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Does life on other planets really exist? Research has shown that it maybe possible for life on other planets, this presentation will show you a wide.

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Presentation on theme: "Does life on other planets really exist? Research has shown that it maybe possible for life on other planets, this presentation will show you a wide."— Presentation transcript:



3 Does life on other planets really exist? Research has shown that it maybe possible for life on other planets, this presentation will show you a wide range of reasons why life may or may not exist.

4 Dr Frank Drake came up with an equation to estimate the number of possible civilisations in the Galaxy. The factors that determine the number of civilisations in the galaxy are: the number of stars in the galaxy fraction of stars that have planets number of planets that are Earth-like per star fraction of Earth-like planets on which life has arisen fraction of life-bearing planets that develop intelligent life

5 The equation is usually written like this; N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L Complicated, here is an equation that’s a bit easier to understand; Number of civilisations = number of stars x fraction of stars with planets x number of Earth- like planets per star x fraction on which life arises x fraction that develop intelligent life.

6 N = The number of civilisations in The Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable What does it all mean? N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

7 R * =The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life. N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

8 f p = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

9 n e = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life. N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

10 f l = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

11 f i = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges. N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

12 f c = The fraction of civilisations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space. N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

13 L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space N = R * f p n e f l f i f c L

14 In the late twentieth century, scientists converged upon the basic idea of scanning the sky and "listening" for non-random patterns of electromagnetic emissions such as radio or television waves in order to detect another possible civilisation somewhere else in the universe. In late 1959 and early 1960, the modern SETI era began when Frank Drake conducted the first such SETI search at approximately the same time that Giuseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison published a key journal article suggesting this approach.

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