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Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was born on August 26, 1743 in Paris. His father, Jean Antoine Lavoisier worked as a prosecutor. His mother, Emillie Punctis.

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Presentation on theme: "Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was born on August 26, 1743 in Paris. His father, Jean Antoine Lavoisier worked as a prosecutor. His mother, Emillie Punctis."— Presentation transcript:



3 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was born on August 26, 1743 in Paris. His father, Jean Antoine Lavoisier worked as a prosecutor. His mother, Emillie Punctis was the daughter of an advocate. Antoine grew up in Maras, known as a quite part of Paris; with his only sister Marie. His mother died in 1748, the family moved into his grandmother’s house.

4 ~ Antoine’s father did not re-marry, he was fully devoted to the upbringing of his children. ~ Antoine had very few friends; he developed a special friendship with his father, which greatly affected his life. ~ Antoine lived at his grandmother’s house for the next twenty three years until his marriage in 1771. ~ During his school years from 1754 - 1760 he won awards in languages, and was granted a special prize for his great effort and hard work.

5 - In 1760, his sister Marie died at the age of 15. The praise by others at school helped Antoine cope with the loss of his sister, Marie. - Antoine attended the college at Mazarin to study chemistry, astronomy, biology, and mathematics. - Antoine’s family consisted of lawyers, but this was not in his interest. - Lavoisier left college in 1761, because his father wanted him to study law. He graduated with a law degree in 1764. -Antoine had much more interest in meteorology and science. - He observed the work of miners and metallurgists.

6  In 1768, at a young age of 25, he accepted office as a Farmer – General of Taxes, and as a chemist at the Royal Academy of Sciences, the most elite science society.  Accepting Farmer- General of Taxes; he used his income to finance his experiments.  A few years later he married the daughter of another  His only dream in life was to make France the richest country in Europe by spreading technical education. tax farmer, Marie Anne who was only 13 at the time.  Antoine Lavoisier was appointed regional inspector for the Tobacco Commission.

7 Lavoisier’s work was the result of extending and coordinating the research of others. Showed air is a mixture of gases by demonstrating oxygen is required for combustion, rusting, and respiration. Opened the way for organic chemistry by inventing a method of analyzing organic bodies by combustion. Wrote about oxygenating and deoxygenating sugars to produce alcohol. Gave chemistry it’s first general laws and made it a science.

8 Worked to improve economic and social conditions in France. Expressed one of the first laws of the psychology of exertion and invented the measurement of the heartbeat. Clearly described the role of oxygen in the respiration of animals and plants. Invented calorimeter, tool used to measure the heat released by an animal. In his experiments using the calorimeter he was able to establish theories concerning respiration, movements, and digestion. His concern for public health led him towards medicine, physiology, and biology.

9 * Conducted experiments to establish the composition of water and organic compounds. * Produced experiments on perspiration and the waterproofing of fabrics, these experiments led to medical considerations. * Meteorology was his specialty. * Introduced a universal measuring system, the decimal system. * First to introduce effective methods of chemical reactions. * He tried to establish agricultural experiment stations to improve the farming methods in France. *In 1775, he was appointed director of the Gun Powder Commission.

10 » He was appointed as one of the four commissioners for Gun Powder and Saltpeter Administration, in 1776. » Lavoisier was nominated as the director of the Government Powder Mills, in 1776. » In 1777, he published his experiments on animal respiration and the changes occurring when air passes through the lungs. » Lavoisier became an important landowner by successive acquisition of land, in 1778. and was appointed the director of the Academy of Sciences. » Proved the law of the conservation of matter. » In 1785, he became a member of the Committee on Agriculture

11 » He became a member of the Commission on Weights and Measurers and Commissioner of the Treasury, in 1790. » In 1791, Lavoisier was nominated as a member of the Bureau of Consultation of Arts and Crafts. » Lavoisier devoted three months at the Advisory Boards for Arts and Trades for perfecting the fabrication of counterfeit paper currency, in 1793. » On May 8, 1794, during The Reign of Terror, the greatest head of science was severed by the guillotine. » He was charged with“incivism”, the damaging of public health. »Antoine Laurent Lavoisier died at the age of fifty one.

12 ˜ Internet source: Lavoisier/index1.htm ˜ Encyclopedia source: The World Book Encyclopedia Volume 10/Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. Chicago, IL : c1958 ˜ Book source: The Cautionary Scientists/ Kenneth S. Davis: c1912 ˜ Scientific period source: The French Revolution sourcebook/edited by John Hardman. London; New York: Arnold, 1999.

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