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1 Mind The Gap Exercise #1 1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method.

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1 1 Mind The Gap Exercise #1 1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

2 1 Mind The Gap עיר ללא גבולות Urban underground Stations Exercise #1 3 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

3 1 Borserless Urban underground Stations What are the Urban Roles of Underground Stations? “Kontroll” (Control), frames from the movie Waterloo Station, London Lyon Satolas Airport Railway Station Kyoto Railway Station A Square A landmarkAn Icon A Symbol London Underground Comparing to railway stations which have acquired urban roles had a major impact on the new City’s Form, Underground Stations tend to be disconnected of the City and practically form another urban layer. Usually the only architectural element which connects the two layers is a circulation structure which will be shown later on. Exercise #1 3 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

4 2 CityTransportationMediator Mediator as a vertical instrument A Based on Mediator as a horizontal instrument C Sky Train A city and its transport interface Mediators: Sub-Classification of Possible Features Schemes Based on case studies Suggested schemes Borderless Exercise #1 6 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

5 2 CityTransportationMediator Schemes Based on case studies Suggested schemes Based on D A 3D Mediator switching layers Mediator as an adding to a structure B Based on A city and its transport interface Mediators: Sub-Classification of Possible Features Exercise #1 7 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Borderless

6 2 CityTransportationMediator A+B: A horizontal – vertical world requires a mediator – vertical to mediate two horizontal layers or the opposite, that mediating is done normally in just order to move from one layer to the other, and a strong physical connect doesn’t guaranty a perceptual one. C: Adding another functional layer such a hotel or a promenade increases the perceptual connection since using the same space not as a mare passage reconnects it to the city’s activities. D: When one layer becomes the other the perceptual connection gets stronger (movement, eye site). Mediator as a vertical instrument A Physical connection Perceptual connection Mediator as a horizontal instrument B Physical connection Perceptual connection D A 3D Mediator switching layers Mediator as an adding to a structure C Physical connection Perceptual connection Physical connection A city and its transport interface Mediators: Sub-Classification of Possible Features Exercise #1 8 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Borderless

7 2 Leisure Culture Services Dwelling B Mediator as a functional adding to a structure. What are the possible programs relating to the location (underground or partly underground) and the urban context (a metro station)? A city and its transport interface Mediators: Classification of Possible Programs Exercise #1 9 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Borderless

8 2 D A 3D Mediator switching layers Exercise #1 15 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Underground Station formation formation of a multi-layered ruled-surfaced UG space Borderless

9 2 Exercise #1 16 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Underground Station formation formation of a multi-layered ruled-surfaced UG space

10 2 Exercise #1 17 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Underground Station formation formation of a multi-layered ruled-surfaced UG space Borderless

11 1 A city and its transport system Conceptual breathing connections between two systems Conceptual Models Exercise #1 10 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

12 3 Linked A Network of underground Stations An additional Circulation layer, An additional perceptual map Rome p.t. mapLondon metro map Berlin p.t. map Madrid metro map NY UG map When Looking at the entire Network of Underground Stations, They normally form, like with one single station, a detached layer of the Urban Circulation System, suggest another way of moving around the city and perceiving it. Thus, Metro maps may form an additional perceptual map of the city. Rome mapLondon map Berlin map Madrid map NY map Exercise #1 4 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

13 2 An Abstract representation of a city an its intercourse with its transport system: first a city and its focal points, then showing the fabric transformation due to the perceptual changing distances between each two points. a City, its streets and focal points a City, its streets, focal points and transport system Shrinking perceptual distances – old focal points, new ones. Fabric transformation- stretching the lines between the new points. Focal Points cause a fabric deformation. They seem to get closer after that deformation (inspiration – add of TGV), and gain an additional meaning through the process of traveling: the way becomes irrelevant, focal points get stronger. A city and its transport interface A Perceptual Fabric transformation Exercise #1 5 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Linked

14 3 Underground Stations formation Conceptual formation of a generic diagram for 10 underground stations in different locations Station #6Station #2Station #3Station #4Station #5 Station #1 Station #7Station #8Station #9Station #10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1= 200 2= 220 3= 310 4= 176 5= 84 6= 231 7= 192 8= 190 1= UG TRAIN PATH 2= HIGH RATING+HIGH STAY 3= HIGH RATING+LOW STAY 4= BRIDGE 5= LOW RATING+LOW STAY 6= LOW RATING+HIGH STAY 7= “STATION” 8= ROAD 8 Exercise #1 11 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Linked

15 3 Section #6 Section #2 Section #3 Section #4 Section #5 Section #1 Underground Stations formation Conceptual formation of one station based on different forming sections Conceptual Models Exercise #1 12 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

16 30 CT Tube is constructed by two sets of flows, two sets of contexts: the entire underground city network and the urban space which it is located in. Adding a new tube to surrounding it give a potential play with its outside structure, is the inside tube is lit. City Flows Local Sections 3 Underground Stations formation Formation of one station based on different forming sections Exercise #1 13 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Linked

17 4 Time,Zone Tel Aviv Metropolis future mass transport system Location - A connector station Beit Ma’ariv Junction, Tel Aviv Exercise #1 18 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

18 4 Time,Zone Tel Aviv Metropolis future mass transport system Location - A connector station Tel Aviv Yafo Karlibach Selected Underground station Tel Aviv Metropolis future mass transport system Beit Ma’ariv Junction, Tel Aviv Exercise #1 18 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

19 Tel Aviv City 2012 Expected influence of UG Stations over the city’s culture and leisure zones 4 Tel Aviv Giv’ataim Ramat Gan Yafo Culture Shopping zones Red line stations Main road/street UG line planned Red line High way 2012 Exercise #1 20 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Dead Zone 2006 Time,Zone

20 Boardin g Alightin g Arrivals Departu res Exercise #1 19 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Tel Aviv Metropolis future mass transport system Expected volumes and paths of passengers 2012 4 Forecast of different paths and passengers volumes on Beit Ma’ariv junction Time,Zone

21 Boarding Alighting Arrivals Departur es Exercise #1 20 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Tel Aviv Metropolis future mass transport system Expected paths of passengers 2012 4 paths of passengers, cars, rail tracks on Beit Ma’ariv junction Time,Zone

22 4 Exercise #1 20 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Tel Aviv Metropolis future mass transport system Expected paths of passengers – 3D model of paths Time,Zone

23 4 Exercise #1 22 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Tel Aviv Metropolis future mass transport system Expected paths of passengers – 3D model of paths Time,Zone

24 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Form

25 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Form Borderless Folding spaces to enlarge overlappings between upper world and the train level

26 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Form Sections showing folds in both directions – train direction and the opposite Borderless Folding spaces to enlarge overlappings between upper world and the train level

27 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Linked Platforms as circulation space of galleries and shopping area Form Platforms area as main circulation system of galeries spaces and shopping area. This circulation space continues to the next station and there the passeneger can continue his shopping / galleries trip.

28 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Form Section through undergound platforms whish is the main circulation system of the galeries and shops Linked Platforms as circulation space of galleries and shopping area

29 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Form A part of the galleries and shopping spaces are located on the road and under it and enables to continue the spaces to the next stations Linked Location of spaces on road’s path

30 4 Exhibitions Information / Tickets Shop Cafe Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Collections Cloak room Office Services (W.C+ Telephones) Education Center Metro Station Deck Information/ Tickets Shopping promenade Shops Space for public activities Offices Services (W.C+ Telephones) Information Center Museum Program- possible combinations Diagram of overlapping programs Form

31 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Program overlapping programs Form

32 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Form Program overlapping programs

33 4 Exercise #1 23 Exercise #1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method Design Design of main circulation area Form

34 4 Exercise #1 1 Research Question Conceptual Models Method

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