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Laboratórios de Pesquisa em Refrigeração e Termofísica Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics POLO Labs: Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratórios de Pesquisa em Refrigeração e Termofísica Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics POLO Labs: Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratórios de Pesquisa em Refrigeração e Termofísica Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics POLO Labs: Overview

2 Laboratórios de Pesquisa em Refrigeração e Termofísica Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics POLO Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics 32 years 1982 2006 2009 2014

3 Research is the backbone of all technological innovations Industry is a source of opportunities for advancing basic scientific knowledge Our Beliefs and Values research activities product development

4 o Turbulence and Jet Noise o Thermophysical Characterization of Fluids o Wire-and-tube Condensers o Tube-fin Condensers o Tube-fin Evaporators & Frost Formation o No-frost Evaporators o Refrigeration controls o Not-in-kind Refrigeration Cycles o Thermal management o Multiphase Flows o Emerging Refrigeration Technologies o Thermodynamics of Mixtures o Miniaturized Heat Exchangers o CO 2 Refrigeration Systems o Expansion Devices o Compressor Valves o Compression Technologies o Climate-Controlled Test Rooms o Wind Tunnels Laboratories

5 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy (Risø), Technical University of Denmark Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany UT University of Twente, Netherlands Université Lille 1, France Partnerships Institute of Sound and Vibration Research University of Southampton, UK Texas A & M University, USA Imperial College London, England

6 Partnerships

7 Partnership initiated in 1982 32 years  Development of numerical models for thermal analysis of compressors;  Numerical prediction of fluid-structure interaction in compressor valves;  Thermodynamic and performance analysis of scroll compressors and micro-compressors;  Theoretical and experimental analysis of capillary tubes and heat exchangers;  Transient simulation of refrigeration systems;  Frost formation on tube-fin evaporators;  Phase equilibrium and volumetric behavior of mixtures of natural fluids and lubricant oils;  Development of passive and active magnetocaloric regenerators; inter alia…

8 Partnership initiated in 1997  Heat flux distribution on the external walls of household refrigerators;  Air velocity distribution in the freezer compartment of a top-mount refrigerator;  Experimental and numerical analysis of roll-bond and no-frost evaporators;  Frost formation in household refrigerators (inner liners and evaporators);  Steady-state, transient and quasi-steady simulation of no-frost refrigerators;  Experimental investigation on the popping and expansion noises in HO refrigerators;  Measurement of the air infiltration leakage through the refrigerator gaskets;  Measurement of the thermal-hydraulic performance of WoT & PoT condensers; inter alia… 17 years

9 Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH  Experimental analysis of the heat transfer through the door of a household refrigerator  Optimization of no-frost evaporators  Optimization of wire-on-tube condensers  Evaluation of the air temperature and velocity distribution in household refrigerators  Performance evaluation of household refrigerators  Identification of the root causes of the scratching noise in household refrigerators Partnership initiated in 2005 09 years

10 Partnership initiated in 2008  Analysis of the temperature effect on noise generation and propagation.  Development of dedicated experimental facilities to characterize jet noise.  Evaluation of prediction methods, assessing their capability to support the design process.  Investigation of noise and installation effects of high-subsonic jets in flight.  Assessment of nozzle geometries as a mechanism to control noise. 06 years

11  Gas-liquid flows in pipelines;  Thermophysical properties of high- pressure CO 2 -mixtures;  Thermal insulation of HPHT wells;  Development of mathematical models for simulating transient two-phase flows in natural gas wells. Partnership initiated in 2009 05 years

12  Performance assessment of two Imbera Coolers;  Performance analysis of CO 2 hermetic sealed compressors;  Performance assessment of a glass door beverage cooler - A case study: HFC-13ax CO 2,  Multi-speed approach to CO 2 Refrigeration systems: A fundamental study on thermodynamic cycles. Partnership initiated in 2013 05 years

13  Surfactant injection to improve production in gas wells;  Foam behavior during well unloading;  Transport of solids in horizontal wells. Partnership initiated in 2014

14 ~110 persons Team 3 18 25 32 3 17 9 professors Ph.D. students M.Sc. students B.Sc. students engineers technicians staff

15 POLO stimulates both the technical and personal development of its students, who are encouraged to join our industry partners as soon their studies are completed. Human Resources

16 Human resources of R&D employees *Magazine Development Challenges, IPEA, Edition 26 40 % are UFSC alumni

17 Publications 140+ M.Sc. Dissertations. Ph.D. Thesis technical publications in refereed Brazilian journals and conferences and… … in international conferences and journals 30+ 250+ 500+

18 6 th Brazilian company with the largest number of awarded patents in Brazil (2 nd in the USA) Patents 188 in partnership with UFSC 2665 18 EMBRACO protected inventions in Brazil in the last 5 years world deposits

19 Laboratórios de Pesquisa em Refrigeração e Termofísica Research Laboratories for Emerging Technologies in Cooling and Thermophysics César J. Deschamps Federal University of Santa Catarina Department of Mechanical Engineering 88040-900 – Florianópolis – SC - Brazil phone +55 (48) 3721-9397

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