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Advanced Information Systems Development (SD3043) Lecture 1: Introduction Dr. Chrisina Draganova

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Information Systems Development (SD3043) Lecture 1: Introduction Dr. Chrisina Draganova"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Information Systems Development (SD3043) Lecture 1: Introduction Dr. Chrisina Draganova

2 Advanced Information Systems Development 2 Lecture Outline Module Information –Description of the Module –Teaching & Assessment methods –Module Content Overview of Software Engineering UML Overview Conclusion

3 Advanced Information Systems Development 3 Lecture Rules and Facts Start on time! Ten minutes break Attendance policy is followed Previous years: –Attend lectures, tutorials, submit assignment, sat exam- pass rate ~85%

4 Advanced Information Systems Development 4 Description of the Module A third year software engineering module that aims to: –Develop a broad understanding on industrial and research topics related to information systems development –Expose students to current issues in information systems development –Draw the students’ attention to the current trends and future directions in the development of information systems

5 Advanced Information Systems Development 5 The Module Team Dr. Chrisina Draganova –Module Leader, Lectures, Tutorials/Practicals Dr. Andrea Capiluppi –Lectures, tutorials / Practicals Kamaljit Kaur Bimrah –Tutorials / Practicals

6 Advanced Information Systems Development 6 Teaching and Assessment Methods What to expect from the module team – Teaching –Lectures (2 hours per week) –Tutorial / Practical sessions (2 hours per week) –Provide necessary information (UELPlus) –Do our best to help What we expect from you – Assessment –Assignment (50%) –Exam (50%) –Pass both components!

7 Advanced Information Systems Development 7 Recommended reading H. Mouratidis, G. Williams, Issues in Information Systems Development, Thomson education, 2005 (ISBN 184479458x) R. Pressman, 2000, Software Engineering, A Practioner’s Approach, McGraw- Hill ‘Software Engineering’, 6th edition, by I. Sommerville, Addison-Wesley (2000) B. Bruegge, A. H. Dutoit, Object Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and JAVA (International Edition), Prentice Hall, 2004 (ISBN 0-13- 191179-1) 'Object-Oriented Software Engineering' by T.C. Lethbridge and R. Laganiere, McGraw-Hill (2001) - Essential ‘Using UML - Software Engineering with Objects and Components’ by P. Stevens with R. Pooley, Pearson Education (2000) Visual Modelling with Rational Rose and UML’ by T. Quattrani, Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series (2002)

8 Advanced Information Systems Development 8 Recommended reading ‘Software Metrics’ by N.E. Fenton and S.L. Pfleeger, Thomson Learning (2000) 'Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design', 2nd edn., by S. Bennett, S. McRobb and R.Farmer, McGraw-Hill (2002) H. Mouratidis, P. Giorgini, Integrating Security and Software Engineering: Advances and Future Vision, Idea Group Publishing, (ISBN 1-59904-148-0) B. Bruegge, A. H. Dutoit, Object Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and JAVA (International Edition), Prentice Hall, 2004 (ISBN 0-13-191179-1) Williams Godfried, Synchronizing E-Security (International series in Advances in information security). Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 1-4020-7646-0) 'Object-Oriented Software Engineering' by T.C. Lethbridge and R. Laganiere, McGraw-Hill (2001) ‘Using UML - Software Engineering with Objects and Components’ by P. Stevens with R. Pooley, Pearson Education (2000) ‘Visual Modelling with Rational Rose and UML’ by T. Quattrani, Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series (2002) ‘Software Engineering’, 6th edition, by I. Sommerville, Addison-Wesley (2000) ‘Software Metrics’ by N.E. Fenton and S.L. Pfleeger, Thomson Learning (2000) 'Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design', 2nd edn., by S. Bennett, S. McRobb and R.Farmer, McGraw-Hill (2002)

9 Advanced Information Systems Development 9 Coursework There is only one coursework for the module. Group coursework and each group consists of min. two max. four members The coursework consists of two parts: analysis and design (50%) and security and management (50%) –The analysis and design part is a group work. –On the other hand, the security and management part is an individual piece of work.

10 Advanced Information Systems Development 10 Groups Group members come from the same tutorial class Group members will be assigned by the tutor during the second tutorial An email to with the subject “SD3043: I cannot attend the group allocation tutorial.” Once a group is formed, members cannot leave that group without the consent of the module leader. If any problems arise between the group members, it is their responsibility to contact the module leader as soon as possible. Any teams/members not following the above rules will receive a mark of zero.

11 Advanced Information Systems Development 11 Assignment’s Handout/in dates Handout Date 4th week Group Allocation 2 nd week Hand in Date –11 th of December 2009 Strict Deadline!!! No extensions (UEL Policy)

12 Advanced Information Systems Development 12 Module Content 1 Module Introduction / Software Engineering Overview : 1.Introduction to module and module outline. Overview of Software Engineering and UML: 2 Project Management, Risk Analysis and Management: 3 Risk Management - Security : 4 Advanced Information Systems Engineering 5 Patterns / Architectural Styles / Model Driven Architecture (MDA): 6 Design Patterns 7 Trends in Systems Development: 8 Testing: 9 Project Management – Techniques, Optimization and Estimation: 10 Project Management – Software Metrics and Software Cost Estimation: 11 Standards, Quality Assurance and Process Improvement 12 Review of the Module

13 Advanced Information Systems Development 13 Why another information systems development module? What is difficult about developing software systems? –Large and complex systems –Requirements change constantly Why not use an informal approach to software development? –Late projects –Costly projects

14 Advanced Information Systems Development 14 Software Engineering Failures April 10, 1990, London. A tube train left the station without its driver! –The driver had taped the button that started the train, relying on the system that prevented the train from moving when doors were opened. –He left his train to close a door which was stuck. When the door was finally shut, the train left.

15 Advanced Information Systems Development 15 First Definition of Software Engineering NATO conference (1968) “Software Engineering is the establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines”

16 Advanced Information Systems Development 16 What is Software Engineering? I. Sommerville defines it as: “Software Engineering is an engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects of software production from the early stages of system specification through to maintaining the system after it has gone into use”

17 Advanced Information Systems Development 17 What is Software Engineering? Bruegge and Dutoit add that Software Engineering is: –A modelling activity Software Engineers deal with complexity through modelling –A problem-solving activity Constraints and deadlines –A knowledge acquisition activity Collect data, organise it into information, formalise it into knowledge –A rationale-driven activity Capture the context and the rationale behind the decisions

18 Advanced Information Systems Development 18 Modelling A model is an abstract representation of a system In general particularly useful when dealing with large, complex, complicated systems Useful also to understand systems that no longer exist (e.g. models of dinosaurs) or claim to exist (e.g. atomic models). But why models are useful in Software Engineering?

19 Advanced Information Systems Development 19 Software Engineering Models Need to understand the environment in which the system will operate –Stakeholders, users, connected systems Understand the systems itself –Components, Communication paths Evaluate different solutions and trade-offs –Fast versus Secure Systems are expensive to build so we model them first

20 Advanced Information Systems Development 20 Problem Solving Software Engineers have limited resources, incomplete knowledge Search for an appropriate solution, evaluate alternatives Engineering method steps: –Formulate the problem –Analyse the problem –Search for solutions –Decide on appropriate solution –Specify the solution

21 Advanced Information Systems Development 21 Knowledge Acquisition Do not assume that acquisition of knowledge is linear. A new piece of information may invalidate all the knowledge you have about a system Be mentally prepare to start from scratch There are processes to deal with the problem –Risk-based development Anticipate surprises –Issue-based development Any activity can influence any other

22 Advanced Information Systems Development 22 Rationale When developing a system, it is necessary to capture and understand the context in which the design decisions are made This extra knowledge is called the Rationale of the system It is not trivial –Many decisions, many alternatives Rationale usually represents a larger amount of information that the solution models

23 Advanced Information Systems Development 23 Software Engineering Concepts (I) Participants and Roles –Collaboration of many people (participants) Client: orders/ pays the system Developers team: Construct the system Project Manager: plans/coordinates the project Users: use the system –A role is a set of responsibilities in the project Work Products –An artefact that is produced during development (e.g. a document) –A work product that must be delivered to a client is known as deliverable

24 Advanced Information Systems Development 24 Software Engineering Concepts (II) Tasks, Activities, Resources –A task is an atomic unit of work A manager assigns a task to a developer –An activity (phase) is a set of tasks that is performed towards a specific purpose Requirements analysis is an activity aiming to analyse the requirements of the system –Resources are assets used to accomplish work Might include time, equipment, labour

25 Advanced Information Systems Development 25 Functional/Non Functional Requirements Requirements specify a set of features the system must have Functional: describe what the system should do –The user must be able to access the database Non Functional: Place constraints on how functional requirements are implemented. –performance, user-friendliness, availability, security

26 Advanced Information Systems Development 26 Notations, Methods, Methodologies Notation –Graphical or textual set of rules for representing a model. –E.g. Alphabets, numbers, UML Method –Repeatable technique that specifies the steps involved in a specific problem A recipe is a method for cooking a dish Methodology –A collection of methods for solving a class of problems. –It specifies how and when each method should be used. A cookbook

27 Advanced Information Systems Development 27 Software Engineering Lifecycle Different activities necessary to develop a software system Lifecycle model represents all these activities and the relationships to each other The main activities are: –(Software Specification) Requirement Engineering –Software Design –Software Implementation –Software Testing (validation) –Software Evolution

28 Advanced Information Systems Development 28 O-O Activities Application Domain Objects SubSystems class... Solution Domain Objects Source Code Test Cases ? Expressed in Terms Of Structured By Implemented By Realized By Verified By System Design Object Design Implemen- tation Testing class.... ? Requirements Elicitation Use Case Model Requirements Analysis Requirements Engineering

29 Advanced Information Systems Development 29 Requirements Engineering Requirements Analysis system specification analysis model Problem Statement Generation Requirements Elicitation Problem Statement

30 Advanced Information Systems Development 30 Requirements Elicitation Process of deriving the system requirements Results in a specification of a system that the client understand Very challenging activity Requires collaboration of people with different backgrounds –Users with application domain knowledge –Developers with solution domain knowledge (design knowledge, implementation knowledge)

31 Advanced Information Systems Development 31 O-O Requirements Elicitation Activities Identify actors Identify scenarios Identify use cases Refine use cases Identify relationships among use cases Identify non functional requirements

32 Advanced Information Systems Development 32 Identify Actors It is not easy, especially in initial stages –Database Define the system boundary Useful questions –Which user groups are supported by the system to perform their work? –Which user groups execute main, secondary functions of the system? –What other systems interact with this system?

33 Advanced Information Systems Development 33 Identify Scenarios “Narrative description of what people do and experience as they try to make use of computer systems and applications” [Carroll, 1995] Informal description of a single feature of the system used by a single actor Do not replace use cases (complementary) –Focus on specific instance Describe the outcome of a decision –Two scenarios

34 Advanced Information Systems Development 34 Identify Use Cases A use case specifies all possible scenarios for a given piece of functionality Describe each of these use cases in more detail –Participating actors –Describe the Entry Condition –Describe the Flow of Events –Describe the Exit Condition –Describe Exceptions –Describe Special Requirements (Constraints, Nonfunctional Requirements

35 Advanced Information Systems Development 35 Identify Non-Functional Requirements Usability: how easy the system is to operate –Conventions adopted by the user interface Reliability –Acceptable mean time to failure Performance –Response time, availability, accuracy Supportability: how easy is to change the system –Adaptability, maintainability Security –Security constraints Non-functional requirements often conflict!! –Prioritise them

36 Advanced Information Systems Development 36 Requirements Analysis Transition between real world and machine world Requirements elicitation is the input Analysis focuses on producing a model of the system Analysis model consistent with requirements Main question to answer: what? –What functions must the system perform? Different approaches –Structured –Object Oriented –Goal Oriented

37 Advanced Information Systems Development 37 O-O Analysis Activities Identify classes –Data Driven –Responsibility Driven Identify associations –aggregates, attributes, inheritance Review the model

38 Advanced Information Systems Development 38 System Design 2. System Layers/Partitions Cohesion/Coupling 5. Data 1. Design Goals Definition Trade-offs 4. Hardware/ Special purpose Software Buy or Build Trade-off Allocation Connectivity 3. Concurrency Data structure Persistent Objects Files Databases Management Access control Security 6. Global Resource Handling 8. Boundary Conditions Initialization Termination Failure Decomposition Mapping 7. Software Control Identification of Threads Monolithic Event-Driven Threads Conc. Processes

39 Advanced Information Systems Development 39 O-O Design Design Classes are refined versions of the analysis classes Include implementation details –Full spec of attributes (visibility, type, etc) –Full spec of operations (return type, exceptions, visibility, etc) –Full definition of relationships (navigability, etc) Not an 1-to-1 mapping –1 analysis class could result in many design classes

40 Advanced Information Systems Development 40 Reading list Any of the chapters of the useful textbooks that refer to software engineering

41 Advanced Information Systems Development 41 Conclusions Module Information –Description of the Module –Teaching & Assessment methods –Module Content Overview of Software Engineering Next Week: UML Overview

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