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Delivering Services for Hackney during London 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering Services for Hackney during London 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering Services for Hackney during London 2012

2 London 2012 177 days to go... (... including weekends, annual leave, bank holidays)

3 Planning for 2012 Our planning and preparations to date Underlying questions: -Is the Board assured that the organisations are prepared for Games Time? -Is the Board assured that Hackney residents will continue to receive the appropriate level of service in terms of Health and Wellbeing? -What else needs to be done?

4 Content Planning services - objective - stakeholders - preparing ourselves - approach - working with suppliers and partners

5 Planning Services

6 Planning services NHS Commitments Business as usual - services to local residents not adversely affected and services to visitors covered by mutual arrangements or fee charged Meet increased activity due to ‘games effect’ Ensure any Games Time Global Public Health threat is dealt with through screening and vaccination of visitors Provide 3 Olympic designated hospitals – HUHFT, BLT, UCL Enhance and test for resilience

7 Planning services Hackney Council will ensure services for residents are provided without disruption and to a high standard and the borough looks its best for residents and visitors alike. Source: “A host for 2012” - the “Gold Book” 2007 - – Mayor of Hackney manifesto for 2012

8 Planning services Business as usual – normal operations 2012 Service Planning / Business as unusual – during Games Time – planning for known / expected changes Business continuity planning – ensuring that critical business functions are available and accessible. Planning and preparing what a Service would do should an out-of-the-expected event occur. Emergency Planning – our reaction to an emergency, disaster or catastrophe that affects Hackney – our role in civil contingencies. Also covers C3 – Command, Co- ordination and Communication

9 Planning services Main impacts – expected Transport disruption – roads (buses and cars), tube and rail (including impact of ORN / AORN / parking changes) As a consequence Issues with staff commuting Ability to move around the borough to deliver services Possible same impacts for suppliers and partners National risks to be conscious of Terrorism Civil disobedience / unrest e.g. August disturbances Protection of Green Spaces c.f. Occupy movement


11 Planning services

12 Hackney Council & NHS East London and the City - Working together Shared services Learning disabilities Substance misusers Mental health clients Vulnerable people Care homes Governance – information sharing and decision making Games Time Delivery Board – a pan London Board ELC Games Time Programme Board (multi agency) chaired ELC non Exec ELC Games Time Planning Group (multi agency) Meetings between LBH and HUH to share approaches and focus on transport

13 Working with Partners Presentations to Partners / Provider Forums e.g.: - Supporting People - ICES - Trusts - GPs, Pharmacists - Optometrists, Dentists ELC Planning Group - workshops, practitioner and borough based TfL supporting HUHFT: discussions with NHS London, freight, suppliers

14 Working with Suppliers Hackney Council Written out to top 200 suppliers asking about their plans to reassure us about their preparedness Presentations to partners and suppliers For some services (e.g. Supporting People) asking for business continuity plans NHS ELC ELC working with TfL and Distributors; pharmacy supply chain; local warehousing Potential for mutual aid Trust working with distributors Contracting process – BCPs and Games Time Plans

15 Testing NHS / HUH Primary care and associated teams, testing to focus on vulnerable users either through frailty or dependence on small providers/chain of small providers; housebound, substance misusers Table top exercises to test provider plans Hackney Council - Health and Community Services Table top testing and scenario planning across the Directorate. Testing of Business Continuity Plans – including when they activate, immediate actions, dealing with unfolding events

16 Communicating with the Public / Residents Hackney Council Services looking at proposed visible service changes and behind the scenes services changes. Internal review process to consider proposals. Will drive communications to residents and the public. Hackney Today going weekly in Games Time Services to arrange direct communication to service users where appropriate Contact Centre and Call Centre to have FAQs. NHS ELC Signposting to NHS services for visitors Working with local service users Public health messages Games Time communications between services and organisations

17 Planning for 2012 Our planning and preparations to date Underlying questions: -Is the Board assured that the organisations are prepared for Games Time? -Is the Board assured that Hackney residents will continue to receive the appropriate level of service in terms of Health and Wellbeing? -What else needs to be done?

18 Questions

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