal  Must be stored under oil or kerosene b/c so reactive with water

3 Groups of the Periodic Table  Group 2 – Alkaline-Earth Metals – ns 2  Harder, denser and stronger than gr. 1  Less reactive than gr. 1  Higher melting points than gr. 1  Hydrogen – group of it’s own  Properties are not like gr. 1

4 Groups of the Periodic Table  Transition Elements – d block elements  Irregularities in some e-configs  Good conductors of electricity  High luster, less reactive than gr. 1 & 2

5 Main Group Elements  MGE – s and p blocks  For p block, properties differ greatly – some metals, metalloids, and some nonmetals  Group 17 – Halogens-ns 2 and np 5  Most reactive nonmetal  React with Gr. 1 & 2 to form salts

6 F block  Lanthanides – Ce to Lu  Reactivity similar to Gr. 2  Actinides – Th to Lr  All radioactive

7 Review  Please complete the section review on page 149 and do numbers 1-6 for homework

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