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MusicXML Music 253 / CS 275A Stanford University Winter 2005 Craig Stuart Sapp.

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Presentation on theme: "MusicXML Music 253 / CS 275A Stanford University Winter 2005 Craig Stuart Sapp."— Presentation transcript:

1 MusicXML Music 253 / CS 275A Stanford University Winter 2005 Craig Stuart Sapp

2 Purpose image from: Primary function of MusicXML is data interchange between programs: Designed for encoding common-practice western music notation.

3 Predecessor Data Formats MIDI NIFF SmartScore Available in Sibelius and Lime Notation Programs Originally the only way out of Finale’s proprietary format. not designed as a notation interchange format. see:

4 MusicXML Development Integration of MuseData format with Finale Typesetting Program June 2001 : Alpha version of MusicXML 0.3 available March 2002: First commercial release of MusicXML 0.6 (Import plugin comes with Finale 2003) Jan 2004: MusicXML 1.0 released Currently MusicXML 2.0 under development “We have tried to learn from the mistakes of past music notation interchange efforts by 1) basing the format on the two strongest academic formats available, MuseData and Humdrum, and 2) testing the format by writing usable software from the beginning of the development process.“

5 Dolet plugin for Finale Primary implementation as a Plugin called Dolet for Finale: Write your own plugins for Finale:

6 XML Tree Structure...... Shorthands: == value analogous to: tag subtagsubtag2 subsubtag An Introduction to XML file structure: attributes:

7 MusicXML Structure............ partwise score most common each part listed serially part consists of measures measures contain (1) s (items with duration) and (2) s (items without duration such as clef, time signature, key signature, etc.) (3) s (dynamics) (4) (tempo)

8 Note Element C 5 1 16th down see: logical duration graphical duration

9 MuseData vs. MusicXML MusicXML’s basic structure is a key-parameterized version of MuseData. MuseData note record C5 1 1 s d. 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 0 1 2 3 4 duration voice type stepoctave stem staccato C 5 1 16th down Function parameters: Fixed Optional Key (e.g. C) (e.g. C++) (e.g. LISP)

10 Causality MusicXML is not a causal encoding format and commands are used to encode single parts with multiple staves or multiple voices. voice 2 Examples of causal music formats: MIDI (partwise encoding) Humdrum (scorewise encoding)

11 Other XML-Based Music Formats MusiXML Music Encoding Initiative: see:

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