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Vocabulary Unit 11 Sophomores Level E.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 11 Sophomores Level E

2 Allude Verb To refer to casually or indirectly
In class today, Mrs. Sullivan alluded to the possibility of a quiz being given the following day.

3 Allude Synonyms Suggest Insinuate Hint at intimate

4 Clairvoyant Adjective Supernaturally perceptive Noun
One who possesses extrasensory powers, seer The show Ghost Whisperer is about a woman with clairvoyant powers who guides earthbound spirits into the light.

5 Clairvoyant Synonyms Adj. Noun Antonyms Adj. Insightful Discerning
Uncanny Noun visionary Antonyms Adj. Blind Unseeing Myopic Dense Imperceptive

6 Conclusive Adjective Serving to settle an issue; final
The test results held conclusive evidence that the patient’s tumor was in fact malignant.

7 Conclusive Synonyms Antonyms Unsettled Decisive Provisional
Indisputable Convincing Definitive Antonyms Unsettled Provisional Indefinite

8 Disreputable Adjective Not respectable, not esteemed
Chris Brown’s disreputable actions against Rhianna have brought about a decline in his popularity.

9 Disreputable Synonyms Antonyms Disgraceful Discreditable Shady Honest
Aboveboard Respectable Creditable

10 Endemic Adjective Native or confined to a particular region or people; characteristic of or prevalent in a field. In countries outside of North America, it is difficult to obtain a turkey for Thanksgiving as the fowl is endemic to that region.

11 Endemic Synonyms Antonyms Indigenous Restricted to Alien Foreign

12 Exemplary Adjective Worthy of imitation, commendable; serving as a model. Because of her exemplary academic performance over a four year period, Little Flower named Gail the valedictorian of the graduating class.

13 Exemplary Synonyms Antonyms Praiseworthy Meritorious Sterling
Illustrative Antonyms Infamous Notorious Scandalous Disreputable

14 Fathom Verb To understand, get to the bottom of; to determine the depth of Noun A measure of depth in water I cannot fathom why students do not manage their time better in order to get all of their homework done.

15 Fathom Synonyms Grasp Comprehend Figure out Plumb

16 Guile Noun Treacherous cunning, deceit
In the Crucible, Abigail Williams’ guile ties the noose around many a Puritan neck.

17 Guile Synonyms Antonyms Trickery Duplicity Chicanery Candor
Artlessness Naïveté Plain dealing

18 Integrity Noun Honesty, high oral standards; an unimpaired condition, completeness, soundness. Many colleges have academic integrity policies in order to deal with occurrences of plagiarism.

19 Integrity Synonyms Antonyms Rectitude Probity Dishonesty Corruption

20 Itinerary Noun A route of travel; a record of travel; a guidebook
I employed the help of a travel agent when planning an itinerary for my upcoming trip to the Bahamas.

21 Itinerary Synonyms Schedule Program

22 Misconstrue Verb To interpret wrongly, mistake the meaning of
The student misconstrued the instructions for writing the in-class essay and was penalized for her faulty interpretation.

23 Misconstrue Synonyms Misjudge Misinterpret

24 Obnoxious Adjective Highly offensive, arousing strong dislike
Using foul language is considered an obnoxious habit by many.

25 Obnoxious Synonyms Antonyms Disagreeable Repugnant Hateful Odious
Pleasing Engaging Personable

26 Placate Verb To appease, soothe, pacify
Realizing his customers were getting impatient, the waiter brought the table more bread to placate them.

27 Placate Antonyms Synonyms Vex Satisfy Irk Mollify Provoke Allay
Exasperate Annoy Synonyms Satisfy Mollify Allay Conciliate

28 Placid Adjective Calm, peaceful
Lullabies are placid songs meant to soothe an upset child into sleep.

29 Placid Synonyms Antonyms Undisturbed Tranquil Quiet Serene Stormy
Agitated Turbulent Tempestuous

30 Plagiarism Noun Passing off or using as one’s own the writing (or orther materials) of another person. Colleges and universities use sites like to detect instances of plagiarism in student writing.

31 Plagiarism Synonyms Piracy Theft

32 Potent Adjective Powerful; highly effective
Some advocates of the death penalty think it is a potent crime deterrent.

33 Potent Antonyms Synonyms Weak Mighty Inept Formidable Feckless
Powerless Ineffective Synonyms Mighty Formidable Forceful

34 Pretext Noun A false reason, deceptive excuse
The girl faked sick in the morning as a pretext to get out of her English test.

35 Pretext Synonyms Pretense Cover story Rationale Evasion

36 Protrude Verb To stick out, thrust forth
Emaciated woman look as though their collar bones protrude from their bodies.

37 Protrude Synonyms Project Jut out Bulge

38 Stark Adjective Harsh, unrelieved, desolate; Adverb Utterly
The failure warning was a stark reminder to the girl that she needed to be a more diligent student.

39 Stark Synonyms Antonyms Adj. Sheer Adj Downright Bright Grim Cheerful
Bleak Adv. Absolutely Antonyms Adj Bright Cheerful Embellished Ornate

40 Superficial Adjective
On or near the surface concerned with or understanding only what is on the surface, shallow. Students often have a superficial grasp on vocabulary because memorize words for a test instead of making longer lasting connections.

41 Superficial Synonyms Antonyms Skin-deep Deep Insubstantial Profound
Cursory Slapdash Antonyms Deep Profound Thorough Exhaustive

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