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E. L. Martín (CAB). Direct Imaging of exoplanets and brown dwarfs 3/6.

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Presentation on theme: "E. L. Martín (CAB). Direct Imaging of exoplanets and brown dwarfs 3/6."— Presentation transcript:

1 E. L. Martín (CAB)

2 Direct Imaging of exoplanets and brown dwarfs 3/6

3 Formation theories: Gravitational Instability Sequential accretion: 4/16

4 Extrasolar Planet Phase Space Simulations from Ida & Lin Current harvest of ~350 planets (RV): empirical constraints on planetary system formation. Jupiter & Neptune appear to be the tip of the “planetary iceberg.” Extrasolar Planet Phase Space

5 Prediction on the habitable planets No snow line barrier Barrier without enhancement Barrier & enhancement 14/16Needs to calibrate the efficiency of type I migration From Doug Lin

6 15/16 Gaudi Frequency of Earth Hot Neptunes around M dwarfs (Ida)


8 How Will We Know A Planet Supports Life? Look for evidence of oxygen Look for liquid water Analyze the reflected light from the planet to see if the planet has an atmosphere Look for signs of biological activity (methane) And Rule Out Other Explanations? 17


10 Continuous habitable zone => Habplanets 10 mas 100 mas

11 L. Kaltenegger FI

12 Terrestrial Planet Finder (Darwin/TPF) Visible or thermal-IR? Contrast ratio is 10 10 in the visible vs. 10 7 in the thermal-IR 10 8 in the UV? Required aperture is ~2 m in the visible vs. 80 m baseline in the IR ≈10 10 TPF-C TPF-I ≈ 10 7




16 Visible Spectrum of Earth Integrated light of Earth, reflected from dark side of moon; Rayleigh, chlorophyll, O 2, O 3, H 2 O. Woolf, Smith, Traub, & Jucks, ApJ 2002; also Arnold et al. 2002

17 Bloody moon tells how to characterize habplanets

18 W. Shakespeare "The moon looks bloody on the earth" [Welsh Captain to the Earl of Salisbury, listing the dread omens that foretell "the death or fall of kings".]

19 E Pallé et al. Nature 459, 814-816 (2009) doi:10.1038/nature08050 Earth’s visible and near-infrared transmission and reflection spectra.

20 Summary: FI may have a niche in UV characterization of habplanets if it achieves contrast of 10-8 in the UV at angular sep. 10 to 100 mas. This science case could be a driver for setting a goal for the size of the mask. UV range could give clues on origin of water on habplanets UV will provide information about size of dust particles in the atmospheres

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