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Pamela Dennis, MLS, PhD, University of Memphis Provide information about STEM education Determine what resources STEM faculty use when conducting academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Pamela Dennis, MLS, PhD, University of Memphis Provide information about STEM education Determine what resources STEM faculty use when conducting academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pamela Dennis, MLS, PhD, University of Memphis Provide information about STEM education Determine what resources STEM faculty use when conducting academic research Identify major STEM journals Identify which journals are lacking in the University Libraries Suggest needs for future purchase STEM education encompasses the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and is a philosophy of teaching and learning that encourages “quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical skills relevant for the 21 st century workforce.” The Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Teaching and Learning (CRISTAL) Tigers Teach TRIO STEM Program MemphisSTEM (NSA-funded) Tennessee Leadership Academy Tennessee Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation ( TLSAMP) West Tennessee STEM American Mathematical Society National Council of Teachers of Mathematics American Society for Engineering Education Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers National Society of Black Engineers American Chemical Society National Center for Women and Information Technology For more comprehensive list, see STEM SCHOOLS IN TENNESSEE STEM SUPPORT @ NATIONAL LEVEL STEM EFFORTS AT U of M STEM EFFORTS AT U of M SURVEY RESULTS Blossoming the STEM: Libraries Working as STEM Education Partners ABSTRACT Library faculty at the University of Memphis recently have become very involved in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. To acquaint ALA attendees with ways the library can partner in this field, the poster defines STEM and lists its areas of academic study and supporters. A second portion lists ways that public, school, and academic libraries have successfully collaborated based on library literature. Finally, graphs and statistics make up the final portion related to an ongoing project that investigates publications by STEM faculty at this institution over the last five years to determine if the authors acquired their bibliographic references through the library’s resources or resorted to other venues. Citation analysis was conducted via Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science database and through faculty surveys. 201 STEM faculty were surveyed during Spring semester 2013 using Qualtrics survey software 22% of STEM faculty responded Of respondents, 20% had published in the last 5 years 82% of those who published in the last 5 years were employed at the university at the time Chemistry, Multidisciplinary Journal TitleImpact Factor Eigenfactor ScoreHeld at U of M? Chemical Reviews40.1970.21470YES Chemical Society Reviews28.7600.13678YES Accounts of Chemical Research21.6400.10120YES Nature Chemistry20.5240.03284NO Nano Today15.3550.01213YES Cell Biology Journal TitleImpact FactorEigenfactor ScoreHeld at U of M? Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology39.1230.17417YES Cell32.4030.66082YES Cancer Cell26.5660.11452YES Cell Stem Cell25.4210.10082YES Nature Medicine22.4620.16542YES Engineering, Multidisciplinary Journal TitleImpact FactorEigenfactor ScoreHeld at U of M? Combustion and Flame3.5850.02045YES Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering3.4510.00066NO Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 2.7670.00245YES Journal of the Franklin Institute - Engineering and Applied Mathematics 2.7240.00279NO Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2.6510.04018YES Computer Science, Information Systems Journal TitleImpact FactorEigenfactor ScoreHeld at U of M? IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 6.3110.00502NO Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 4.6750.01701YES MIS Quarterly4.4470.00977YES Enterprise Information Systems3.6840.00127NO Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 3.6090.01361YES HIGHEST IMPACT FACTOR FOR STEM JOURNALS Mathematics Journal TitleImpact FactorEigenfactor ScoreHeld at U of M? Journal of the American Mathematical Society 3.8410.01676YES Foundations of Computational Mathematics 3.6150.00614YES Acta Mathematica3.3330.00608YES Annals of Mathematics2.9280.02795YES Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2.5750.01768Stopped 2010 92% of U of M responding STEM faculty who have published in the past 5 years used the University Libraries’ databases. Most also used another university’s databases, obtained the resources through Interlibrary Loan, and/or used Google. U of M STEM faculty have published in 24 journals over the past 5 years, all but one of which is accessible in the University Libraries. Of those journals, 15 (63%) were in the top 20 list of journals in that discipline based on impact factor. STEM EDUCATION OBJECTIVES

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