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Unemployment, and Inflation
Economic Fluctuations
and the Labor Market
4 Labor Market Classifications
1. Employed – a person (16 years old or over) who is working for pay at least one hour per week, self employed, or, working 15 hours or more each week without pay in a family-operated enterprise. 2. Unemployed – a person not currently employed who is either actively seeking a job, or, waiting to begin or return to a job. 3. Civilian Labor force – civilians (16 years and older) who are either employed or unemployed. 4. Not in the labor force – persons (16 years and older) who are neither employed nor unemployed (like retirees, students, homemakers, or disabled persons). 4 Labor Market Classifications
The Employment Status of the Civilian Working-Age Population, September 2011
Labor Force Participation Rate
Economic Fluctuations and the Labor Market The non-institutional civilian adult population is grouped into two broad categories: Persons not in the labor force, and, persons in the labor force. Labor Force Participation Rate = # in the Labor Force Civilian population (16+) Employed + Unemployed Recall the Labor Force =
Economic Fluctuations and the Labor Market
To be classified as unemployed, one must either be on layoff or actively seeking work. Rate of Unemployment = # Unemployed # in the Labor Force
Employment / Population Ratio
Unemployment and Measurement Problems The definition of unemployed involves some subjectivity. Some argue the employment/population ratio is a better indicator of job availability than the unemployment rate. Employment / Population Ratio = # employed Civilian population (16+)
The Official Unemployment Rate and a Broad Measure of the Unemployment Rate, 1994–2011
The red line shows the usual measure of the unemployment rate. The blue line shows what it would be if the BLS had counted as unemployed all people who were available for work but not actively looking for jobs and all people who were in part-time jobs but wanted full-time jobs. The difference between the measures was particularly large during the 2007–2009 recession and the weak recovery that followed. Shaded areas indicate months of recession.
Trends in the Labor Force: Participation Rates of Adult Men and Women since 1948
The labor force participation rate of adult men has declined gradually since 1948, but it has increased significantly for adult women, making the overall rate higher today than it was then.
Labor Force Participation Rate of Men and Women: 1948-2003
During the same period the rate of men has been falling. Labor Force Participation Rate of Men and Women 87 % 83% 78 % 76 % 74 % 58 % 59 % 46 % 38 % 33 % 1948 1960 1975 1990 2006 1948 1960 1975 1990 2006 ––––––– Men ––––––– –––––– Women –––––– Source: The labor force participation rate of women has been steadily increasing for several decades.
Little difference in the rate of unemployment between men and women.
4/20/2017 The Unemployment Rate By Age and Gender: 2006 Unemployment Rate, 2006 16.9 % 13.8 % 8.7 % 7.6 % 4.6 % 4.6 % 4.6 % 3.5 % 3.7 % 25+ 16-19 20-24 –– Men aged –– All men All workers All women –– Women aged –– 25+ 16-19 20-24 Source: Little difference in the rate of unemployment between men and women. Rate for persons under age 25 is much higher than for both
Unemployment Rates for Different Groups in the US September 2011
The unemployment rate of African Americans is the highest of the four ethnic groups shown, while the unemployment rate of Asians is the lowest. High school dropouts have an unemployment rate that is triple the unemployment rate for college graduates.
Classify each of the following as (a) employed,
(b) unemployed, or (c) not in the labor force: a. a person who is not working but applied for a job at Wal-Mart last week b. a person working part-time who is searching diligently for a full-time job c. an auto worker vacationing in Florida during a layoff at a General Motors plant who expects to be recalled in a couple of weeks d. a 17-year-old who works six hours per week as a route person for the local newspaper e. homemaker working 70 hours a week preparing meals and performing other household services f. a college student who spends between 50 and 60 hours per week attending classes and studying g. a retired Social Security recipient
How Long Are People Typically Unemployed?
During the Great Depression of the 1930s, some people were unemployed for years at a time. In April 2007—a period of economic expansion—82 percent of the people who were unemployed had been unemployed for less than six months. In September 2011, only 55 percent of the unemployed had been jobless for less than six months. The average period of unemployment was only 17 weeks in April 2007 but was 41 weeks in September 2011. A sharp break from the normal U.S. experience.
How Unusual Was the Unemployment Situation Following the 2007–2009 Recession?
The average period of unemployment was twice as high following the 2007–2009 recession as following any other recession since the end of WWII.
How Unusual Was the Unemployment Situation Following the 2007–2009 Recession?
The fall of the employment–population ratio may give an even better indication of how weak the U.S. labor market was during and after the 2007–2009 recession.
Number of Establishments
Job Creation and Job Destruction over Time When the BLS announces each month the increases or decreases in the number of persons employed and unemployed, these are net figures. The change in the number of persons employed is equal to the total number of jobs created minus the number of jobs eliminated. Establishments Creating and Eliminating Jobs, September-December 2010 Number of Establishments Number of Jobs Establishments Creating Jobs Existing establishments 1,447,000 5,609,000 New establishments 382,000 1,345,000 Establishments Eliminating Jobs 1,418,000 5,162,000 Closing establishments 352,000 1,229,000
Frictional 2. Structural 3. Cyclical 4. Seasonal Types of Unemployment
between jobs Short-term unemployment that arises from the process of matching workers with jobs. 2. Structural job replaced Unemployment that arises from a persistent mismatch between the skills and attributes of workers and the requirements of jobs. 3. Cyclical less business Unemployment caused by a business cycle recession. 4. Seasonal temporary job refers to unemployment due to factors such as weather, variations in tourism, and other calendar-related events.
Unemployment that arises from a persistent mismatch between the skills and attributes of workers and the requirements of jobs. Unemployment caused by a business cycle recession. Full Employment When the only remaining unemployment is structural and frictional unemployment, the economy is said to be at full employment. Natural rate of unemployment The normal rate of unemployment, consisting of frictional unemployment plus structural unemployment. The natural rate of unemployment is also sometimes called the full-employment rate of unemployment.
Deals with which type? Frictional? 2. Structural? 3. Cyclical?
Full Employment Deals with which type? Frictional? 2. Structural? 3. Cyclical? When the only remaining unemployment is structural and frictional unemployment, the economy is said to be at full employment.
The Natural Rate of Unemployment
At full employment there will still be some: Frictional 2. Structural but no Cyclical
The Natural Rate of Unemployment
actual unemployment may only get as low as 4 – 5 %
The Annual Unemployment Rate in the US, 1950–2010
The unemployment rate rises during recessions and falls during expansion. Shaded areas indicate recessions.
Which type? a. Frictional b. Structural d. Not Unemployed c. Cyclical
1. A student who decides at mid-semester to devote the rest of the term to studying quits her part-time job 2. A graphic artist who is out of work because a computer now does her job. 3. A waiter who quits his job and is applying for the same type of work in a restaurant where morale is better. d. Not Unemployed c. Cyclical
Which type? a. Frictional b. Structural d. Not Unemployed c. Cyclical
4. The son of a local farmer who works 20-hour weeks without pay on the farm while waiting for a job at a nearby factory. 5. A travel agent who is laid off because the economy is in a slump and vacation travel is at a minimum. 6. A plumber who works 5 hours per week for his church (on a paid basis) until he can get a full-time job d. Not Unemployed c. Cyclical
The Business Cycle Cycles are irregular
Share of labor force unemployed Actual rate of unemployment 10 8 6 Natural rate of unemployment 4 2008 2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Ups and downs characterize business activity. There has been an upward trend in real GDP in the United States and other industrial nations.
Average Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Across Economies Recently, the unemployment rate in the U.S. and Japan has been lower than in major European economies. Higher unemployment benefits, less flexible bargaining, and more regulated labor markets of Europe explain this. Average Unemployment Rate ( ) Spain 19.9 % France 11.2 % Italy 10.6 % U.K. 8.2 % Germany 7.5 % U.S. 5.8 % Japan 3.1 % Source: Economic Outlook, OECD (Dec. 2000).
Unemployment Across Economies
Average Unemployment Rate ( ) Average Unemployment Rate ( ) Spain Spain 14.6 % 19.9 % France France 11.2 % 10.6 % Italy Italy 10.6 % 10.5 % U.K. U.K. 8.2 % 8.6 % Germany Germany 7.5 % 6.5 % U.S. U.S. 5.8 % 5.1 % Japan Japan 3.1 % 4.2 % Source: Economic Outlook, OECD (Dec. 2000). Source: Economic Outlook, OECD (June 2004).
Average Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Across Economies Average Unemployment Rate ( ) Spain 11.6 % Italy 9.7 % France 9.2 % Germany 8.5 % U.K. 5.4 % U.S. 4.9 % Japan 4.6 % Source: Economic Outlook, OECD (June 2007). U.S. and Japan lower than major European economies. Higher unemployment benefits, less flexible collective bargaining, and more regulated labor markets in Europe.
Actual and Potential GDP
Potential output : Maximum sustainable output level consistent with the economy’s resources, (on the production possibilities curve.) Actual and potential output will be equal when the economy is at full employment.
Historically Speaking
Here we illustrate both actual and potential GDP. Real GDP (billions of 2000 $) 12,000 2001 recession Potential GDP 10,000 recession 8,000 Actual GDP 6,000 1960 recession 1982 recession 1980 recession 4,000 recession 1970 recession 2,000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Note the gap (shaded area) between actual and potential GDP during periods of recession. Historically Speaking
Inflation is an increase in the general level of prices.
The Rate of Inflation is calculated as: Inflation rate = Last year’s price index This year’s price index Last year’s price index - * 100 What is Inflation?
The Inflation Rate, Inflation rate average inflation rate = 9.2 % 15 average inflation rate = 3.1 % average inflation rate = 1.6 % 10 5 1956 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Between 1956 and 1965, the general price level increased at an average annual rate of only 1.3%. In contrast, the inflation rate averaged 9.2% from 1973 to 1981, reaching double-digits during several years. Since 1982, the average rate of inflation has been lower (3.1% from ) and more stable.
There are 2 Kinds of Inflation
1. Anticipated inflation: A widely expected change in the price level. 2. Unanticipated inflation: An increase in the price level that comes as a surprise, at least for most individuals.
Consequences of Inflation
Hyperinflation 2002 Argentina 1920s Germany 1990s Russia 2. Money loses value
Real Interest rate decreases =Interest rate - inflation
Savings Lose value 2. Loans Are easier to repay 3. Wealth May increase 4. Politics May cause changes
Nearly all economists believe that rapid expansion in the money supply is the primary cause of inflation.
Types of Inflation Demand-Pull 2. Cost-Push
buyers demands greater than producers supply
Demand-Pull Price D2(increase in demand) S1 New price and output P2 Orig. price and output P1 D1 Quantity Q1 Q2 buyers demands greater than producers supply
sellers’ costs are passed on to buyers
2. Cost Push Price S2(new equilibrium) S1(initial equilibrium) P2 P1 D Quantity/time Q2 Q1 sellers’ costs are passed on to buyers
Questions for Thought:
1. Suppose that the CPI was 150 at the end of last year and at the end of this year. What was the inflation rate during the year? 2. If decision makers anticipate an inflation rate of 3% at the start of a year and prices during the year rise by 7%, this is an example of a. anticipated inflation. b. an inflation rate higher than anticipated. c. an inflation rate lower than anticipated. 3. True or false: when the inflation rate is high and variable, decision makers will generally be able to anticipate year-to-year changes in inflation quite accurately.
4. How would an unanticipated 5 percent jump in inflation impact the wealth of:
a. Joe, who has a 30-year home mortgage at a fixed interest rate b. The McCoy's, who hold most of their wealth in long-term fixed yield bonds c. Hanna, a retiree drawing a pension of a fixed dollar amount d. Jose, a heavily indebted small-business owner. e. Mike, the owner of an apartment complex with substantial debt at a fixed interest rate f. Tina, a worker whose wages are determined by a 3-year union contract ratified three months ago
2. Economists use the term “business cycle” to refer to
1. During this century, the growth rate of real GDP in the United States has averaged approximately a. 1 % b. 3 % c. 6 % d. 10 % 2. Economists use the term “business cycle” to refer to a. the growth of small businesses into major corporations. b. changes in products that occur from improved technology. c. fluctuations in the level of real output and employment. d. periods of increases and decreases in the rate of inflation. 3. The labor force participation rate of women in the United States has been a. increasing for several decades. b. decreasing for the past several decades after increasing dramatically in the early 1900s. c. approximately constant during the last three decades. d. decreasing since the early 1900s.
4. Suppose there was a country with an adult (age 16 and over) population of 1,000, of which 100 were unemployed and 700 were employed. Which of the following is true? a. The employment population ratio is 87.5 percent. b. The labor force participation rate is 70 percent. c. The unemployment rate is 12.5 percent. d. There are 700 individuals in this country’s labor force. 5. The type of unemployment caused by changes in the business cycle is a. cyclical b. natural c. frictional d. structural. 6. Frictional unemployment is the result of a. not enough jobs for everyone to be employed. b. unemployed workers’ skills not matching those needed for the available jobs. c. a decline in the demand for labor, such as during a recession. d. imperfect information and temporary periods of unemployment while workers are changing jobs.
7. Which of the following individuals would be considered unemployed by the official government definition? a. George, who returned to graduate school after failing to find a job the last four months b. Gwen, a medical student, who is still in college and is not working c. Morgan, who is employed part-time but desires a full-time job d. Ralph, an auto worker vacationing in Florida during a layoff at a General Motors plant. 8. Suppose that the consumer price index at year-end 2004 was 140 and by year-end 2005 had risen to 150. What was the inflation rate during 2005? a. 7.1 % b. 10 % c % d. 50 % 9. Which of the following is true? a. Anticipated inflation is an increase in the price level that comes as a surprise, at least to most individuals b. Unanticipated inflation is a change in the price level that is widely expected. c. Decision makers are generally able to anticipate slow steady rates of inflation with a fairly high degree of accuracy. d. Inflation will increase the prices of goods and services that households purchase but not the wage rates of workers
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