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Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14 Q 19Q 24 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20Q 25 SOL Review B SOL Review A SOL Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14 Q 19Q 24 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20Q 25 SOL Review B SOL Review A SOL Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Q 16Q 11Q 21 Q 7Q 12Q 17Q 22 Q 8 Q 13 Q 18 Q 23 Q 9 Q 14 Q 19Q 24 Q 10 Q 15 Q 20Q 25 SOL Review B SOL Review A SOL Review C SOL Review D SOL Review E

2 Question 1 Two lines and a ray intersect at a single point as shown at right. In the drawing above, m ∠ 1 is _______ if m ∠ 2 = 40° ?

3 Answer 1 What is – 50° ?

4 Question 2 One matrix has a 2 and a 5 in the same column.

5 Answer 2 What is – ?

6 Question 3 One scattergram contains data with a positive relationship.

7 Answer 3 What is – ?

8 Question 4 During basketball practice, Jada attempted 52 free throws and made 16 of them. Based on that rate, the probability that she will make the next free throw she attempts is __________.

9 Answer 4 What is – ?

10 Question 5 These dominoes are turned over and shuffled thoroughly, and one is chosen at random. The probability that the total number of spots showing on the one chosen will be greater than 6 is _______.

11 Answer 5 What is – ?

12 Question 6 Rocky has a chance of winning a trip to New York City. One of the following best describes Rocky’s chances of winning the trip? A. It is certain that Rocky will win the trip. B. It is likely that Rocky will win the trip. C. It is unlikely that Rocky will win the trip. D. It is impossible that Rocky will win the trip.

13 Answer 6 What is – C. It is unlikely that Rocky will win the trip. ?

14 Question 7 One of these is a 2-by-6 matrix.

15 Answer 7 What is – ?

16 Question 8 The graph shows the ages in months of the boys and girls in Mrs. Duncan’s nursery class. One conclusion can be justified by the data shown in the bar graph. A.The students are at least 2 years old. B. There are more girls than boys 26 to 27 months old. C. Most students are older than 30 months. D. There are more girls than boys.

17 Answer 8 What is — A. The students in the class are at least 2 years old. ?

18 Question 9 The scatterplot shows Sarah’s height and weight at various times from birth to her third birthday. One of the following conclusions about the relationship between her height and weight is true. F. There is a negative relationship between height and weight. G. There is a positive relationship between height and weight. H. There is a constant relationship between height and weight. J. There is no relationship between height and weight.

19 Answer 9 What is — G There is a positive relationship between height and weight. ?

20 Question 10 A function of x containing four ordered pairs of the form (x, y) is shown here: The domain of the function is _______. A. 1,2,5,6 B. 3,4,7,8 C. 1,2,3,4 D. 5,6,7,8

21 Answer 10 What is – ? A. 1,2,5,6

22 Question 11 Given the function of x defined by, if the domain is the range is __________. - 4, - 1,2,5

23 Answer 11 What is – ? - 7,2,11,20

24 Question 12 One statement generalizes the pattern shown in the table.

25 Answer 12 What is – ?

26 Question 13 One of the following is the table of values used to graph the function of x shown.

27 Answer 13 What is – ?

28 Question 14 The solution to is _____.

29 Answer 14 What is – 96 ?

30 Question 15 The formula shows that c, the total cost of buying pizzas at Al’s Restaurant, depends on p, the number of pizzas ordered. c = 9p The independent variable in the formula is _________.

31 Answer 15 What is – p ?

32 Question 16 One graph below best represents the line defined by the table of ordered pairs.

33 Answer 16 What is ?

34 Question 17 The solution to the proportion below is _________.

35 Answer 17 What is 275 ?

36 Question 18 One of the tables below could be used to graph the following:

37 Answer 18 What is ?

38 Question 19 The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 17 inches.

39 Answer 19 What is – 53 inches?

40 Question 20 A cylindrical chemical tank is 12 feet high and has a diameter of 45 feet. The number of cubic feet of liquid the tank will hold is ______.

41 Answer 20 What is – 19,076 ?

42 Question 21 One is true for all pairs of values in the table.

43 Answer 21 What is – ?

44 Question 22 The value of x that makes the following statement true: 19 = 5x + 4

45 Answer 22 What is – 3 ?

46 Question 23 _______ is one of the solutions to the following : 2x + 4 < 12

47 Answer 23 What is – 3 ?

48 Question 24 One of these is a table of ordered pairs defined by.

49 Answer 24 What is– ?

50 Question 25 One table of ordered pairs could be used to graph.

51 Answer 25 What is – ?

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