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2008 TCT Refresher Session National Department of Operations (Response)

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1 2008 TCT Refresher Session National Department of Operations (Response)

2 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Mission Analysis Always conduct a risk assessment prior to a patrol, no matter how routine you believe the mission to be. Every mission is unique, contingency planning based on experience should include complexity of mission, environmental factors, crew fitness factors and any other circumstance that could impact the mission & safety TCT Elements In Review

3 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Situational Awareness We must know what is going on around us to make good decisions. Plans are critical to success, that is for sure…but we must be ready to change. This will decrease the likelihood of poor decision making. TCT Elements In Review

4 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Adaptability Adaptability is the ability to react to changes in conditions, crew fitness, equipment failures, etc. and is based on the “situational awareness”. How flexible are we ? How receptive are we to different opinions ? TCT Elements In Review

5 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Leaders do not necessarily have “all the answers”. Leaders do take advantage of everyone’s ideas and experience and remain adaptable to new conditions and challenges. TCT Leadershop

6 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Communication Communication. verbal non-verbal (facial expressions, etc The key is to ensure that the person or persons we communicate with have a clear understanding of what we wish to convey. closing the “feedback” loop. TCT Elements In Review

7 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Leadership Leadership is not about giving orders. Leaders do find ways to obtain the willing participation of others towards accomplishing a goal. Since we cannot “order” anyone to do anything, we must strive to achieve Respect Confidence of others TCT Elements In Review

8 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Assertiveness The Coast Guard values people who are assertive, but not aggressive.. aggressive person seeks to bully his/her way though situations for their own ego or self image assertive person cares about the “mission” more than themselves and their ego. TCT Elements In Review

9 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Decision Making Making good decisions is the heart of TCT. How do we ensure that we act or perform in a manner that maximizes mission success and minimizes risk to ourselves, our crew, the public. TCT Elements In Review

10 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Sea Story

11 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Sea Story The Patrol Mission : Conduct a physical survey of state ATONS (channel markers and buoys) in a large bay that may be missing, damaged, or out of position. Photograph each ATON, report its GPS coordinates, and complete a detailed report of findings. Facility : A 21 foot walk around cuddy with outboard…crew of 3. Weather Air temp 88 degrees Humidity 75 % Water temp. 66 degrees Sea state 1 to 2 foot seas on the bay, 3 to 4 feet on the ocean Winds 10-15 MPH out of the east Atmospheric conditions-visibility 6 miles with hazy sun.

12 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Sea Story Break up into ‘crews’ of 3-5 Assign a ‘note taker’ Review the details of the sea story you have just been given Find and document 3-5 points where the principles of TCT fell apart Find and document 3-5 points that were done correctly You have 15-20 minutes

13 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Review of Key Issues The note taker from each team should now review the “good news/bad news” about what happened on this mission. When all teams have reported back in as a group select the top 3 good things and top 3 TCT failures of this mission

14 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Samples of good news Did your teams find these? What did the crew do correctly during this mission ? (Situational Awareness, Leadership, Adaptability, Assertiveness, Decision Making) The Cox’n did ensure that the crewmember was trained on the camera, although that should have been done before getting underway The Cox’n did suspend the mission after the near mishap to review the situation. This adaptability & willingness to change direction is a key element of leadership. The crew, as a group, made a decision to abort the mission even though this type of action is highly distasteful. This joint decision making resulted in a responsible result and reduced risk of injury to anyone.

15 2008 TCT Refresher Session Department of Operations (Response) Samples of Bad News Did your teams find all these? What did this crew do incorrectly during this mission ? ( Mission Analysis, Leadership, Communication) The Cox’n did not plan appropriately to determine the crew size & skills required to complete the mission safely. The Cox’n failed to post lookouts with specific duties that led to the near collision. The Crew did not assert itself with the Cox’n to ensure that they could complete the mission. The FSO-AN did not ensure that the Cox’n and crew understood the tasks required in sufficient time to address issues prior to the mission.

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