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Phylogenetic Analysis

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1 Phylogenetic Analysis
Introduction to bioinformatics Stinus Lindgreen Bioinformatics Centre, University of Copenhagen

2 Outline of the lecture What is a phylogeny?
Why and how to interpret them Programs: PHYLIP, PAUP* and BioEdit Building a tree 1: Multiple alignment Building a tree 2: The model Building a tree 3: Construction Building a tree 4: Evaluation

3 Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution
Theodosius Dobzhansky ( )

4 Phylogeny Phylogenetic inference predicts a tree based on characters (of some sort) Some variation needed Group together similar species/genes Connect to most common ancestor Unrooted tree: Just show connections Rooted tree: Direction of evolution Branch lengths can show divergence

5 Before sequences Phylogenetic trees show evolutionary relationships
Existed longer than sequencing methods Previously based on morphological characters Still partly today – at least for checking Mainly based on biological sequences DNA or protein Base phylogeny on mutations

6 Morphological tree

7 Modern tree A A G C G X X

8 The result is only as good as the alignment
Some pitfalls Determining phylogeny is important for understanding biology But also a very difficult problem Beware of incorrect trees Important to understand models and methods The programs are helpful tools The result is only as good as the alignment

9 Assumptions Basic concepts of evolutionary theory
Relation to common ancestor Phylogenetics represented by bifurcating tree Mutations occur over evolutionary time Necessary to make phylogenetic inference possible

10 Tree of Life

11 Interpretation Know your model Know the assumptions of the model
Both evolutionary and for tree construction Know the assumptions of the model Evolution independent? Identical between sites? The same for all sequences? Are the sequences correct? And are they representative? And are they homologous? Is the multiple alignment correct? What you get out is no better than what you put in

12 Some biological pitfalls
Don’t make hasty conclusions! Does your tree contradict common sense? Then it’s probably wrong! Differentiate between the homologs Orthologs Speciation, common ancestor, similar function Paralogs Gene duplication, within 1 organism, differing functions Xenologs Horizontal gene transfer – hard to tell, similar function

13 Software Today we’ll look at the programs before the methods
Some programs for phylogenetic analysis A multiple alignment program: Clustal, T-Coffee, MAFFT, Muscle… A phylogenetic program: Phylip, PAUP*, MacClade, BioEdit… Visualizing the tree: TreeView, NJplot

14 PAUP* Commercial package Apparently good
Many different methods and analysis methods But since we don’t own a copy… Similarly: MacClade only works on Macintosh…

15 PHYLIP Free package Many programs Both distance and character based
Bootstrapping possible But: It can be a little difficult No graphical user interface And you will need to run many programs

16 BioEdit Has phylogeny methods built in Can call Phylip routines
No need for you to learn the command line But no bootstrapping… (as far as I know) Point and click: Select the sequences in the alignment Choose the wanted phylogeny Voila!

17 PhyloWin Another free program Simple, not many possibilities
But you can make bootstrapping

18 Getting the software Install BioEdit, PHYLIP, PhyloWin and NJplot
Links on the wiki

19 Constructing a tree To make a phylogenetic tree, four steps are needed: Perform multiple alignment Choose your model Build the tree Evaluate the quality A brief note: Ideally: Parallel alignment and phylogenetic inference Very difficult – but it has been pursued

20 1) The multiple alignment
Already discussed Some notes: Recall that MA programs are not exact Some manual editing often necessary Consider the algorithm used Does it consider the phylogeny of the data? Clustal’s guide tree: Not correct phylogeny What parameters are used? Solve ambiguities, remove near-identical sequences Gappy regions, identical sequences can bias the result

21 2) The model The model describes the data Evolutionary events
Overall mutability Evolutionary model? Crucial – both for alignment and tree building Are you looking at nucleotides or amino acids? Where do we get most information? Know the basis for the chosen model

22 Nucleotide models Create 4×4 matrix Either fixed cost Or rate matrices
Character state Or rate matrices Probabilities Used for different kinds of tree estimations Include site specific information Third codon position more variable

23 Nucleotide model 1 Fixed cost for transitions and transversion
E.g. transversions are twice as costly as transitions For a tree: Count the number of transitions/transversions Calculate cost Tends to minimize number of transversion Cluster transitions A C G T - 2 1

24 Nucleotide model 2 Simple substitution rate matrix
Assume same rates AB and BA Assume all mutations equally likely: Rate α The Jukes-Cantor model A C G T -3α α

25 Nucleotide model 3 More advanced rate matrix
Include transitions/tranversions Rates α1 and α2 The Kimura 2-parameter model A C G T -(α2+α1) α2 α1

26 Amino acid models A 20×20 substitution matrix The BLOSUM matrices
Fixed cost matrices Or the PAM matrices Rate matrices Described last week

27 3) Building the tree We have the sequences, the alignment and the model Find the best tree What is the best tree? Two main strategies: Distance based Look at dissimilarities (=distances) Character based Look at the data

28 Problems with trees The number of possible trees grows exponentially
For 15 taxa: 2.13·1014 possibilities… How to search? Branch and Bound Branch swapping Rooting the tree Not a simple problem All the following methods produce unrooted trees Use an outgroup Midpoint of longest branch

29 Distance methods Some sequences more similar than others
Closely related sequences should be close in the tree Abstract view on the data Loss of information is usually a bad sign Only use the distances between sequences Recall Clustal All methods start with a distance matrix

30 Distance methods Can we get the correct answer?
Yes, if all mutation events were present But: After one mutation, the site is ”saturated” Additional mutations do not give additional info A B C: Distance 2 A C: Distance 1 And mutations back will fool the method A B A: Distance 2 A A: Distance 0

31 UPGMA Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean
Unweighted: The distances are used as they are Pair: Find the two closest elements Group: Put them together in a new group Arithmetic Mean: Gives distances from the new group Correct tree assuming a molecular clock Evolutionary divergence time can be found from mutations Mutation rates are constant

32 UPGMA illustrated Find two closest: A and D Create a new group [A+D]
Update distances: A B C D E - 8 3 2 5 6 7 A+D B C E - 7 5 4 6 Repeat for all sequences Next time: Connect [A+D] with E

33 Trying UPGMA Go to the wiki and do the UPGMA exercise

34 Neighbour joining A little like UPGMA
Difference: NJ does not assume a molecular clock But it assumes an additive tree Distance between two leaves is the sum of the edges Find the closest pair that is most apart from the rest of the tree Connect pair and update distances A little advanced: Take the overall distance to the rest of the tree into account Corrects for varying mutation Fast and can give good results

35 Fitch-Margoliash FM method We have the pairwise distances
Each branch in the tree has a length The length of all paths can be found Optimize tree by moving internal nodes around The best fit minimizes the overall error The minimum squared deviation

36 Minimum Evolution The ME method Find the shortest tree
Count number of changes Similar to FM but only looks at branches FM B ME B A A

37 Trying NJ Go to the wiki and do the NJ exercise

38 Character methods Use the data (the actual characters)
All information at hand More advanced, slower, but also more accurate Maximum Parsimony (MP) Occam’s razor: Simplest explanation Maximum Likelihood (ML) Advanced statistical method Most probable tree given the data and the model

39 Maximum parsimony How does evolution work?
Assumption: Path of least resistance True evolution gives rise to fewest changes The tree we want: Describe the given sequences by fewest changes The ancestral nodes must be as similar as possible Predict a tree Count the number of changes needed

40 MP illustrated A C G G C {A,C} {G} {A,C,G} {C}

41 MP illustrated A C G G C {A,C} {G} {A,C,G} {C} X X Cost: 2 changes

42 MP illustrated A C G G C C G C CA CG

43 Maximum Likelihood Given the data, predict the most probable model
Can optimize both tree and substitution model We know the sequences What is the most likely substitution rates? Estimate from the alignment (and the phylogeny) And what is the most likely tree? Estimate from alignment and substitution rates Computationally heavy and rather slow Normally good results

44 Maximum Likelihood General practice: Optimize model then tree
Calculate probability for each alignment column Combine to probability for entire alignment Averages over low and high probability sites Likelihood of column given tree A A C A A A C C A A A C G A L=P +P +P +…

45 Maximum likelihood Then repeat this for all possible tree topologies
And all possible assignments to internal nodes And then choose the combination that gives the highest probability… Clearly very difficult

46 MP and ML exercise Go to the wiki and do the MP and ML exercises

47 Summary of methods Distance Character based Clustering UPGMA
Neighbour Joining Optimality criterion Least Squares Minimum evolution Maximum parsimony Maximum likelihood (Bayesian statistics)

48 The differences Sometimes the differences can seem minimal
They affect the tree – but the same result is possible UPGMA and NJ Minimize the overall length of the tree Maximum parsimony Finds tree with fewest changes Maximum likelihood Maximizes the probability of the tree given the data

49 4) Evaluating trees How good is the predicted tree?
Some sequence variation needed Is the signal strong enough? There are so many possible trees Are there many trees similar to the prediction? Which one to choose? Is the tree robust? Does it change much when e.g. removing a sequence?

50 Randomization Is it possible that tree is just random?
Permute the columns of the alignment i.e. shuffle the characters in a column Build a new tree Is it (partly) identical? If the tree is just as likely to be random, then don’t put too much faith in it

51 Bootstrapping The story of Baron von Münchausen
He pulled himself out of a swamp by his bootstraps The idea: Evaluate the quality of the result using the same data all over again Make a large number of new datasets Create phylogenetic tree Observe the number of times clades are made

52 Bootstrapping The datasets should be similar
Thereby: The trees are comparable Alignments of same size (length and sequences) Non-parametric: Sample with replacement Choose a random column and add new alignment Parametric: Simulate new datasets Use model that look like your data Characteristics are preserved (unlike randomization)

53 Bootstrap example Non-parametric bootstrapping We have an alignment:
A: A G G C U C C A A A B: A G G U U C G A A A C: A G C C C C G A A A D: A U U U C C G A A C #: Sample columns: A: G G G U U U C A A A B: G G G U U U G A A A C: G C C C C C G A A A D: U U U C C C G A A C A B C D - 1 5 8 7 4 A B C D

54 Bootstrap example Sample 2: A B C D - 2 4 7 5 3 A B C D
A: A U U C C C C A A A B: A U U C C G G A A A C: A C C C C G G A A A D: A C C C C G G C C C A B C D - 2 4 7 5 3 A B C D

55 Bootstrap example Sample 3: A B C D - 3 4 7 6 A B C D
A: A C C C A A G G C C B: A C C G A A G G U U C: A C C G A A C C C C D: A C C G C C U U U U A B C D - 3 4 7 6 A B C D

56 Bootstrap example Calculate consensus tree
Can be done on many ways Put the bootstrap number at each branch point The proportions of times this branch is observed Of course, more than three samples needed A B C D 1.0 0.66

57 Bootstrapping exercise
Do the bootstrapping exercise on the wiki

58 Summary What is phylogenetic inference?
What can a phylogenetic tree be used for? Be aware of the multiple alignment The different models Tree building methods: NJ, UPGMA, ML and MP Evaluating trees: Bootstrapping Programs: Phylip, PAUP*,PhyloWin and BioEdit Next time: Gene finding (with Anders Krogh) Then RNA structure prediction with me again 

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