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Reading Overview Created by… Blue Valley Elementary Reading Specialists.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Overview Created by… Blue Valley Elementary Reading Specialists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Overview Created by… Blue Valley Elementary Reading Specialists

2 Blue Valley Reading Continuum Three tiers 1. Classroom (Core Instruction) 2. General Education Interventions (Reading room) 3. Special Education Interventions

3 Tier One: Classroom or “Core” Instruction Houghton Mifflin anthology Leveled reading in small groups Assessments (LRP and other classroom options) DIBELS assessment is given to all students in grades K-3

4 Balanced Literacy Approach in the Classroom Reading Aloud Shared Reading (anthology selections) Guided Reading (using HM Leveled Readers) Independent Reading (Library Selections or Take-Home Bag books) Shared Writing Interactive Writing Guided Writing/Writer’s Workshop (Focusing on 6-traits) Independent Writing

5 DIBELS ( D ynamic I ndicators of B asic E arly L iteracy S kills) Quick assessment (takes only 5 minutes or less) Every student in grades K-3 Large correlation between early literacy skills leading to overall reading success Graphs which show progress over time

6 Tier Two : General Education Intervention (Reading Room) PROGRAM OPTIONS: Read Well (Grades K-3) Soar to Success (Grades 3-5) Read Naturally (Fluency program)

7 Read Well Overview There are 50 units within the entire program. Students will start at different times & have different pacing based on their weekly assessments

8 Soar to Success Overview Uses trade books that children love Begins to switch the focus from decoding to comprehension (Reciprocal Teaching is one main strategy used) Levels 3, 4, and 5 correspond to grade levels

9 Read Naturally Overview Fluency program What is fluency? (rate too slow, rate too fast, expression, and leads to comprehension) Non-Fluent Reader Fluent Reader Focus on repeated practice Computer demonstration

10 Did you know… Children’s exposure to print makes a big difference in their literacy. Some children have 1000+ hours of exposure to print while some only have 0-10 hours. (Adams, 1990) Children are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary. Some children hear 2,153 words per hour while others hear only 616 words per hour. (Hart & Risley, 1995) Reading just 10 minutes each night adds up to over 2000 minutes during the school year!!

11 Final thoughts… “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” -Margaret Fuller “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” -Dr. Seuss

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