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© 2006 Prentice Hall2-1 Chapter 2 Managing Interdependence – Social Responsibility and Ethics.

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1 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-1 Chapter 2 Managing Interdependence – Social Responsibility and Ethics

2 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-2 Social Responsibility Includes the expectation that corporations concern themselves with the social and economic effects of their decisions The only responsibility of a business is to make a profit Business should anticipate and try to solve problems in society The two extreme opinions related to social responsibility – Domestic firms

3 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-3 Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations More complex than domestic firms due to the complex issues related to global business –Economic development –Cultural issues –Additional stakeholdersstakeholders –Legal issues

4 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-4 Social Responsibility – Integrated Approach Organizations agree what should constitute moral and ethical behavior Emerging because of the development of a global corporate culture –Result of socioeconomic interdependencesocioeconomic interdependence

5 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-5 Social Responsibility – Integrated Approach Provide a basis of judgment regarding decisions and situations –Moral Universalism Unlikely to become a reality –EthnocentricEthnocentric –RelativismRelativism

6 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-6 Human Rights What constitutes ‘human rights’? –Perceptions of people –Priorities of people US may say wages, education, freedom Other countries may say safety and shelter

7 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-7 Codes of Conduct SA 8000’s Proposed Global Standards –Do not use child or forced labor –Provide a safe working environment –Respect workers’ rights to unionize –Do not regularly require more than 48-hour work weeks –Pay wages sufficient to meet worker’s basic needs

8 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-8 Ethics in Global Management Globalization has multiplied the ethical problems facing organizations Business ethics have not yet globalized Difficult to reconcile consistent and acceptable behavior around the world

9 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-9 Ethics in Global Management The term international business ethics refers to the business conduct or morals of MNCs in their relationships with individuals and entities –Based on the cultural value system –Based on generally accepted ways of doing business in each country or society Exhibit 2-3

10 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-10 Ethics in Global Management Approaching ethical dilemmas varies among MNC’s –American approach is based upon general rules –Japan and Europe make decisions on shared values, social ties, and perception of their obligation 2002 Corruption Perceptions Index

11 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-11 Limits of Ethical Standards for International Activities “The laws of economically developed countries generally define the lowest common denominator of acceptable behavior for operations in those domestic markets. In an underdeveloped country or a developing country, it would be the actual degree of enforcement of the law that would, in practice, determine the lower limits of permissible behavior.” Laczniak and Naor

12 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-12 Questionable payments This is a specific ethical issue for managers in the international arena payments in question are political payments, extortion, bribes, sales commissions, or “grease money” – payments to expedite routine transactions Also called: tokens of appreciation, ‘la mordida’, ‘bastarella’, and ‘pot-de-vin’

13 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-13 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), enacted in 1977, prohibits U.S. companies from making illegal payments or other gifts or political contributions to foreign government officials for the purposes of influencing them in business transactions.

14 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-14 Three Tests of Ethical Corporate Actions Is it legal? Does it work (in the long run)? Can it be talked about?

15 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-15 Ethical Behavior and Social Responsibility Guidelines Developed by MNCs Develop worldwide codes of ethics Consider ethical issues in strategy development Given major, unsolvable, ethical problems, consider withdrawal from the problem market Develop periodic “ethical impact” statements

16 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-16 Making the Right Decision How is a manager operating abroad to know what is the “right” decision when faced with questionable or unfamiliar circumstances of doing business? Here is a suggested sequence: –Consult the laws of both the home and the host countries –Consult the International Codes of Conduct for MNEs (as shown in text Exhibit 2-2) –Consult the company’s code of ethics –Consult your superiors –Use your own moral code of ethics –Follow your own conscience

17 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-17 Managing Interdependence Because multinational firms represent global interdependency managers must recognize that what they do has long-term implications for the socioeconomic interdependence of nations

18 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-18 Foreign Subsidiaries in the US Number of foreign subsidiaries in the US has grown dramatically FDI in the US is in many cases far more than US investment outward One different aspect of management in the US is corporate social responsibility

19 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-19 Host-Country Interdependence International managers must go beyond general issues of social responsibility and deal with specific concerns of the MNC subsidiary Focus should be interdependence rather than independence Focus should be cooperation rather than confrontation Benefits and costs to host countries

20 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-20 Criticisms of MNC Subsidiary Activities MNCs raise their needed capital locally, contributing to a rise in interest rates in host countries. The majority (sometimes even 100 percent) of the stock of most subsidiaries is owned by the parent company. Consequently, host-country people do not have much control over the operations of corporations within their borders.

21 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-21 Criticisms of MNC Subsidiary Activities (contd.) MNCs usually reserve the key managerial and technical positions for expatriates. As a result, they do not contribute to the development of host- country personnel. MNCs do not adapt their technology to the conditions that exist in host countries. MNCs concentrate their R&D activities at home, restricting the transfer of modern technology and know-how to host countries.

22 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-22 Criticisms of MNC Subsidiary Activities (contd.) MNCs give rise to the demand for luxury goods in host countries at the expense of essential consumer goods. MNCs start their foreign operations by purchasing existing firms rather than developing new productive facilities in host countries. MNCs dominate major industrial sectors, thus contributing to inflation by stimulating demand for scarce resources and earning excessively high profits and fees. MNCs are not accountable to their host nations but only respond to home-country governments; they are not concerned with host-country plans for development.

23 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-23 Recommendations for MNCs Operating in Developing Countries (Suggested by De George) Do no international harm. This includes respect for the integrity of the ecosystem and consumer safety. Produce more good than harm for the host country. Contribute by their activity to the host country’s development. Respect the human rights of their employees. To the extent that local culture does not violate ethical norms, MNCs should respect the local culture and work with and not against it. Pay their fair share of taxes. Cooperate with the local government in developing and enforcing just background (infrastructure) institutions (i.e. laws, governmental regulations, unions, consumer groups) which serve as a means of social control.

24 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-24 Comparative Management in Focus NAFTA –Brought together three largely different economies –Promised that it would create millions of jobs –Promised that it would curb illegal immigration –Promised that it would raise living standards

25 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-25 Comparative Management in Focus NAFTA – United States –Overall has enjoyed a growth in exports –Companies have moved to Mexico for cheaper labor –Increased unemployment in many areas NAFTA – Mexico –Promised to close wage gaps and lower illegal immigration –Gap in wages has increased –Companies are moving to China for lower wages

26 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-26 Comparative Management in Focus NAFTA – Canada –Has had mixed results –Businesses are more export-oriented –Created 500,000 new jobs last year We went from a Canadian company with a 30 million population market to a 300 million market. We do not treat the boarder as a boarder. - John Scarsella President and CEO Durham Furniture

27 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-27 Managing Environmental Interdependence “Now that mankind is in the process of completing the colonization of the planet, learning to manage it intelligently is an urgent imperative. [People] must accept responsibility for the stewardship of the earth. The word stewardship implies, of course, management for the sake of someone else…As we enter the global phase of human evolution, it becomes obvious that each [person] has two countries, his [or her] own and the planet earth.” – Ward and Dubois

28 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-28 Managing Environmental Interdependence Handling exporting of hazardous waste Exporting pesticides Looking for alternative raw materials Developing new methods of recycling Expanding the use of byproducts

29 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-29 Looking Ahead Chapter 3 Understanding the Role of Culture –Culture and Its Effects on Organizations –Cultural Variables –Cultural Value Dimensions –Developing Cultural Profiles –Culture and Management Styles

30 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-30 MNC Stake Holders Return

31 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-31 Socioeconomic Interdependence The world is linked through –Securities markets –Communication Networks –Subsidiaries Return

32 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-32 Ethnocentric vs. Relativism Ethnocentric –Company applies the morality used in its home country – regardless of the host country’s system of ethics Relativism –Company adopts the local moral code in whatever country it is operating – companies run into value conflicts with this approach Return

33 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-33 A Moral Philosophy Model of Cross- Cultural Societal Ethics Return

34 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-34 2002 Corruption Perceptions Index Return

35 © 2006 Prentice Hall2-35 MNC Benefits and Costs to Host Countries Return

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