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An Introduction to the Windows-based PC Programming Tool Version 0.91

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1 An Introduction to the Windows-based PC Programming Tool Version 0.91
Windows-based PC programming package for panel set up, zones, text, local and network cause/effect, Discovery mode types, sensitivity levels and day/night timings.

2 An Introduction to the Windows-based PC Programming Tool
Create and Manage project files for a site of networked panels & graphics systems Upload and download files Engineer definable password control Setup panel layout including loops, repeaters, & panel expansion boards Provide text for all panel and loop inputs and outputs for reference and downloading purposes Setup output delay by day/night Setup 4 internal timers programmable under cause/effect control (ie for phased evac)

3 An Introduction to the Windows-based PC Programming Tool
Configure Default & Day & night, Threshold/Mode settings Configure default loop Interface input device responses for, Fire, Alert, Fault, Indication only, N/O,N/C input Configure special group mode settings changeable by triggering a loop input device Configure any panel and loop input into 1 zone for indication and cause/effect and 7 additional hidden control groups for cause/effect (zones 1-32 for indication, for cause effect) Link any output device into as many zones/groups as required for cause/effect, detailing the conditions required for activation

4 An Introduction to the Windows-based PC Programming Tool
Detail the conditions required to inhibit any output device from operating and link to as many zones / groups as required for cause/effect Programme Detector base platform sounders Print out all files for reference and approval purposes Supports earlier panels manufactured for backward compatibility (Not all features are available on earlier panels) Configure network personality responses by simple drop down lists Configure extensive network cause/effect via 520 standard “Flag” messages and up to 1,500 custom configured ones – per panel Full training and support provided

5 Discovery Panel Hardware
Up to 14 fully functional repeater panels may be connected via RS485 cable. Up to way panel enhancement boards may be added. Two types are available: 1) fully-programmable inputs and relay outputs 2) fully-programmable inputs and alarm outputs Fully programmable network comprising of Discovery and Voyager panels, graphics systems and Integra network repeaters. Individual panels and network configurations and cause / effect are programmable via Windows PC package.

6 The Preparation showing the Panel Layout Chart
Loop No.Device No. Device Type Add text as required Display Text Insert the Text that will appear on the LCD Display Zone No. and Location Insert the Zone number that will appear on the Zone LED display. Location added for engineers reference Groups The Discovery panel provides 7 hidden groups. Loop devices and programmable panel inputs may be grouped together for Cause / Effect programming

7 The Preparation Showing the Panel Cause / Effect Chart
Enter all Loop and Panel outputs with their function and detailing if the device is a sounder or relay 3) Cause Conditions Enter notes as required 2) Cause Enter all panel and loop inputs to be programmed to trigger programmable outputs 4) Matrix Complete the Cause / Effect matrix

8 Installing the Software
Information The software uses the industry standard Install Shield for installation and will therefore lead the engineer through the installation process

9 The Start up Screen Step 1
The opening screen will enable you to open an existing project file or create a new one Opening and existing file Navigate you way to the required file identified by its job number Creating a new file You will be prompted for a 5 DIGIT job number then prompted to enter a FILE LOCATION followed by a CONTRACT NAME for you reference

10 File Management Information The files should be saved into
folders on the hard drive with a file name of 8 characters maximum. Sub folders with the contract identification may be either names or numbers. If named sub folders are used then the contract number can be Located within that folder

11 The Programming Process from Cold
Enter the list of Panels required in the “Add a Panel” function Select a panel to be programmed Configure The Panel layout (Loops, Repeaters, Expansion Boards) Configure the list Of all loop Output Devices adding The text label For later Reference purposes Text label All other panel Outputs Text label All Loop and Panel inputs, Print out all files For customer approval Return to the List of panel and Loop outputs And configure Cause/effect Allocate all The panel and Loop devices into Zones and Control groups Set up the Special Functions including timers and network responses Print out All text files For reference purposes Amend files If required from Customer response Create Hex files Print out all files For project file Download to panel

12 The Programming Process from uploaded files
Enter the list of Panels required in the “Add a Panel” function Select a panel to be programmed Upload files From selected panel Continue as previous slide

13 Selecting The Panel List
Step 1 Add a Panel The opening Screen enables the engineer to “Add a Panel” to either and existing list of panel on that project or create a list of panels for a project Step 2 Chose from the panel list Selecting the correct panel to add to the panel list in essential for correct programming. A panel name should also be entered for identification and downloading. The select “OK” Note: Older panels are also included in this list for “on going” engineering support Information If you are going to network panels together then it is essential that all panels are listed in the same project

14 Click on the required panel
The Panel List Step 1 Select the panel Click on the required panel Step 2 Proceeding Select Edit Panel Data Information If you have incorrectly added a panel to the list it may be deleted from the list by selecting the panel and then selecting delete panel. Warning Any configuration already programmed into the deleted panel will also be deleted

15 Step 4 Special Functions
The Main Editor Screen Step 1 Panel Layout Panel layout allows the engineer to select the number of loops, the number of repeaters and the number and type of 8 way I/O cards configured onto the panel Step 5 Sensitivity Allows the engineer to map the default loop devices (ie XP95 and Discovery), their default sensitivities, and the sensitivity settings for each device as set up by the Day / Night timers and manual loop inputs. Step 6 Allocate Zones / Groups Allows the engineer to allocate every loop and panel input into 1 visible indication zone and 7 additional hidden groups for cause / effect programming Step 4 Special Functions Allows the engineer to configure the Day / Night and Delay timers, Set up the 4 inbuilt software timers, Re-define the engineers access code, and configure the network basic personality responses, Set up platform sounders Step 2 Select Output The engineer should enter the address and location of all loop output devices for later reference purposes Step 7 Select Output The engineershould now programme the output response (Cause / Effect) of every output device on the panel and loops Step 3 Edit Texts Allows the engineer to enter the location text for each loop device and text for all other inputs and outputs configured onto the panel. This is essential for later reference purposes

16 Panel Layout Screen Step 1 Select number of loops
Use the up / down arrows to select from 1 to 2 loops (Voyager) or 1 to 4 loops (Discovery) Step 2 Select number of repeaters Use the up / down arrows to select from 0 to 14 panels repeaters Step 3 I/O boards Up to 31x 8 way I/O boards may be configured to each panel. The boards have either alarm or relay outputs and may be configured for different types of input responses (Refer to I/O board manual) Step 4 Select OK When the desired setup is achieved then select OK to save settings

17 Creating a List of Loop Output Devices
Step 1 Loop Output Selection Click on “Select Output” followed by “Loop Output” Note 1 The “Select Loop Output” screen will then be revealed indicating any outputs previously listed for programming. Step 2 New Select “New” to proceed to the list of loops and devices for adding to the list (Shown on next slide) or “OK” to proceed to configure the selected output. Note 2 The Apollo output bits 0, 1, 2 are referred to as A, B, C

18 Creating a List of Loop Output Devices
Output Selection Select the loop, address and output channel (Bit) required and then press OK Note The Apollo output bits 0, 1, 2 are referred to as A, B, C

19 Creating a List of Loop Output Devices
Entering a Text Label Enter the text required for the output selected. Note: The text label is not downloaded to the panel but is is useful for reference purposes.

20 A Completed List of Loop Output Devices
Information Continue to select “New” to proceed to the list of loops and devices for adding to the list or “OK” to proceed to configure the selected output. Or Exit to proceed to the next function

21 Text Input Note Text may be allocated to all input and output devices for reference purposes but panel and loop outputs are not sent to the panel or displayed upon activation. Step 1 Category Select the category for text allocation. You may then be prompted further before the text screen is revealed (i.e. selecting “sensors” will prompt the engineer for the loop number) Step 2 Adding Text Add the required text noting the availability of shortcut function keys Step 3 Saving the Text Press the “Enter” to save the entered text. Then press “Save” to exit.

22 The Panel Delay Settings
The Set the panel delay A 24 hr clock allows the engineer to define the period and duration to delay all sounder and relay outputs Information The example here means that any fire operation will delay all alarms and programmed cause/effect (including transmission of network cause / effect) for 1 minute between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm. Note All panel repeaters, pagers and printer operation, and network indications are not delayed.

23 The Day / Night Settings
The Day / Night sensitivity clock A 7 day programmer is used to define the day time period for mode change (Discovery) and Trip levels (XP95) Information The example here shows day time being defined as Monday – Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. The company does not work weekends and therefore the weekends are defined as outside day time working.

24 The panels 4 internal delay Timers
The Software Timers The panels 4 internal delay Timers 4 internal timers may be set for use with the panels cause/effect. Typical uses may be phased evacuation, shutdown delays, signalling delays, start up delays etc. Delay Timer Operation Each timer is connected to a Virtual Panel Input and Output (Designated Inputs / Outputs {Remembering that the panel may have up to 248 actual panel inputs / outputs via the 8 way expansion cards}). The inputs are added to the list of panel inputs found in “Zones/groups” and the outputs are listed in “Select Output” Example: By configuring a cause condition to output 249, the timer 1 will start when that condition is activated. At the end of the delay set here input 249 will then be triggered and available as a zone cause for triggering further cause/effect.

25 The Principles of the Software Timer Operation
End Point Start Point Virtual Panel Inputs Shown in “Zones/Groups” Now available to programme cause/effect ( as indication input) Virtual Panel outputs From “Select Output” And programmed via cause/effect to start timer Input Output Input Output Input Output Input Output

26 Changing the Access Code
Defining the Engineers Access Code By entering the currnet access code the engineer may then define a new one. Note that the panel access code also needs changing.

27 Setting The Network Responses
Note: The “Job details” section here shows the Panel being programmed Step 1 Select panel to receive from The drop down list will show all panels in the network Step 2 Configure responses Configure the display, print and memory functions accepted from the selected pane. Panel name only, device text or ignore options are available. The user controls may be ignored or accepted per control from each panel Note: A different response may be configured for and from every panel on the network Step 3 Save Save configurations

28 Platform Sounder Setup
Using CEL Platform Sounders By highlighting and selecting the detector address to be used with the Platform Sounders, the panel will then operate the detector base output bit 0 on Test Alarms, Evacuate, Class Change, 1 person test and with the panels Cause/effect. The output will cease on Silence Alarms.

29 Default Sensitivity and Loop Device-Type Setup
Note: The engineer may upload the “autolearned” information from the installed panel or allocate the loop device types and sensitivities from “cold”. At this stage the device types and default sensitivities of an “autolearned” loop will be displayed. Otherwise the default will be “Non Analogue” For setup from “Cold” proceed as below Note: An I/O unit (Only) input can be changed between “Fire, Alert, Fault, Indication. Step 1 Loop Select the loop to be configured Note: A “Select all” or “De-select” all is a useful shortcut where most or all of the loop is of one type Step 2 Default Device Settings Select the device (or Select All) followed by the categories (Shown) to set up the device types configured to the loop. and default (Off) trip levels and sensitivities and the XP95 I/O settings Step 3 Sensitivities Select the device (or select all) then select the appropriate device trip level or sensitivity mode or I/O response Step 4 Save Save the details and then Quit

30 Setting the Day-Night Sensitivity
Note: The day and night Trip levels (XP95) and Mode settings (Discovery) may be set up for every device Step 1Settings Select the device (s) to be configured Step 2 Day / Night From the “Settings” menu select the Day/Night and device type required. Step 3 Mode Select the Mode (illustrated) or Trip level required Step 4 Save Save Details and exit (Done)

31 Setting the Manual Mode Sensitivity
Note:1 The required Discovery devices must be programmed into the appropriate control group. Devices may be programmed across loops into control groups. There are 4 groups reserved for this facility Note:2 A loop input device is used to trigger the mode change Step 1 Changing the Mode Use the “Up - Down” arrows to set the mode the devices will change to when the input is triggered Step 2 Save Select “Save” to save changes

32 Allocating Loop Devices into Zones and Groups
Step 1 Selecting Devices Select the loop, devices and then zone required. Step 2 Adding Select the “Add” button to add the devices to the zone or group selected. Note Zones are listed as numbered 1-32 and will indicate on the zone LED’s on the panel when triggered Groups are listed as and will not indicate on the panels zone LED’s when triggered

33 Allocating Panel Inputs into Zones and Groups
Step 1 Selecting the Input Select panel input and zone / group required. Step 2 Adding Select the “Add” button to add the devices to the zone or group selected. Note Panel inputs and loop devices may be mixed together in zones / groups to form many options for triggering the cause / effect requirements.

34 The Principles of Cause / Effect Programming
Control Groups Group together panel and loop inputs into visible Led indication zones (1-32) and hidden control groups (33-255) Allocation Every device can be allocated into 1 visible zone and 7 hidden control groups Purpose A group is used to collect loop devices and panel inputs together that will be used for specific output purposes Causes 1 Up to 248 Programmable panel inputs via additional 8-way boards + 4 Virtual Inputs using the inbuilt software timers Effects Up to 248 Programmable panel outputs such as relays and 2 stage alarms + 4 virtual panel outputs from the inbuilt timers Allocation Each output device may allocated to as many groups as required Conditions The output conditions for each group may be specified differently for each output device Effects Programmable loop output devices such as addressable relays and loop sounders Causes 2 Any amount of available loop devices

35 The Principles of Cause / Effect Programming
Group together all the panel and loop inputs determining what functions the groups will be required to do For example call points may be allocated into zones for indication purposes and also all grouped together in to a hidden control group for specific cause/effect actions Every input device may be allocated into 1 zone and 7 hidden control groups. From the list of panel and loop outputs; for each output define the cause condition Then select the control group of devices required to trigger the output

36 The Principles of Cause / Effect Operation
Output = Zone LED’s and Zone number on LCD display Panel Inputs 1-32 Visible Zones ____________ 33-255 Control Groups List of conditions that may trigger or inhibit an output List of Panel and Loop outputs Loop output devices and programmable panel relays and alarm circuits Loop Inputs

37 The List of Panel Outputs
Selecting the Output Select the required panel output and Ok to proceed

38 Panel Alarm Circuit Cause / Effect
Step 1 Selecting Output Type Use the drop down menu to select either Alert or Evacuate. The alert and evacuate outputs may be programmed in any order Step 2 Selecting Cause Conditions Select the “Add Evac Cause” (or “Add Alert Cause” if showing) Note: The “Copy Cause(s) Is useful for repeat operations Step 4 Continuing Repeat above steps for Evacuate causes. Step 5 Saving Select “Save”.

39 Panel Alarm Circuit Cause / Effect
Step 1 Selecting Local pane and or Network Causes This part of the programming shown continuing with local panel programming, the network programming is shown later. Note: A local cause is a cause from the panel being programmed. A network cause is a cause from another panel on the network.

40 List of Cause Conditions
Note 1 This screen shows the list of cause conditions revealed when an “Alert” or “Evacuate” is selected as show on the previous slide. Step 1 Selecting the Condition Select the condition required and “Double Click” to proceed. Note 2 Causes may be either Common or zonal. If common causes are selected then the engineer will find the selected cause added to the evacuate or alert cause list being configured. If zonal causes are selected then the engineer will see the zone list as shown on the next slide

41 Allocating a Zone to a Cause Condition
Step 1 Selecting the Zone / Group Select the zone/group required and “Double Click” to proceed. Note The engineer will find the selected zone and cause added to the cause list as shown on the Cause / Effect screen.

42 Panel Alarm Circuit Cause / Effect
Information The example here shows an alarm circuit output programmed to Alert (Pulsed) operation on any fire condition and Evacuate (Continuous) on zone 1 fire, Evacuate and Zone 33 where the call points have been programmed into various zones around the building for indication purposes and also hidden zone 33 where it is used for evacuation purposes. Note: Select “Save” to save settings or “Exit” to leave the screen without saving.

43 The List of Cause Conditions in Detail

44 The List of Cause Conditions in Detail

45 The List of Cause Conditions in Detail

46 The List of Cause Conditions in Detail

47 The List of Cause Conditions in Detail

48 The List of Cause Conditions in Detail

49 The List of Cause Conditions in Detail
Common Disablement Operate Until Cause Clear The selected output will be active whenever the General Disablement Indicator is on Common Buzzer Operate Until Cause Clear The selected output will be active when either the fire buzzer or the fault buzzer is on

50 Allocating a Loop Output Device
Selecting the Output for programming Select the required output and then press Ok to proceed to the list of Cause Conditions

51 Loop Output Device Cause / Effect
Note 1 The engineer will find there is only on cause list per device and output channel (i.e. not a split screen) because it is not possible to send a pulsed data signal. But the sounder sounder controller channel B will provide a pulsed output Note 2 Proceed as per programming a panel sounder or relay output. Note 3 A programmable panel relay output will also display only one list option similar to that shown here.

52 Loop Output Device Cause / Effect
Note 1 The engineer will find there is only on cause list per device and output channel (i.e. not a split screen) because it is not possible to send a pulsed data signal. ( On a sounder or sounder controller channel B will provide a pulsed output). Note 2 Proceed as per programming a panel sounder or relay output. Note 3 A programmable panel relay output will also display only one list option similar to that shown here.

53 List of Cause Conditions
Note 1 This screen shows the list of cause conditions revealed when an “Alert” or “Evacuate” is selected as show on the earlier slide. Step 1 Selecting the Condition Select the condition required and “Double Click” to proceed. Note 2 Causes may be either Common or zonal. If common causes are selected then the engineer will find the selected cause added to the cause list as shown earlier. If zonal causes are selected then the engineer will see the zone list as shown on the next slide

54 Network Cause / Effect Programming
Note When programming the cause / effect of output devices it is also possible to configure outputs to operate when triggered from other panels on the network Step 1 Adding From the Causes screen select “Add Cause” Step 2 Selecting Network Cause Then select “Network Causes”

55 Network Cause / Effect Programming
Note You will then be prompted to select the panelfrom which you want to receive information Step 1 Selecting the Panel Select the required panel by double clicking on it.

56 Network Cause / Effect Programming
Note 1 You will then be see a list of the standard messages sent by each panel into the network called “Flags”. Step 1 Selecting the Message (Flag) Select the required message (Flag) Step 2 Selecting the Condition If required modify the message into the panel being programmed Selecting Select single, double or triple. Single - Any single flag will operate the output Double - Requires any 2 from the highlighted selection to operate the output Triple - Requires any 3 from the highlighted selection to operate the output Note 2 See next slide for use of the “New” button

57 Network Cause / Effect Programming
Note You can also create your own “Flags” if you require unusual conditions not found in the list of standard flags. Step 1 Further Options If you need conditions other than the 520 standard then select “New” from the causes list shown on the previous slide. You will then be presented with some options Step 2 Completing Select the option required and proceed as prompted. Select “OK” to complete the cause condition. The condition will then be listed as a new flag 521 upwards to select in the network Cause / Effect facility.

58 Loop Output Device Cause / Effect
Information The completed list of conditions for the operation and inhibits for the gas valve are now listed. Any 2 detectors from zones 1,2,and 3 will operate the relay together with any call point (configured into various indication zones and also all configured into hidden control group 33) on the local panel. Any fire condition on panel number 3 will operate the relay. The engineers key switch is configured into hidden control group 34 and when operated will indicate on the panel and prevent the relay from operating.

59 Step 2 Selecting the Panel
Making a Hex File Note The engineer must make a Hex file before downloading to the panel. Any changes done to the configuration which are not then converted to a Hex file will not be downloaded. Step 1 Hex Files Select the panel required and then “Hex Files”. Step 2 Selecting the Panel Select “Make Hex File” . The programme will then convert the files to Hexadecimal for the panel and return to this screen.

60 The Print Menu Note Accessing the Print function enables the engineer to print all the done for reference and approvals purposes. Step 1 The List Select the item required for printing and follow the on screen instructions. Information It is recommended that all printing is done from this screen and not from the specific programming screens because the files created in specific scrrens are temporary and not saved until the “Save” command is used.

61 Downloading (To the Panel) and Uploading (From the Panel)
Step 1 The programme will firstly prompt the engineer for the access code. Step 2 A list of files to “Download” to the panel will be revealed together with a “Download All”option. Alternatively the engineer may select the “Upload” function and then see a menu listing all the files which can then be uploaded from the panel. If only a small change has been made on the panel then only the required section of programming need be uploaded. Note 1 The display indicates the the progress of the download or upload Note 2 Allow up to 15 minutes for this operation. The software will continually check for errors and cannot be rushed

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