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Clarity Phase 2 Push Trial Scope and Details July 2015.

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1 Clarity Phase 2 Push Trial Scope and Details July 2015

2 Notice The information provided within this presentation is for information purposes only, represents no commitment and is not intended to be an offer in whole or in part. The products and services defined in this presentation are provided subject to British Telecommunications plc terms and conditions and the Openreach Price List at All timescales are target estimates only. Content is correct at time of writing and dates and details are subject to change. Confidentiality Statement The information must not be modified without express permission in writing from British Telecommunications plc. Registered office: 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ, Registered in England no. 1800000. 2

3  What is it: A robot that sends an email for every order that has had a Clarity templated note added to it over the previous 24 hours.  What problem is it solving: CPs get task-level updates on their orders as soon as they’re raised, rather than only getting updates as a result of the job controller picking up and contextualising the update in a formal progress or delay notification.  Benefits: – Reduces the pressure on the job controller having to turn around basic progress notes to tell the CP what’s going on. – Reduces the need for the CP to call the job controller for an update. – Allows the CP to act on issues from the field more quickly than if they had to wait for a formal delay notification from job control.  Key Limitations of Clarity Push: – The robot screen scrapes. If any extra characters are added to the first line of the Clarity note, the robot will not pick it up and send it. – This tool doesn’t account for the quality of the note. A note with no information could be issued, which would likely drive a call – The robot is only on a computer that is locally controlled on a single machine by a single individual within job control. If that person goes on leave or if a problem with the machine, Clarity Push updates don’t happen until the issue is resolved, then CPs could be inundated with several days of updates in one go.  Trial and Roll-out proposal: – Run through end September 2015 to make sure that operational impacts are manageable and review for moving into in-life.  Trial Participation: – A number of CPs have assisted as reference customers of the capability during development testing. These CPs will remain opted into the Clarity Push trial. – Any CP who wishes to opt into the trial should email and with the subject line: “Opt In Clarity Push Trial” -If a CP requires the Push notifications to be switched off, an email as above, with the subject line “Opt Out Clarity Push Trial” -CP must confirm the Legal Entity name that they wish to have opted in. It is not possible to opt in or out at a sub-legal entity access level. If this is required, please communicate your requirements to who will discuss 3 Clarity Push Trial Here’s what you need to know Executive Summary

4  High Level journey of an Ethernet provision order High Level journey of an Ethernet provision order  The Clarity notes you could receive at each step in the provision journey The Clarity notes you could receive at each step in the provision journey  Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions  Clarity note email example Clarity note email example  High Level journey of an Ethernet Quick Win High Level journey of an Ethernet Quick Win 4 In this pack:

5  Every Ethernet order experiences a different provisioning journey. – Some orders go straight from order validation to service planning to fibre jointing, if they are identified as Quick Win orders, – Others have to be surveyed, and then have the route designed from scratch before going to our duct, cabling and jointing teams. – Still others have problems identified during build which mean they have to go back into planning to be revised before the build can complete (so the notes may appear out of the rough order listed).  What follows, is a high-level guide to help you understand what’s happening with your order when you receive various Clarity notes. Items in only occur in specific scenarios,. You’ll normally only receive Spine planning notes on Category 3 circuits or Duct Build notes on Cat2.2, 3 or 4 circuits.  If you want a detailed view of the data you should expect within each Clarity note, you can find that in Appendix 2 of the DoJ KCI document, here. The KCIs described above are also in that 5 Which Clarity notes will you get, when? Order Validation Survey DesignPlanning Obtain Permissions Duct Build CablingJointingFit & TestHandover KCI2 KCI3KCI4.1KCI4.2KCI5KCI6KCI7 orange High Level Process for an Ethernet Provision KCI1

6 6 Order Validation Clarity Notes Order Validation Started (PLN01.01) Delayed (PLN01.04) Complete (Survey Required) (PLN01.02) Complete (Quick Win Opportunity) (PLN01.03) Notes:  The Order Validation step is made up of two key elements: – Validating the order details and issuing the KCI1 – Placing the validated order onto our Cosmoss order management system.  If we are unable to validate an element of the order, we will send it back to you and won’t place it onto Cosmoss. So, you’ll only get these clarity notes once all the details are validated.  You’ll receive a Complete note for both the A and B ends of the order. If both ends are completed as “Quick Win” then the order will be fast tracked through planning and sent to build.  If either end of the circuit requires a survey, then the order will go down the full planning route. Back Putting the Clarity notes into context

7 7 Survey Clarity Notes Survey Contact Details needed (PLN02.01) Booked (PLN02.03) (PLN02.04) (PLN02.05) (PLN02.06) Aborted (PLN02.11) Contact Details received (PLN02.02) Booking Delay (PLN02.08) (PLN02.09) Survey Details (PLN02.07) Cancelled (PLN02.12) Survey Appointment Booking Pack Created (PLN03.01) Survey Not Required (PLN03.03) Pack Delayed (PLN03.02) Quick Win Opportunity Identified (PLN03.04) Prepare Planning Pack Delay (PLN04.05) Complete (PLN04.01) Rearrange (PLN04.03) Survey Amends (PLN04.02) On the Day Survey Notes Aborted (PLN04.04) Notes:  You will receive one of 4 Survey booked messages based on the date agreed for the appointment.  If the surveyor has agreed any changes with the site contact compared to the order details, such as the in-building location, or resilience pinch points, you’ll see this in the Survey Amends note. Back Putting the Clarity notes into context Planning Free Text Note (PLN07.02)

8 8 Detailed circuit Design gets completed after the survey Interim Design note to enable KCI2 (PLN05.01) Design Delayed (PLN05.03) Design Complete (PLN05.02) Notes:  ETS is the Detailed Design task on Cosmoss. When this task is complete, the KCI2 message can be sent confirming our costs and circuit category which will give you an indication of the likely lead time for completing the circuit.  If we’ve had delays in scheduling the Survey activity, we may issue the interim design note so that the KCI2 message can be issued confirming the costs and category, knowing that the exact lead time can be confirmed later.  If we are waiting for information (such as approvals of resilience pinch points, or order amendments), we may issue a Design Delayed note until we receive the necessary approvals/amendments to the order. Back Design Putting the Clarity notes into context

9 9 Planning Activities up to KCI3 Planning Test Rod Issued (PLN05.04) Test Rod Not Required (PLN05.05) Test Rod & Tube Sent to Spine Planning (PLN05.13) Spine Cabling Job Issued (PLN05.15) Spine Request Received (PLN05.14) Request Spine Planning Core Routing PLN08.01 Core Routing Complete (PLN08.03) Service Planning Card In-Fill PLN08.02 Notes:  The following notes are optional depending on the requirements identified in the detailed design note PLN05.02  The Planning team are responsible for kicking off various activities before the KCI3 message can be issued and will issue the PLN05.20 note if they are delayed in getting them done before Day 14 Back Planning Complete (PLN05.18) Or Interim Planning Note (PLN05.20) Stores Ordered (PLN08.04) (PLN08.11) Plug & Play Pass (PLN08.07) Fail (PLN08.06) VLAN Build (PLN08.05) Exchange Tie/Splicing Required (PLN08.08) Delay (PLN08.09) Driver (PLN08.10) Putting the Clarity notes into context

10 10 Obtaining Permissions Obtain Permission Request received (WAY01.01) Request passed to Grantor (WAY01.03) Wayleave Progress Notes TM Note (EXT07.02) Traffic Management Notes Notes:  The Wayleave notes listed have been agreed, but systems development is still in progress to deliver these via Clarity Push; they are not currently available to publish to CPs. No date is currently known for their publication. Back Delayed with Openreach (WAY01.04) Delayed with Grantor for 10 days (WAY01.05) Delayed with Grantor for 20 days (WAY01.06) Grantor Rejected (WAY01.07) Grantor Accepted (WAY01.08) Notes:  The Traffic Management Notes listed only apply to traffic management specifically for the Cabling and Jointing activities undertaken by Openreach directly. Traffic Management required by contractors is arranged by the contractors themselves.  Any note about traffic management will appear with this reference. Putting the Clarity notes into context

11 11 Planning Notes after KCI3 Duct & Internal Build Notes:  The Planning team monitors the completion of activities we contract out.  When test rod or Duct Build activities reveal problems, the planning team manage and monitor the corrective action.  Notes with a prefix PLN06 could be associated with any of these activities, but are shown where they are most likely to arise.  KCI4.1 is an optional KCI and is variable in its delivery; it is not directly linked to a specific Clarity note, unlike all the other KCIs. Back Int. Cabling Issued (PLN05.11) Monitor Internal Cabling Wayleave Required (PLN05.09) Wayleave Delayed (PLN05.10) Int. Cabling Delayed (PLN05.12) Int. Cabling Complete (PLN05.21) Test Rod Delayed (PLN05.06) Test Rod & Problems Identified Blockage Found (PLN06.01) Remedial Duct Required (PLN06.04) TRRT Re-Route (PLN06.05) Replan Required (PLN06.06) Replan Task Issued (PLN06.07) Embargo Identified (PLN06.08) Civils Delayed (PLN05.08) Monitor Civils Civils Issued (PLN05.07) Civils Complete (PLN05.22) Deferred Estimate DFE (PLN06.02) Date Change Request DCR (PLN06.03) Putting the Clarity notes into context

12 12 Notes received during the cabling field task Cabling Notes:  A KCI4.2 message will only be sent by job control after Cabling Complete is issued by the field  In the event we require site access for the cabling activity, our allocation team will ring and note their 3 contact attempts using the notes below. They will confirm the contact arrangements in a progress note. Back Job Pack Received (EXT01.01) Spine & Core Monitoring (EXT02.01) Cabling Task Notes Cabling Delay (EXT03.01) Cabling Progress Note (EXT03.02) Cabling Complete (EXT03.03) Cabling Access Call 1 (EXT04.01) Cabling Access Request Cabling Access Call 2 (EXT04.02) Cabling Access Call 3 (EXT04.03) Cabling Progress Note (EXT03.02) Fluidity Update (EXT06.01) Contractor Management (EXT07.01) General Field Notes Traffic Mgmt or External Civils (EXT07.02) Notes:  You will likely receive multiples of these general notes per order. Putting the Clarity notes into context

13 13 Jointing Notes Jointing Notes:  The Jointing Complete EXT05.02 note is the trigger for both KCI5 (Network Build Complete) and the Fit and Test Booking process.  We always require site access for the jointing activity. Our allocation team will ring and note their 3 contact attempts using the notes below. They will confirm the contact arrangements in the allocation note. Back Jointing Allocation (EXT01.01) Jointing Task Notes Jointing Delay (EXT05.03) Jointing Complete (EXT05.02) Jointing Access Call 1 (EXT04.01) Jointing Access Request Jointing Access Call 2 (EXT04.02) Jointing Access Call 3 (EXT04.03) Jointing Allocaton (EXT05.01) Putting the Clarity notes into context

14 14 Fit & Test Notes Fit & Test Notes:  The Fit and Test team is undergoing a change in Clarity notes. From July 2015, they will move from two notes (DMU01.01 and DMU01.02 to notes prefixed BIT (Booking In Team).  Notes in in the Access section reflect notes you will only receive if you are part of a customer appointing trial planned for 2015.  The Fit & Test Complete note, FIT01.01 would be the prompt for job control to issue the KCI6 message. Back Complete (FIT01.01) Fit & Test Task Notes Incomplete, Customer Reason (FIT02.01) Access Required (BIT02.01) Fit & Test Access Request Requirement sent to CP (BIT02.02) Response Received (EXT02.03) Response Delayed (BIT02.04) Booked A-End (BIT04.01) Booked B-End (BIT04.02) orange Incomplete, Openreach Reason (FIT03.01) Putting the Clarity notes into context

15 15 Commissioning Notes prior to circuit handover Commission & Handover Notes:  If something goes wrong during/after the Fit and Test stage, the service fulfilment team manage the recovery by referring the job depending on the problem that has been experienced.  You will see one of the two SFU02.0x notes, depending on the service bandwidth you’ve ordered. These signify that the circuit is now ready for service and will prompt the job controller to issue the KCI7 message. Back Gold User (SFU01.01) Service Fulfilment Unit Referrals Field (SFU01.02) Planning (SFU01.03) Job Control (SFU01.04) Application Support (ASG) (SFU01.05) Bristol Repair (SFU01.06) Service Fulfilment Provision Task Notes 10/100 Service Complete (SFU02.01) Temporary Power Used (SFU03.03) 1G Service Complete (SFU02.02) Element Manager Build Complete (SFU03.04) SFU Out of Hours Work (SFU03.05) Putting the Clarity notes into context

16  What is the difference between a Clarity note and a KCI? – Clarity note is an update put onto Cosmoss by the local operational team completing the tasks required to provide your circuit. – KCIs are key order milestone updates provided by our job controllers who monitor task progress and tell you the impact of any issues on the overall order completion status, managing the contractual date and any order-level customer communications.  What do Clarity updates look like? – You can see a sample of a Clarity note on the next slide.  When are Clarity Push notes sent? – Notes are sent every night, after 9p.m.  Can I still use the Clarity Pull tool to obtain updates? – Yes, the pull tool remains available at  What if I don’t understand an update I’ve received? – Please feed back to the trial team what it is about the note that needs improvement at – You can also find an explanation of many of the terms used by our operational teams in the Clarity Glossary of Terms, – Your Job Controller can help with order specific issues, or your Service Manager can help if you have more general issues.  Should I act on information I receive from a Clarity note? – Yes. If you receive a Clarity note that indicates a requirement for your support, please act upon it as doing so may reduce the time the task is delayed if you wait until the Job controller has a chance to send you a formal progress or delay note.  What if my order is classed as a Quick Win? – You will receive an even smaller subset of the Clarity notes in the event that the Quick Win activity is successful. Here is a high level view of the tasks in a successful Quick Win.Here is a high level view of the tasks in a successful Quick Win – If a Quick Win is not successful, you will be informed in the KCI2/3 message and the required planning and build task notes will then be raised on your order as it continues to progress.  Will I get Clarity notes on other Ethernet Orders? – Clarity Push updates are limited to EAD orders only. This does however include Standalone Survey orders and Modify orders. 16 Frequently Asked Questions Back

17 Here’s a mock-up of the Clarity update email Back 17

18  You will know if your circuit is going down the Quick Win route if both ends of the circuit complete the first Pre Network Review task with a “PLN01.03 Quick Win Identified” note. – If either end completes with a PLN01.02 note, the circuit will progress down the longer, standard provision journey described earlier in this document. 18 Which Clarity notes will you get if your circuit is identified as a Quick Win? Order Validation Planning Jointing Fit & Test Handover KCI7 KCI2 KCI3KCI6 High Level Process for a Quick Win Back

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