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Activities During Pregnancy Normal pregnancy requires few restrictions on activities. Women should: –Rest- pregnant women need plenty of rest. In addition.

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3 Activities During Pregnancy Normal pregnancy requires few restrictions on activities. Women should: –Rest- pregnant women need plenty of rest. In addition to sleeping eight hours a night, pregnant women should plan rest periods during the day. Includes- taking a nap, reading a book, listening to music, etc… –Exercise- exercising is beneficial before, during, and after pregnancy. Exercise helps strengthen labor and delivery. Women should get 30 minutes or more of physical activity. Such as: walking and swimming.





8 Some diseases don’t usually harm the adult, but can seriously affect the fetus. Some example are: Chicken, Rubella, Toxoplasmosis. –STD’s  STD’s can be transmitted from mother to the baby during or after birth. Here are some examples that effects the developing baby:  HIV can lead to serious illness/death  Genital Herpes can cause fatal infections  Syphilis can cause severe damage/stillbirth  Gonorrhea can cause blindness or blood infection  Chlamydia can cause eye infection & respiratory infections


10 Parenting Rewards and Responsibilities Chapters 9 Pages 183-203 Images

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