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1 ecoflair ® A Case History: FARAM S.P.A. (PARMA, ITALY)

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Presentation on theme: "1 ecoflair ® A Case History: FARAM S.P.A. (PARMA, ITALY)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ecoflair ® A Case History: FARAM S.P.A. (PARMA, ITALY)

2 2 A significant example from a recent Italian newspaper (3 rd February 2010) Controversy over modern buildings: a recent case

3 3 The Council building is making us ill ! Deluge of complaints from employees about the new headquarters Some areas are freezing whereas others are boiling, encouraging illnesses The building was designed as an open space but was then subdivided Controversy over modern buildings: a recent case

4 4 FARAM S.p.A. Headquarters Project:Renovation and extension works Location :Parma (Italy) Architect:Claudio Manni Total internal area:1700 m 2 Offices:850 m 2 Show-room:350 m 2 Service: 500 m 2

5 5 Existing building

6 6 Needs, Requirements and Objectives  Corporate image: implementing innovative and high-quality solutions

7 7 Needs, Requirements and Objectives  Employee comfort Visual comfort Acoustic comfort Thermohygrometric comfort Air quality Ergonomics Electromagnetic pollution

8 8 Strong emotional work commitment Slight emotional Work commitment No emotional work commitment Year 2007 Needs, Requirements and Objectives 18 % 69 % 13 % 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Work dedication Staff costs Building costs Others 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 Annual costs for an office building (2008)  Employee comfort Company attachment Quality of work Performance and productivity

9 9  Employee comfort Air quality Thermohygrometric conditions Needs, Requirements and Objectives % Dissatisfied due to air quality Performance % Relative performance Temperature (°C)

10 10 Needs, Requirements and Objectives  Flexibile solutions During design phase During installation

11 11  Adaptabilty During the life of the building Needs, Requirements and Objectives 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 196019802005 Office building space Communal areas, meeting rooms… Closed offices Open plan offices Outside

12 12 The Council building is making us ill ! Deluge of complaints from employees about the new headquarters Some areas are freezing whereas others are boiling, encouraging illnesses The building was designed as an open space but was then subdivided Controversy over modern buildings: a recent case

13 13 Needs, Requirements and Objectives  T.C.O. (Total Cost of Ownership): assessing the life cycle of a solution operating costs (energy, maintenance..) “adaption” costs (change in the intended use of the building, norms,..) downtime costs

14 14 Needs, Requirements and Objectives Building Costs [%] Maintenance costs [%] External improvements 43 Equipment411 Electrical systems1213 Fire prevention systems 30,25 Air conditioning systems 1621 Plumbing systems516 Lifts54 Internal finishings1519 Roof11,5 External walls1210 Structure and foundations 231,25  T.C.O. (Total Cost of Ownership): assessing the life cycle of a solution operating costs (energy, maintenance..) “adaption” costs (change in the intended use of the building, norms,..) downtime costs

15 15 Needs, Requirements and Objectives  Energy efficiency and sustainability Lower energy consumption Reducing refrigerant Low impact on global warming Sustainable materials

16 16 Needs, Requirements and Objectives  Energy efficiency and sustainability Lower energy consumption Reducing refrigerant Low impact on global warming Sustainable materials 2002/91/CE “Energy performance of buildings” Energy certification label for buildings

17 17 Proposed Solution

18 18 Htwh – Heat transfer unit Modular access floor INSTALLATION SCHEME Supervisory system Unitile – Terminal units ecoflair ® - Integrated solution patented by Uniflair Energy Provider - Multifunctional unit Accv – Air Handling unit

19 19 14°C 35°C Cold and Hot Loop Heating and cooling simultaneously Water based (no refrigerant indoors) Water Temp. : 14°C cold / 35°C hot high comfort energy saving (high C.O.P.) compatibility with alternative energy sources (geothermic, solar,..) Separation of sensible/latent load

20 20 Coil + fan: allows cooling or heating of the area in which it is installed Modular dimensions (600x600 mm): for integrated installation in a raised floor Connected with flexible pipes, these units can be moved according to layout changes Unitile – Terminal unit 230 mm 600 mm

21 21 (*) Designed with the Physics Department, Architecture University of Venice Directional grille (*) The discharge grille directs the air-flow to follow a “bell” path, creating a sort of “climatic bubble” between the Unitile and the suction grille. The air-speed is reduced in order to obtain a high level of comfort for users.

22 22 To connect Unitiles to the main pipes Increasing flexibility: with a local pump and “plug and play” connections, it allows to move and to add Unitile units, increasing the cooling capacity. Simplicity and speed of installation Hydraulic Kit

23 23 Cooling Heating Hydraulic Kit

24 24 User setting for temperature and air- speed (1,2,3, auto) Stand-alone operation Integrated ambient temperature sensor Easy connection in TLan with Utat units Wall installation Table support installation TLan Local User Terminal

25 25 Wireless control Advanced technology Simplicity and speed of installation Reduced cost of installation Increasing flexibility in moving Unitiles Captivating design No visible wires on desks


27 27 Commercial buildings often require heating and cooling simultaneously during the year Transferring energy is much better rather than creating it: this is the basic idea of the ecoflair ® system The Heat Transfer Unit (HTWH) balances the simultaneous opposite thermal loads within the building Energy efficiency

28 28 Commercial buildings often require heating and cooling simultaneously during the year Transferring energy is much better rather than creating it: this is the basic idea of the ecoflair ® system The Heat Transfer Unit (HTWH) balances the simultaneous opposite thermal loads within the building Energy efficiency

29 29 Cooling: some heat is “removed” from the air, and it is transferred to the cold loop (water T. increases) In the HTWH this q.ty of heat is “moved” from the cold to the hot water Heating: the heat which has been cumulated in the hot loop (water) is given back to the air in another building area Heat Transfer Unit - HTWH Restores the water set-point temperature in the 2 loops, transferring excess energy from the cold to the hot loop

30 30 HEATING LOAD (kW) COOLING LOAD (kW) TRANSFERRED BY THE HTWH TRANSFERRED BY THE HTWH PROVIDED BY THE E.P. PROVIDED BY THE E.P. Energy Provider - external multifunctional unit Integrates the unbalanced thermal energy Production of hot and cold water independently or simultaneously Independent cold/hot water circuits (no cycle inversion) Reduced footprint (1 unit only) Free-cooling operation available High energy efficiency (recovering heat) Outdoor and easy installation

31 31 Managing the quality of internal air: Humidity (humidification/dehumidification) Adequate air exchange Air filtration Monitoring of the CO 2 and VOC levels Cross flow heat exchanger to exchange heat between exhausted discharged air and incoming fresh air. ACCV – Air handling unit

32 32 Ground Floor 1st Floor FARAM Headquarters – Project description  ecoflair® system  Fan coil / underfloor system  Integration with a boiler available in production  Supervisory System

33 33 Building work on site

34 34 Building work on site

35 35 Finished project

36 36 Finished project

37 37 Finished project: 2nd step

38 38 Finished project: external

39 39 Comfort Flexibility Cost € Benefits obtained Representative headquarters Integration of systems in the modular access floor High comfort conditions (individual control, air quality, low noise) Spatial flexibility and modularity Energy saving Reduction in operating costs

40 40 ecoflair ® - some references

41 41 Padova University Refectory Area:350 m2 Typology:2 pipe-system (external heat-pump)

42 42 Restaurant in Catanzaro Area:250 m2 Typology:2 pipe-system (external heat-pump)

43 43 Extension works “Traspolare S.p.A.” Headquarters Area:700 m2 Typology:different water based systems Ground floor: hydronic cassette First floor: ecoflair UTAT units in a 4-pipe system Loft floor: cold beams Bathrooms: ceiling radiant installation

44 44 FIRST FLOOR OFFICES DETAIL FIRST FLOOR: ecoflair UTAT units in a 4-pipe system Extension works “Traspolare S.p.A.” Headquarters

45 45 Extension works “Traspolare S.p.A.” Headquarters

46 46 Restoration of the Church of San Francesco in Naples Typology:2 pipe-system in a traditional floor

47 47 Restoration of an office building in Bologna Area:1000 m2 Typology:ecoflair® system in office area Traditional fan-coils in refectory area 3-way co-generation plant

48 48 Restoration of an office building in Bologna

49 49 ecoflair ®

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