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End note Professor Rick Ball Centre for Economic and Social Regeneration Staffordshire University.

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Presentation on theme: "End note Professor Rick Ball Centre for Economic and Social Regeneration Staffordshire University."— Presentation transcript:

1 End note Professor Rick Ball Centre for Economic and Social Regeneration Staffordshire University

2 Widening participation Widening the learning net? Key to the mission of many HE institutions Reaching the AYHRs As yet hardly reached! People and places! Rehearsing why its important in order to engage Fundamental basis – demand and supply

3 Regeneration What is it? Revival – renewal – re-equipment …. People and places – the non-engaged are everywhere! Needs and opportunities Needs – low engagement …. Opportunities – capture and provide - with a rationale for communities, employers …. Longer-term view – enhanced attractiveness and relevance of education and training

4 Thinking about the links CLARIFYING – the situation –What is WP? –Who is it for? –Has it been successfully delivered so far? –Is there an effective feedback loop?

5 Thinking about the links Recognising the COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT –The HE and FE arena –Growth and survival WP? –Private sector learning and providing –Clarifying roles and relationships –Establishing robust, inclusive partnerships

6 Thinking about the links ALIGNING with POLICY AGENDAS –More than the basic LEITCH? –Employer engagement –Vocational training and learning –Work-based learning –Regeneration agencies and funding

7 Thinking about the links Fostering and learning from INNOVATIVE ACTIONS –Build awareness of value in participation –Emulate good practice Asturias –Northern Spain Conference examples

8 Thinking about the links Being ATTRACTIVE! –To potential learners and employers –Vocational alignment? –Building the offer and its delivery –Coping with financing challenges –Creating the right infrastructures –Holistic provision –Flexibility to maximise local custom

9 Making it happen Demonstrating achievement Being grassroots informants Forcing a bottom-up approach Tooling up to deliver Building capacity to engage Reducing barriers to progression Learning from and promoting WP experience Influencing policy development –Such as the HE Academy –LLNs and beyond –Policy in the afterlife?

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