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CHAPTER 10 LIQUIDS & SOLIDS. I NTERMOLECULAR F ORCES Dipole-dipole attraction (1% as strong as a bond & indirectly proportional to distance) Polarizability.

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2 I NTERMOLECULAR F ORCES Dipole-dipole attraction (1% as strong as a bond & indirectly proportional to distance) Polarizability Hydrogen bonding (SONF; very strong force because of polarity and size) London dispersion forces (weak and short lived; between nonpolar molecules

3 L IQUIDS Surface tension – resistance to increase surface area Capillary action – rising of liquid in a narrow tube (cohesive & adhesive forces) Viscosity – resistance to flow

4 S OLIDS Structure (crystalline & amorphous) Unit cell (page 461) Lattice – several repeating unit cells X-ray diffraction Types of crystals (ionic, molecular and atomic) Metals (thermal & electrical conductivity, malleability & ductility Look at page 466 to see closest packing of metals Review Example 10.2 on page 467

5 M ORE M ETALS … Alloys (substitutional & interstitial) Network solids (carbon & silicon) Semiconductors Ionic solids

6 V APOR P RESSURE Enthalpy of vaportization (  H vap ) Equilibrium vapor pressure Formula:

7 C HANGES OF S TATE Sublimation Heating curve Enthalpy of fusion Normal MP & BP Supercooled & superheated

8 P HASE D IAGRAMS Critical temperature Critical pressure Critical point

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