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Identifying Information Sources UDSM Library. How Information is Generated By government. The government generates information through:  Procedures 

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying Information Sources UDSM Library. How Information is Generated By government. The government generates information through:  Procedures "— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying Information Sources UDSM Library

2 How Information is Generated By government. The government generates information through:  Procedures  Judicial  Legislative  Treaties  Reports etc. By academic institutions  Faculties and departments (reports, procedures etc),  academic research in departments/faculties  students theses and dissertations etc.

3 How Information is Generated Private sectors  Commercial newspapers, magazine and book publishers  the film and television industry  corporate laboratories, business research etc.

4 Why should you know about how information is generated?: Knowing how information is generated will determine where to go to locate and access information Knowing how information is generated will determine how you would evaluate information and sources

5 Primary & Secondary Sources Primary sources  Person  Interview  E-Mail contact  Event  Discussion  Debate  Community Meeting  Survey  Artefact  Observation of object (animate and inanimate) etc. Secondary sources  Reference Materials  Books  CD Rom  Encyclopaedias  Journals  Magazines  Newspapers  Video Tapes  TV  www etc

6 Web-Based Information landscapes There are various landscapes of information in the world. These include: Search Engines  Scirus  Google  Yahoo etc Information gateways (Subject Portals)  TZ Online  Pinakes etc

7 Web-Based Information landscapes Web Applications  Blogs  YouTube  Wikipedia  Delicious etc Online Databases  Indexes (LISA, MEDLINE, ERIC etc.)  Full Text (Emerald, Ebsco Host, Agora, Blackwell Publishing etc.)

8 Search Engines Three main types:  keyword searching tools, e.g. Google, AltaVista, All the Web  web directories/portals, e.g. Lycos, Yahoo Yahoo for example, organise information by subject categories  meta-search/multi-search engines, e.g. Dogpile  Most have huge databases of web resources, created by automated robots  But there are differences between most search engines - experience can help in choosing which to use

9 Search Engines You can use Search Engines for:  Finding lots of information  Getting a feel for what is out there  Doing a fairly specific search  Searching for organisations, people, pictures etc  Doing quick and extensive searches

10 Search Engines Search engines do the following:  While searching, some search engines can suggest for spellings  Search engines find websites by trying to match the words contained in the search box  Most search engines list sites found by ranking their relevance to the search

11 Comparisons of Sources Those with high authority  Books  Journals  Magazines  Newspapers  Reports Those with low authority  www  E-mail  Newsgroups  Other informal sources (such as individuals etc)

12 Summary In this session, you have been able to:  understand how information is generated  understand the difference between primary and secondary sources of information  examine various web resources  identify sources with higher and lower authority

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