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Status of the SESAME Machine
Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
ANKA 2002: 7 beamlines bend 2012: 13 beamlines bend 2 insertion
Energy 2.5 GeV Current 0.4 A Periods 8 DBA Circumference 110.4 m Emittance 50 nmrad Radiation loss 0.64 MeV Nat. Chroma. h / v -13 / -8 Tune horiz. / vert. 6.8 / 2.7 Momentum Comp, 0.01 2002: 7 beamlines bend 2012: 13 beamlines bend 2 insertion 2014: 13 beamlines bend 5 insertion Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
The means have become available to built up SESAME now!
Israel, Iran, Jordan, Turkey committed to contribute 1.25 M$ next four years. Pakistan committed to comparable in kind contribution. CERN/EU contribute 5 M€ for the purchasing of the magnet system Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Financial Aspects till 2016
Injector-upgrade 0.9 M€ Magnets and PS:5.0 M€ Girder: 0.8 M€ Vacuum: 3.0 M€ RF: 3.0 M€ Diagnostics: 1.5 M€ SR-Cooling: 0.5 M€ Cabling: 0.5 M€ Commissioning: 1.5 M€ Control-System 1.1 M€ Safety P+A 0.8 M€ Front-Ends: 0.5 M€ Sum [€] M€ Sum [$] M$ 10% M$ Income EU-CERN: M€ Jordan: 4 x 1.25 M$ Turkey: 4 x 1.25 M$ Israel: 4 x 1.25 M$ Iran: x 1.25 M$ ? Pakistan: in kind contribution? USA? Norwegian? Machine: M$ 4 Beamlines upgrade: M$ Guesthouse M$ Sum M$ Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Power: Based on 4000 h operation time, 1GWh / y Salary: Increase employees Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
SESAME-Design Beamlines first day: 3 bend, 1 insertion
Microtron 0.022 GeV Booster 0.8 Energy-SR 2.5 Current 0.4 A Periods 8 DBA Circumference 133.2 m Tune horiz. / vert. 7.25 / 5.19 Nat. Chroma. h / v -14 / -14 Emittance 25 nm Mom. Comp. 0.008 Radiation loss 0.6 MeV Beamlines first day: 3 bend, 1 insertion Beamlines phase one: 5 bend, 2 insertion Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Organization Machine-Physics Cooling/Vacuum Electronics/Electric
Maher A. Open position 2012. Cooling/Vacuum Firas Osama Adel Saed Electronics/Electric Sofian (Power supplies) Ifikhar (pulsed PS) Yazeed (beam-lines) Farouq (beam-lines) New position Nov.2012 (Electric) Beamlines XABS:Messaoud IR: Ibraheem Open Position 2012 Computing Salman Mustafa Control Zia Ibrahim Open position 2012 Design/Mechanics Maher S. Thaer Akrum Mohammad Ahmad Open position 2012 N.N. RF/Diagnostics Darweesh Nashat (RF) Alaa (RF) Hussain (D) Radiation-Safety Adli Morteza Administration Majeda (Purchasing) Sonia (Assistant) Ayman (Human resources) Ibrahim (Accountant) Abd Al (Bus-driver) To be solved: Cooperation Computing/control Group member from different sections. Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Responsibility of technical sector for beamlines?
Strategic Plan: 2.2 Project organization The task of the Technical Sector is to design, build and operate the machine from the microtron to the front ends. The shielding wall between the storage ring and the experimental hall is the border line that separates what falls within the responsibility of the Technical Sector and what lies with the Scientific Sector. Nevertheless, though the installation of beamlines would normally be within the purview of the Scientific Sector it has been decided that provisionally the technical team will be in charge of this due to the lack of staff in the Scientific Sector. Beamlines will be built individually in coordination with the corresponding beamline scientists. In any cases: We need one beamline-scientist for each BL to built it up! Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Status Accelerators: Microtron is running
Booster built up started (expect operation end 2013) Storagering: Magnet / Vacuum Design ready (delivery till 2016) Building: Shielding wall is done Cooling plant nearly finished Purchasing Radiation Safety system started Beamlines: Floor-planes in work? Test of components started Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Next Steps (2013) Accelerator:
Finish built up of Booster and start operation End 2013 Start Purchasing of magnet system (design ready) To be delivered 2016 Start Purchasing of vacuum system (design ready) Start Purchasing Piping Cooling Storagering To be finished 2015 Start Purchasing RF (cooperation with SOLEIL) Floorplan! … Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Project-Development Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
SESAME Microtron in Operation, Beam in the transfer line Achieved:
Energy: 22MeV Pulse-Width: 2 µs Pulse-Current: 2 mA Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Booster-Built-up Unit-cell (6 x) Injection-Septum Microtron
RF Cavity 2kW H. Focusing Quadrupole Unit-cell (6 x) Dipole V.Focusing Quadrupole Dipole H. Focusing Quadrupole Extraction-Septum Injection-Kicker Extraction-Kicker Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Booster-Magnets Dipole B-field 1 T Radius 2.67 m Gap 40 mm Current
1000 A No windings 2x16 Resistance 0.015 Inductance 8.6 µH Quadrupole Gradient 5.77 T/m Length 0.25 m Bore- 78 mm Current 146 A No windings 4 x 24 Resistance 0.054 Inductance 6.8 µH Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Task-List Booster Layout of cable trays, purchasing of cable trays, cabling Dec Alignment of magnets Dec Installation of vacuum chamber Dec Grounding Installation of Booster-RF March 2013 Layout of pulsed magnets PS, purchasing/built up June Layout of Booster corrector PS, purchasing June Set up of PLC-controller (vacuum, magnets) March 2013 Set up of ramped Power-supply control-system (EPICS+ Ethernet Interface) Set up of corrector Power-supply control-system (EPICS+ Ethernet Interface) Set up of Booster-RF-PLC-Controller June Set up of timing system March 2013 Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
SESAME-Optics Energy 2.5 GeV Current 0.4 A Periods 8 DBA Circumference
133.2 m Tune horiz. / vert. 7.25 / 5.19 Nat. Chroma. h / v -14 / -14 Emittance 25 nm Mom. Comp. 0.008 Radiation loss 0.6 MeV Low vertical beta Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Storagering Magnets Purchased by CERN/EU: 5 M€
Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
SR Dipole Field strength: 1.455 T Deflection: 22.5 ° Radius: 2.67 m
Gap: 40 mm Current: 600 A Turns: 2 x 40 Conductor: 15x15,7 To get the electrons on a circular path Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
SR Quadrupole Gradient: 17/-10 T/m Bore: 70 mm Length 280/100 mm
Current 280/195 A Turn/coil: 34/19 To get the electrons periodic focused Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
SR Sextupole ½ B’’: 90/140 T/m2 Bore: 75 mm Length: 100 mm
Current: 86/135 A Turns per coil: 12 To correct the focusing Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Girder-Design In kind contribution from Pakistan? Design ready 6 feeds
3 struts used for transverse and longitudinal adjustment 3 jacks used for vertical adjustment and clamping Magnet Position defined by pins In kind contribution from Pakistan? Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Cavities Two 60 kW ‘prototype’ cavities available!
For reasonable beamline operation at least three mature cavities are needed. No cavities P/cavity [kW] Max. current [mA] 2.5 GeV 2.2 GeV 2 60 30 100 80 50 200 3 400 120 4 Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Storagering-RF SOLEIL: 350 MHz RF Solid-State-Amplifier
Collaboration SOLEIL-SESAME: Development of 70 kW 500 MHz tower 70kW / tower, 500 k€ 2 donated ELETTRA-Cavity old test devices, bad brazing Low Level Electronics: Collaboration with ALBA? Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Beam-Position-Monitors (64)
Vacuum-Design Design ready, since 2000 Next: Specification to be written Begin 2013 Absorber for SR (125 kW) Pumps (100) Beam-Position-Monitors (64) Stainless steel Vacuum chamber Lamped Absorber for mA Ion-Pumps Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Vacuum System Vacuum chamber 150 l/s Pump Absorber Absorber
Pumping speed: l/s Pressure: mbar Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Cooling Plant Chiller / Compressor 2200 kW 10° water
Heat Exchanger kW 20° demin. Water Load: RF: 640 kW 640 kW SR-Magnets 600 kW 600 kW Air conditioning 300 kW 80 kW Chillers, Compressor installed Pumps Heat exchanger installed Piping for Booster installed Air conditioning installed Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Cooling Set-up Pumps, pumps Cooling towers Heat exchanger and chillers
Cooling: Magnets, RF, Absorber Air-conditioning hall / tunnel / hutches Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Radiation-Safety At Synchrotron-Radiation-Sources: Dose < 1 mSv/h
Radiation areas classification: Prohibited Area : dose-rate > 3 mSv/h Accelerator-tunnel Beamline-Hutches Controlled area: dose > 6 mSv/y (Personal monitoring) Supervised Area dose-rate > 1 mSv/y (area monitoring) Non designated < 1 mSv/y Radiation worker classification: Exposed A <20 mSv/y (Exposed B < 6 mSv/y) Non exposed: < 1 mSv/y Personal doses and collective doses have to be kept as low as reasonable achievable (ALARA) At Synchrotron-Radiation-Sources: Dose < 1 mSv/h Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Radiation Shielding Electron-Losses: 2.5 GeV cascade of γ, e+ ,e-, n
(0.025W) Shielding: 1 m concrete+0.15 m lead Inelastic Electron-Scattering: 25 MeV Gasbrems-Strahlung Shielding: m lead (Hutched) Synchrotron Radiation: 50 keV (150 kW) Shielding: 4 mm lead Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
Rules: Keep radiation level < 1 mSv / y (2000 h) 0.5 µSv/h Purchasing of Radiation Monitors in progress 5 movable +2 portable stations: Gamma: 10 nSv/h – 1 Sv/h 30 keV -10 MeV Neutrons: 10 nSv/h – 0.1 Sv/h 25 meV – 100 MeV Offline-Monitoring (TLT) local provider with coarse monitoring Request for Tender in preparation for interlock system based on Safety PLC More talk MortezaMansour Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
The means have become available to built up SESAME now!
Let us go ahead to deliver the Synchrotron Radiation to the users! Erhard Huttel, SESAME, SAC 2012, 10./11.Nov.2012
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