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Buffalo Chinese Christian Church Project 99 Progress Report September 26, 2004.

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1 Buffalo Chinese Christian Church Project 99 Progress Report September 26, 2004

2 Project Background Historical Background (last 20 years) –Purchased current building in 1985 –Ongoing size/location/maintenance limitations –Several property searches over the years Recent Background (last 3 years) –Attendance has grown –Current facility limitations more obvious –Active consideration (2002-2003) –Council recommendation (Oct 2003) –Congregational vote (Nov 2003) –Project 99 Committee (March 2004)

3 Progress to Date The Committee Has Met 5 Times (March- Sept) –Elected Dr. Herbert Lau as Committee Chair –Worked to clarify the reasons for project 99 –Developed Vision Statement and Objectives –Prepared informational article and fact sheet –Developed preliminary project plan –Set up 2 subcommittees 1 - Existing Building Purchase 2 - Land Purchase and Construction

4 Progress to Date Subcommittee 1 (Existing Building Purchase) –Met with with several local Realtors –Commercial property search –Visited 2 existing churches –Identified several churches for sale –Sent out letters to 30 local churches –Called Catholic Diocese –Online research –Established preliminary building purchase criteria

5 Project Plan Subcommittee 1 (Existing Building Purchase) (Completed within the next 3-6 months) –Retain a Commercial Realtor –Expand our consideration of Commercial/Business Facilities Unfortunately no suitable facility has been found. We will continue to pray and seek God’s provision but it appears that there may be no existing facility available

6 Progress to Date Subcommittee 2 ( Land Purchase &Construction) –Researched local building regulations –Established preliminary land purchase criteria –Met with Town of Amherst Building Inspector –Visited several plots of land for sale –Attended 1 land sale auction –Met with Rochester Chinese Christian Church –Developed preliminary project plan

7 Project Plan Land Purchase and New Construction –Pre-Construction Phase I - Facility Master Plan (Completed within next 6-12 months) Retain Professional Architect Form Design Committee Prepare a phased Master Plan Develop more accurate cost estimates

8 Project Plan Land Purchase and New Construction –Pre-Construction Phase II - Fund Raising (Already in progress - next steps begin immediately) Form fund raising committee Prepare fund raising objectives based on Master Plan Begin regular updates & correspondence with members and alumni

9 Project Plan Land Purchase and New Construction –Pre-Construction Phase III - Land Acquisition (Completed within next 18 months) Finalize land purchase criteria based on Master Plan Retain Professional Realtor Identify suitable parcel of land Perform necessary pre-purchase evaluation Purchase land with funds raised

10 Project Plan Land Purchase and New Construction –Construction Phase II-Fellowship Hall Construction (Completed within next 3-5 years) Begin construction when sufficient funds are raised Construct multifunctional fellowship hall and supporting rooms in first construction phase

11 Project Plan Land Purchase and New Construction –Construction Phase III - Sanctuary & Continued Construction (Completed within next 5-10 years) Construct subsequent phases of Master Plan as funds become available

12 Project Funding By God’s grace we prefer to finance the project without incurring debt We will attempt to move forward as funds become available Formation of Fund Raising Committee Begin fund raising campaign Preliminary target –$250,000 - for down payment or land purchase

13 Conclusion Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails - Proverbs19:21 Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance - Psalms 16:5-6

14 Project Background A combination of needs has begun to limit our ministries and growth Summary of Current Needs –Sanctuary size –Classroom and office space –Increasing maintenance costs –Restrooms/plumbing –Children’s nursery –Recreational facilities –Parking –Baptismal tank

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