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Instruments and Science with TMT Shude Mao. Outline International context Telescope overview and science instruments Some key science areas Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Instruments and Science with TMT Shude Mao. Outline International context Telescope overview and science instruments Some key science areas Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instruments and Science with TMT Shude Mao

2 Outline International context Telescope overview and science instruments Some key science areas Summary

3 Golden era for astronomy –All ~billion, international collaborations –Synergies between different telescopes in multi- wavelength LOFAR, LSST, IXO, … LAMOST, FAST, Dome-A, TMT, … JWST TMT ALMA SKA

4 Big questions for astronomy (US decadal report) How did the universe begin? What were the first objects to light up the universe and when did they do it? How do cosmic structures form and evolve? What are the connections between dark and luminous matter? What is the fossil record of galaxy assembly and evolution from the first stars to the present? How do stars and black holes form? How do circumstellar disks evolve and form planetary systems? How do baryons cycle in and out of galaxies and what do they do while they are there? What are the flows of matter and energy in the circumgalactic medium? What controls the mass-energy-chemical cycles within galaxies? How do black holes work and influence their surroundings? How do rotation and magnetic fields affect stars? How do massive stars end their lives? What are the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae and how do they explode? How diverse are planetary systems and can we identify the telltale signs of life on an exoplanet? Why is the universe accelerating? What is dark matter? What are the properties of the neutrinos? What controls the masses, spins and radii of compact stellar remnants?

5 Many of these questions require new surveys, telescopes, instrumentations …… GSMT (TMT/GMT) was ranked as the highest priority in ground-based experiments in the 2000 decadal report Number three in the 2010 report Number one by the optical/IR panel.

6 TMT partnership Timeline –2004project start, design development –2009preconstruction phase –2012start construction –2018complete, first light, start AO science Partnership –UC/Caltech/Canada –Japan, China, India –NSF? Likely the first 30m telescope in the world!!

7 Telescope Overview Tensional members M2 hexagonal ring M2 support tripod M2 support columns Elevation journal M1 cellAzimuth truss Azimuth cradle M2 structural hexapod LGSF beam transfer LGSF launch telescope Nasmyth platform Laser room

8 TMT Optical Design: Ritchey Chrétien M1 Parameters –ø30m, f/1, Hyperboloid M2 Parameters –ø3.1m, ~f/1, Convex hyperboloid, M3 Parameters –Flat –Elliptical, 2.5 X 3.5m

9 Nasmyth Configuration: First Decade Instrument Suite /IRMS

10 Key elements of TMT Large aperture (30m vs. current 8-10m vs. 2m in China) –Integration time t ~ 1/D 2 for seeing limited observations Adaptive optics in near-IR –Five times better resolution than HST at 1 micron –t ~ 1/D 4 dependence for the same S/N ratio for point sources Due to larger aperture (D 2 ), and small footprint in the PSF (1/D 2 ) Optimised for near-IR –Important for studying high-redshift universe and many astrophysical applications.

11 Power of diffraction limited observations 3.3’x3.3’

12 Instruments and Science capabilities InstrumentSpectral ResolutionScience Case Near-IR DL Spectrometer & Imager (IRIS) ~4000 Assembly of galaxies at large redshift Black holes/AGN/Galactic Center Resolved stellar populations in crowded fields Astrometry Wide-field Optical Spectrometer (WFOS) 1000-5000 IGM structure and composition 2<z<6 High-quality spectra of z>1.5 galaxies suitable for measuring stellar pops, chemistry, energetics Near-field cosmology Multi-slit near-DL near- IR Spectrometer (IRMS) 2000 - 5000 Near-IR spectroscopic diagnostics of the faintest objects JWST follow-up Mid-IR Echelle Spectrometer & Imager (MIRES) 5000 - 100000 Physical structure and kinematics of protostellar envelopes Physical diagnostics of circumstellar/protoplanetary disks: where and when planets form during the accretion phase ExAO I (PFI) 50 - 300 Direct detection and spectroscopic characterization of extra- solar planets High Resolution Optical Spectrograph (HROS) 30000 - 50000 Stellar abundance studies throughout the Local Group ISM abundances/kinematics, IGM characterization to z~6 Extra-solar planets! MCAO imager (WIRC) 5 - 100 Precision astrometry Stellar populations to 10Mpc Near-IR, DL Echelle (NIRES) 5000 - 30000 Precision radial velocities of M-stars and detection of low- mass planets IGM characterizations for z>5.5

13 Cosmology and Fundamental constants of nature What is dark Matter and dark energy? There are many theories –some predict variation of fundamental parameters. –Wavelengths in multiplets of redshifted UV lines in quasar spectra are sensitive to change in alpha and m p /m e A decade of study with 10m-class telescopes has hinted at variations at the 10 -5 level. TMT will provide a definitive resolution with much higher S/N data. (Srianand et al. 2004)

14 High-redshift universe and IGM TMT can study many high-redshift objects spectroscopically –Study the physical properties of first light sources in the universe, in synergy with JWST. Higher source density will provide multiple lines of sight to do 3D tomography.

15 Black hole astrophysics Most galaxies (including the MW) host massive black holes at their centres Black hole influence radius is GM/r ~  2 –r ~ GM/  2 –Higher resolution implies black holes at larger distances can be resolved, resolution ~ 1.22 /D –detectable volume increases with D 3. TMT will determine black hole masses over a wide range of galaxy types, masses and redshifts: –It can resolve the region of influence of a 10 9 solar mass BH to z ~ 0.4 using adaptive optics. Key questions: –When did the first supermassive BHs form? –How do BH properties and growth rate depend on the environment? –How do BHs evolve dynamically? –How do BHs feed?

16 Extrasolar planet detection Extreme adaptive optics allow us to directly image extrasolar planets.

17 Searching for origins of life TMT will detect the absorption signatures of gases in the atmosphere in transiting planets. TMT should be able to detect O 2 in the atmosphere of an Earth-like planet orbiting in the habitable zone of an M star.

18 Challenges for China Several centres of excellence in theoretical astrophysics are emerging Observational astronomy is lagging behind –2m vs.10m currently –No good seeing and weather sites (Dome- A, TMT) –We need to build up the user base Plan to purchase international telescopes Much to do in the next decade to obtain the maximum scientific yield of TMT.

19 Summary TMT offers a unique opportunity for China to leapfrog in observational astronomy –Efforts from you will determine whether the next generation (observational) astronomers can compete globally. TMT will produce many exciting results in –in cosmology, extrasolar planets, black holes, …. –unknown unknown areas Second-generation instruments still to be finalised –China can potentially contribute in this area.

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