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Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 1 Practical Hebrew Phrases & Expressions.

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1 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 1 Practical Hebrew Phrases & Expressions The next sequence of modules will introduce common Hebrew phrases and expressions that are used in several different situations one would encounter while in Israel. Most of these phrases & expressions have been taken from an existing publication [1], then suitably adapted and modified for the purpose of this Modern Hebrew for Beginners class. In this module we introduce a series of practical basic phrases and expressions categorized as follows: Communication difficulties Using some common interrogative words and various corresponding responses The question “What do you want?” and various responses Other useful words Exclamations [1] The source of these phrases is the Berlitz Hebrew Phrase Book & Dictionary, © 2003 Berlitz Publishing/Apa Publications GMBH & Co., Verlag KG, Singapore Branch, Singapore. Written permission to use this material and to modify it as needed was requested & received from Berlitz.

2 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 2 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Do you speak English? aTAH m e daBER (AT m e daBEret) angLIT? אַתָּה מְדַבֵּר (אַתְּ מְדַבֶּרֶת) אַנְגְּלִית? I don’t speak much Hebrew. aNI LO m e daBER (m e daBEret) harBEH ivRIT. אֲנִי לֹא מְדַבֵּר (מְדַבֶּרֶת) הַרְבֵּה עִבְרִית. Could you speak more slowly? tuCHAL (tuchLI) l e daBER yoTER l e AT? תּוּכַל (תּוּכְלִי) לְדַבֵּר יוֹתֵר לְאַט? Excuse me? / What was that?sliHAH? / MAH ZEH? סְלִיחָה? \ מַה זֶּה? Please, write it down. b e vaqaSHAH, k’TOV (kitVI) ET ZEH. בְּבַקָּשָׁה, כְּתֹב (כִּתְבִי) אֶת זֶה. Could you (lit. Will you be able to) translate this for me? tuCHAL (tuchLI) l e tarGEM ET ZEH bishviLI? תּוּכַל (תּוּכְלִי) לְתַרְגֵּם אֶת זֶה בִּשְׁבִילִי? What does this/that mean?MAH ZOT oMEret? מַה זֹּאת אוֹמֶרֶת? Please, point to (lit. show me) the phrase/expression in the book. b e vaqaSHAH, har’EH (har’I) LI ET ha’biTUI ba’SEfer. בְּבַקָּשָׁה, הַרְאֵה (הַרְאִי) לִי אֶת הַבִּטּוּי בַּסֵּפֶר. Do you understand?aTAH meiVIN? (AT m e viNAH?) אַתָּה מֵבִין? (אַתְּ מְבִינָה?) Yes (No). / I (don’t) understand. KEN (LO) / aNI (LO) meiVIN (m e viNAH). כֵּן (לֹא). \ אֲנִי (לֹא) מֵבִין (מְבִינָה). Communication difficulties - בְּעָיוֹת תִּקְשֹׁרֶת Equivalent feminine expressions are shown in parentheses. Alternate expressions are separated by a virgule (/ or \).

3 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 3 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל (I, you) say, (she/it) saysPresent הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל)אמראוֹמֶרֶת Show! (singular) Imperative צִוּוּיהִפְעִילראה הַרְאֵה Show! (singular) הַרְאִי Write! (singular) Imperative צִוּוּיפָּעַל (קַל)כתב כְּתֹב Write! (singular) כִּתְבִי (I, you) understand, (he/it) understands Present הֹוֶההִפְעִילבין מֵבִין (I, you) understand, (she/it) understands מְבִינָה to speakInfinitive מָקוֹר פִּעֵלדבר לְדַבֵּר (I, you) speak, (he/it) speaks Present הֹוֶה מְדַבֵּר (I, you) speak, (she/it) speaks מְדַבֶּרֶת to translateInfinitive מָקוֹרפִּעֵל תרגםלְתַרְגֵם you could [Could you … ?] (singular) Future עָתִידפָּעַל (קַל)יכל תּוּכַל you could [Could you … ?] (singular) תּוּכְלִי Communication difficulties - בְּעָיוֹת תִּקְשֹׁרֶת

4 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 4 Communication difficulties - בְּעָיוֹת תִּקְשֹׁרֶת Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית a phrase, an expression (לְבַטֵּא) biTUI בִּטּוּי difficulties, problems (בְּעָיָה) b e aYOT בְּעָיוֹת for me (בִּשְׁבִיל ) bishviLI בִּשְׁבִילִי this --- ZOT זֹאת more --- yoTER יוֹתֵר slowly (לְהָאֵט ) l e AT לְאַט a book (לְסַפֵּר) SEfer סֵפֶר communication (also, means of communication) (לְקַשֵּׁר ) tiqSHOret תִּקְשֹׁרֶ ת Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included.

5 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 5 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Where … ?EIfoh/eiFOH …? אֵיפֹה... ? Where is that?EIfoh ZEH? אֵיפֹה זֶה? Here.POH. פֹּה. Far from here.raHOQ miPOH. רָחוֹק מִפֹּה. Nearby (lit. Close to here).qaROV l e FOH. קָרוֹב לְפֹה. There.SHAM. שָׁם. Opposite the market.MUL ha’SHUQ. מוּל הַשּׁוּק. In Israel.b e yisraEL. בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל. On the right / left side.b e TSAD yaMIN / SMOL. בְּצַד יָמִין \ שְׂמֹאל. Near the post office.l e YAD (BEIT) ha’DO’ar. לְיַד (בֵּית) הַדֹּאַר. In/At the’sifriYAH. בַּסִּפְרִיָּה. Across the border.mei’Ever la’GVUL. מֵעֵבֶר לַגְּבוּל. Questions and Answers - 1 - שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת

6 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 6 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Where … ? / Whereto … ?l e AN …? לְאָן... ? Where/Whereto are you going? l e AN aTAH (AT) hoLECH (hoLEchet)? לְאָן אַתָּה (אַתְּ) הוֹלֵ ךְ (הוֹלֶכֶת)? I am returning to the hotel.aNI hoZER (hoZEret) la’maLON. אֲנִי חוֹזֵר (חוֹזֶרֶת) לַמָּלוֹן. To buy a newspaper.liqNOT iTON. לִקְנוֹת עִתּוֹן. Over there (lit. To there).l e SHAM. לְשָׁם. To the post’DO’ar. לַדּוֹאַר. To the’sifriYAH. לַסִּפְרִיָּה. Where/Whereto did they travel?l e AN HEM (HEN) nas’U? לְאָן הֵם (הֵן) נָסְעוּ? To the opera house in Tel-Aviv.l e VEIT-ha’Operah b e TEL-aVIV. לְבֵית הָאוֹפֵּרָה בְּתֵל-אָבִיב. To visit relatives in Jerusalem.l e vaQER qroVIM bi’rushaLAyim. לְבַקֵּר קְרוֹבִים בִּירוּשָׁלַיִם. On vacation in the United States. l e hufSHAH (l e HOfesh) b e arTSOT ha’BRIT. לְחֻפְשָׁה\לְחֹפֶשׁ בְּאַרְצוֹת הַבְּרִית. To the Dead Sea (lit. the sea of salt). l e YAM ha’MElah. לְיָם הַמֶּלַח. To the (shopping)’qenYON. לַקֶּנְיוֹן. Questions and Answers - 2 - שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת

7 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 7 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית When … ?maTAI …? מָתַי... ? When did you arrive in Israel? maTAI hiGA’tem (hiGA’ten) l e yisraEL? מָתַי הִגַּעְתֶּם (הִגַּעְתֶּן) לְיִשְׂרָאֵל? Yesterday. / The day before yesterday. etMOL. / shilSHOM. אֶתְמוֹל. \ שִׁלְשׁוֹם. A week/two weeks ago. (lit. Before a week/two weeks.) lifNEI shaVU’a/shvu’Ayim. לִפְנֵי שָׁבוּעַ\שְׁבוּעַיִם. Last Monday. (lit. On Monday that passed.) b e YOM sheiNI she’aVAR. בְּיוֹם שֵׁנִי שֶׁעָבַר. When will you leave Israel? maTAI ta’azVU (ta’aZOVnah) ET yisraEL? מָתַי תַּעַזְבוּ (תַּעֲזֹבְנָה) אֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל? Tomorrow. / The day after tomorrow. maHAR. / mohoraTAyim. מָחָר. \ מָחֳרָתַיִם. In a week/two weeks.b e’ ’OD shaVU’a / shvu’Ayim. בְּעוֹד שָׁבוּעַ\שְׁבוּעַיִם. Next (lit. On the coming) Tuesday.b e YOM shliSHI ha’BA. בְּיוֹם שְׁלִישִׁי הַבָּא. When will the train arrive?maTAI taGI’a ha’raKEvet? מָתַי תַּגִּיעַ הָרַכֶּבֶת? In (another) twenty minutes.b e ’OD esRIM daQOT. בְּעוֹד עֶשְׂרִים דַּקּוֹת. When is the museum open?maTAI paTU’ah ha’muzei’ON? מָתַי פָּתוּחַ הַמּוּזֵיאוֹן? From 9:00 a.m. to/till 6:00 p.m.. mi’TEIsha ba’BOqer AD SHESH ba’Erev. מִתֵּשַׁע בַּבֹּקֶר עַד שֵׁשׁ בָּעֶרֶב. Questions and Answers - 3 - שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת

8 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 8 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל You arrived. (plural) Past עָבָר הִפְעִילנגע הִגַּעְתֶּם You arrived. (plural) הִגַּעְתֶּן (She/It) will arriveFuture עָתִידתַּגִּיעַ (I, you) go/walk (he/it) goes/walks Present הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל)הלך הוֹלֵךְ (I, you) go/walk (she/it) goes/walks הוֹלֶכֶת (I, you) return (he/it) returns Present הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל)חזר חוֹזֵר (I, you) return (she/it) returns חוֹזֶרֶת to buy/purchaseInfinitive מָקוֹרפָּעַל (קַל) קנהלִקְנוֹת they traveled (gender neutral)Past עָבָרפָּעַל (קַל)נסע נָסְעוּ (he/it) passedPast עָבָרפָּעַל (קַל) עברעָבַר (is) open (The passive participle Hebrew verb form also serves as an adjective) Present (passive participle) הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) פתחפָּתוּחַ you will leave (plural) Future עָתִידפָּעַל (קַל)עזב תַּעַזְבוּ (you, they) will leave [not commonly used] תַּעֲזֹבְנָ ה Questions and Answers (1-3) שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת

9 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 9 Questions and Answers (1-3) שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתאַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית opposite side, side, beyond (לַעֲבֹר) Ever עֵבֶר an opera(foreign)Operah אוֹפֵּרָה a newspaper --- iTON עִתּוֹן border, limit (לִגְבֹּל) gVUL גְּבוּל a shopping mall (לִקְנוֹת) qenYON קֶנְיוֹן mail, post office --- DO’ar דּוֹאַר near, close (לִקְרֹב) qaROV קָרוֹב freedom, vacation, liberty (לְחַפֵּשׁ ) HOfesh חֹפֶשׁ relativesqroVIM קְרוֹבִים hufSHAH חֻפְשָׁה a train (לִרְכֹּב) raKEvet רַכֶּבֶת the Dead Sea (יָם) (מֶלַח) YAM ha’MElah יָם הַמֶּלַח questions (שְׂאֵלָה) sh e ’eiLOT שְׂאֵלוֹת a museum(foreign)muzei’ON מוּזֵיאוֹן two weeks (שָׁבוּעַ) shvu’Ayim שְׁבוּעַיִם across from, opposite to --- MUL מוּל day before yesterday --- shilSHOM שִׁלְשׁוֹם day after tomorrow (מָחֳרָת ) mohoraTAyim מָחֳרָתַיִם answers (תְּשׁוּבָה ) tshuVOT תְּשׁוּבוֹ ת a library (סֵפֶר) sifriYAH סִפְרִיָּה Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included.

10 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 10 Questions and Answers - 4 - שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית What type…? / How much/many…? / How? EIzeh/eiZEH SUG…? / KAmah/kaMAH…? / EICH…? אֵיזֶה סוּג...? \ כַּמָּה... ? \ אֵי ךְ...? Customer: I wish to buy two cakes. laQO’ah: avaQESH liqNOT shTEI uGOT. לָקוֹחַ׃ אֲבַקֵּשׁ לִקְנוֹת שְׁתֵי עוּגוֹת. Salesperson: What type (of) cakes? moCHER (moCHEret): EIzeh SUG (SHEL) uGOT? מוֹכֵר (מוֹכֶרֶת)׃ אֵיזֶה סוּג (שֶׁל) עוּגוֹת? Customer: A cheese cake and a fruit cake (lit. cake of fruits). laQO’ah: uGAT gviNA v e uGAT peiROT. לָקוֹחַ׃ עוּגַת גְּבִינָה וְעוּגַת פֵּרוֹת. Salesperson: Here (are) the two cakes. Perhaps (I can) bring something else? moCHER (moCHEret): hiNEI shTEI ha’uGOT. efSHAR l e haVI OD MAshehu? מוֹכֵר (מוֹכֶרֶת)׃ הִנֵּה שְׁתֵי הָעוּגוֹת. אֶפְשָׁר לְהָבִיא עוֹד מַשֶּׁהוּ? Customer: No. Thanks. How much is this? laQO’ah: LO. toDAH. KAmah ZEH? לָקוֹחַ׃ לֹא. תּוֹדָה. כַּמָּה זֶה? Salesperson: Sixty one sheqels. How would you want (lit. is it in your will) to pay? In cash or by credit card? moCHER (moCHEret): shiSHIM v e eHAD SHEqel (shqaLIM). EICH birtsonCHA (birtsoNECH) l e shaLEM? bimzuMAN O v e charTIS ashRAI? מוֹכֵר (מוֹכֶרֶת)׃ שִׁשִּׁים וְאֶחָד שֶׁקֶל (שְׁקָלִים). אֵי ךְ בִּרְצוֹנְ ךָ (בִּרְצוֹנֵ ךְ ) לְשַׁלֵּם? בִּמְזֻמָּן אוֹ בְכַרְטִיס אַשְׁרַאי? Customer: I shall pay with cash. Here (it is)! laQO’ah: ashaLEM bimzuMAN. hiNEI! לָקוֹחַ׃ אֲשַׁלֵּם בִּמְזֻמָּן. הִנֵּה! Sales person: Thanks. (Have) a pleasant day. moCHER (moCHEret): toDAH! YOM na’IM. מוֹכֵר (מוֹכֶרֶת)׃ תּוֹדָה! יוֹם נָעִים. Customer: You too.laQO’ah: GAM l e CHA (LACH). לָקוֹחַ׃ גַּם לְ ךָ (לָ ךְ ).

11 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 11 Questions and Answers - 5 - שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית What type…? / How much/many…? / How? EIzeh/eiZEH SUG…? / KAmah/kaMAH…? / EICH…? אֵיזֶה סוּג...? \ כַּמָּה... ? \ אֵי ךְ...? Customer: I wish to rent a car. laQO’ah: avaQESH lisKOR m e choNIT. לָקוֹחַ׃ אֲבַקֵּשׁ לִשְׂכֹּר מְכוֹנִית. Agent: What type? Small, intermediate, or large? soCHEN (soCHEnet): EIzeh SUG? qtaNAH, beinoNIT, O gdoLAH? סוֹכֵן (סוֹכֶנֶת)׃ אֵיזֶה סוּג? קְטַנָּה, בֵּינוֹנִית, אוֹ גְּדוֹלָה? Customer: I’ll take a small one.laQO’ah: eQAH qtaNAH. לָקוֹחַ׃ אֶקַּח קְטַנָּה. Agent: I am sorry, we don’t have a small one right now, but I’ll give you an intermediate one at the same price. soCHEN (soCHEnet): aNI mitsta’ER (mitstaEret), EIN LAnu kaREga qtaNAH, aVAL eTE i N l e CHA (LACH) beinoNIT b e oTO ha’m e HIR. סוֹכֵן (סוֹכֶנֶת)׃ אֲנִי מִצְטַעֵר (מִצְטַעֶרֶת), אֵין לָנוּ כָּרֶגַע קְטַנָּה, אֲבָל אֶתֵּן לְ ךָ (לָ ךְ ) בֵּינוֹנִית בְּאוֹתוֹ הַמְּחִיר. Customer: How many people can sit in it comfortably? laQO’ah: KAmah anaSHIM y e choLIM laSHEvet BAH b e nohiYUT? לָקוֹחַ׃ כַּמָּה אֲנָשִׁים יְכוֹלִים לָשֶׁבֶת בָּהּ בְּנוֹחִיּוּת? Agent: Five adults. soCHEN (soCHEnet): hamiSHAH m e vugaRIM. סוֹכֵן (סוֹכֶנֶת)׃ חֲמִשָּׁה מְבֻגָּרִים. Customer: OK. I’ll take the intermediate. How much is this for a week? laQO’ah: beSEder. eQAH ET ha’beinoNIT. KAmah ZEH l e shaVUa? לָקוֹחַ׃ בְּסֵדֶר. אֶקַּח אֶת הַבֵּינוֹנִית. כַּמָּה זֶה לְשָׁבוּעַ? Agent: Seven hundred and fifty Sheqels, and this includes insurance. soCHEN (soCHEnet): shVA-meiOT va’hamiSHIM SHEqel, v e ZEH koLEL biTU’ah. סוֹכֵן (סוֹכֶנֶת)׃ שְׁבַע-מֵאוֹת וַחֲמִשִּׁים שֶׁקֶל (שְׁקָלִים), וְזֶה כּוֹלֵל בִּטּוּחַ.

12 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 12 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל I shall requestFuture עָתִידפִּעֵל בקשׁאֲבַקֵּשׁ I shall takeFuture עָתִידפָּעַל (קַל) לקחאֶקַּח I shall payFuture עָתִיד פִּעֵל שׁלם אֲשַׁלֵּם to payInfinitive מָקוֹר לְשַׁלֵּם I shall giveFuture עָתִידפָּעַל (קַל) נתןאֶתֵּן (we, you, they) can/are ablePresent הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) יכליְכוֹלִים (I, you) include; (he/it) includesPresent הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) כללכּוֹלֵל (I, you) am sorry; (he/it) is sorry Present הֹוֶההִתְפַּעֵלצער מִצְטַעֵר (I, you) am sorry; (she/it) is sorry מִצְטַעֶרֶ ת to bringInfinitive מָקוֹרהִפְעִיל בואלְהָבִיא to sitInfinitive מָקוֹרפָּעַל (קַל) ישׁבלָשֶׁבֶת to rent (intransitive; something from somebody) Infinitive מָקוֹר פָּעַל (קַל) שׂכר לִשְׂכֹּר To rent (transitive; something to somebody) הִפְעִיל לְהַשְׂכִּי ר Questions and Answers (4-5) שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת

13 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 13 Questions and Answers (4-5) שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתאַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית a price --- m e HIR מְחִיר same (lit. him) (אֶת) oTO אוֹתוֹ a car (מְכוֹנָה) m e choNIT מְכוֹנִית people (אִישׁ) anaSHIM אֲנָשִׁים convenience, comfort (נוֹחַ) nohiYUT נוֹחִיּוּת in her (בְּ-) BAH בָּהּ pleasant --- na’IM נָעִים insurance (לְבַטֵּחַ ) biTU’ah בִּטּוּחַ type, sort, class, category --- SUG סוּג intermediate, medium, middle (בֵּינוֹנִי) beinoNIT בֵּינוֹנִית an agent --- soCHEN סוֹכֵן cheese --- gviNAH גְּבִינָה an agentsoCHEnet סוֹכֶנֶת large (גָּדוֹל) gdoLAH גְּדוֹלָה cakes, pies (עוּגָה) uGOT עוּגוֹת a customer, a client (לָקַחַת ) laQO’ah *לָקוֹחַ fruits (פְּרִי) peiROT פֵּרוֹת adults (מְבֻגָּר) m e vugaRIM מְבֻגָּרִים small (קָטָן) qtaNAH קְטַנָּה a salesperson (מוֹכֵר) moCHEret מוֹכֶרֶת Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included. * The masculine noun לָקוֹחַ is used generically for both male and female genders.

14 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 14 Questions and Answers - 6 - שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית What do you (singular) want? MAH aTAH roTSEH (AT roTSAH)? מָה אַתָּה רוֹצֶה (אַתְּ רוֹצָה)? I am hungry and want to eat something. aNI ra’EV v e roTSEH (r e eiVAH v e roTSAH le’eCHOL MAshehu. אֲנִי רָעֵב וְרוֹצֶה (רְעֵבָה וְרוֹצָה) לֶאֱכֹל מַשֶּׁהוּ. I am thirsty and want to drink something cold. aNI tsaME v e roTSEH (tsmei’AH v e roTSAH lishTOT MAshehu QAR. אֲנִי צָמֵא וְרוֹצֶה (צְמֵאָה וְרוֹצָה) לִשְׁתוֹת מַשֶּׁהוּ קַר. I am tired and want to rest a little. aNI aYEF v e roTSEH (ayeiFAH v e roTSAH laNU’ah qTSAT. אֲנִי עָיֵף וְרוֹצֶה (עֲיֵפָה וְרוֹצָה) לָנוּחַ קְצָת. I would like to speak with the manager. avaQESH l e daBER IM ha’m e naHEL (ha’m e naHElet). אֲבַקֵּשׁ לְדַבֵּר עִם הַמְּנַהֵל (הַמְּנַהֶלֶת). What do you (plural) want? MAH aTEM roTSIM (aTEN roTSOT)? מָה אַתֶּם רוֹצִים (אַתֶּן רוֹצוֹת)? We are hungry and want to eat something. aNAHnu r e eiVIM v e roTSIM (r e eiVOT v e roTSOT) le’eCHOL MAshehu. אֲנַחְנוּ רְעֵבִים וְרוֹצִים (רְעֵבוֹת וְרוֹצוֹת) לֶאֱכֹל מַשֶּׁהוּ. We are thirsty and want to drink something cold. aNAHnu tsmei’IM v e roTSIM (tsmei’OT v e roTSOT) lishTOT MAshehu QAR. אֲנַחְנוּ צְמֵאִים וְרוֹצִים (צְמֵאוֹת וְרוֹצוֹת) לִשְׁתוֹת מַשֶּׁהוּ קַר. We are tired and want to rest a little. aNAHnu ayeiFIM v e roTSIM (ayeiFOT v e roTSOT laNU’ah qTSAT. אֲנַחְנוּ עֲיֵפִים וְרוֹצִים (עֲיֵפוֹת וְרוֹצוֹת) לָנוּחַ קְצָת. We would like to speak with the manager. n e vaQESH l e daBER IM ha’m e naHEL (ha’m e naHElet). נְבַקֵּשׁ לְדַבֵּר עִם הַמְּנַהֵל (הַמְּנַהֶלֶת).

15 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 15 Questions and Answers - 7 - שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית What do you want to be when you grow up (lit. when you will be big)? MAH aTAH roTSEH (AT roTSAH) lih i YOT k e shetih i YEH gaDOL (k e shetih i YI gdoLAH)? מָה אַתָּה רוֹצֶה (אַתְּ רוֹצָה) לִהְיוֹת כְּשֶׁתִּהְיֶה גָּדוֹל (כְּשֶׁתִּהְיִי גְּדוֹלָה)? I want to be a doctor. aNI roTSEH (roTSAH) lih i YOT roFE (rof’AH). אֲנִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) לִהְיוֹת רוֹפֵא (רוֹפְאָה). What do you want to do now? MAH aTAH roTSEH (AT roTSAH) la’aSOT achSHAV? מָה אַתָּה רוֹצֶה (אַתְּ רוֹצָה) לַעֲשׂוֹת עַכְשָׁיו? I want to go home. aNI roTSEH (roTSAH) laLEchet haBAy i tah. אֲנִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) לָלֶכֶת הַבַּיְתָּה. What do you want from me? MAH aTAH roTSEH (AT roTSAH) miMEni? מָה אַתָּה רוֹצֶה (אַתְּ רוֹצָה) מִמֶּנִּי? I would like from you just a bit (of) patience. avaQESH mimCHA (miMECH) RAQ qTSAT savlaNUT. אֲבַקֵּשׁ מִמְּ ךָ (מִמֵּ ךְ ) רַק קְצָת סַבְלָנוּת. What do you want to hear? MAH aTEM roTSIM (aTEN roTSOT) lishMO’a מָה אַתֶּם רוֹצִים (אַתֶּן רוֹצוֹת) לִשְׁמֹעַ? We would like to hear the song “Jerusalem of Gold”. n e vaQESH lishMO’a ET ha’SHIR “y e rushaLAyim SHEL zaHAV”. נְבַקֵּשׁ לִשְׁמֹעַ אֶת הַשִּׁיר ״יְרוּשָׁלַיִם שֶׁל זָהָב״. What do you want to do today? MAH aTEM roTSIM (aTEN roTSOT) la’aSOT haYOM? מָה אַתֶּם רוֹצִים (אַתֶּן רוֹצוֹת) לַעֲשׂוֹת הַיּוֹם? We would like to tour (in) the Golan Heights. n e vaQESH l e saYER b e raMAT- ha’goLAN. נְבַקֵּשׁ לְסַיֵּר בְּרָמַת-הַגּוֹלָן.

16 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 16 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל to eatInfinitive מָקוֹרפָּעַל (קַל) אכללֶאֱכֹל to speak/talkInfinitive מָקוֹרפִּעֵל דברלְדַבֵּר to beInfinitive מָקוֹר פָּעַל (קַל) היההיה לִהְיוֹת (you) will be [singular] Future עָתִיד תִּהְיֶה (you) will be [singular] תִּהְיִי to go/walkInfinitive מָקוֹרפָּעַל (קַל) הלךלָלֶכֶת to rest/relaxInfinitive מָקוֹרפָּעַל (קַל) נוחלָנוּחַ to tourInfinitive מָקוֹרפִּעֵל סירלְסַיֵּר to do/makeInfinitive מָקוֹרפָּעַל (קַל) עשׂ ה לַעֲשׂוֹת to hearInfinitive מָקוֹרפָּעַל (קַל) שׁמעלִשְׁמֹעַ to drinkPresent הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) כלל לִשְׁתוֹ ת we shall requestFuture עָתִידפִּעֵל בקשׁנְבַקֵּשׁ Questions and Answers (6-7) שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת

17 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 17 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל I am/you are tired, he/it is tired Present הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) עיף עָיֵף we/you/they are tired עֲיֵפִים I am/you are tired, she/it is tired עֲיֵפָה we/you/they are tired עֲיֵפוֹת I am/you are thirsty, he/it is thirsty Present הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) צמא צָמֵא we/you/they thirst צְמֵאִים I am/you are thirsty, she/it is thirsty צְמֵאָה we/you/they are thirsty צְמֵאוֹת I/you want, he/it wants Present הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) רצה רוֹצֶה we/you/they want רוֹצִים I/you want, she/it wants רוֹצָה we/you/they want רוֹצוֹת I am/you are hungry, he/it is hungry Present הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל) רעב רָעֵב we/you/they are hungry רְעֵבִים I am/you are hungry, she/it is hungry רְעֵבָה we/you/they are hungry רְעֵבוֹת Questions and Answers (6-7) שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת

18 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 18 Questions and Answers (6-7) שְׂאֵלוֹת וּתְשׁוּבוֹת Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית gold --- zaHAV זָהָב from me (מֵ-) (עִמִּי) miMEni מִמֶּנִּי from you (singular) (מֵ-) (עִמְּ ךָ ) mimCHA מִמְּ ךָ from you (singular) (מֵ-) (עִמֵּ ךְ ) miMECH מִמֵּ ךְ patience, tolerance (לִסְבֹּל ) savlaNUT סַבְלָנוּת a small amount --- qTSAT קְצָת cold (לְקָרֵר) QAR קַר a doctor (רוֹפֵא) rof’AH רוֹפְאָה The Golan Heights (רָמָה) (גּוֹלָן) raMAT-ha’goLAN רָמַת-הַגּוֹלָן a song (לָשִׁיר) SHIR שִׁיר Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included.

19 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 19 Other Useful Words -1- מִלִּים שִׁמּוּשִׁיּוֹת אֲחֵרוֹת Opposites (antonyms) -1- הֲפָכִים אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית long–short aruKAH–qtsaRAHaROCH–qaTSAR אֲרֻכָּה-קְצָרָהאָרֹ ךְ -קָצָר healthy–sick bri’AH–hoLAH baRI–hoLEH בְּרִיאָה-חוֹלָהבָּרִיא-חוֹלֶה tall–low gvoHAH–n e muCHA gaVOha–naMUCH גְּבוֹהָה-נְמוּכָהגָּבֹהַּ-נָמוּ ךְ large–small gdoLAH–qtaNAH gaDOL–qaTAN גְּדוֹלָה-קְטָנָהגָּדוֹל-קָטָן thin–thick daQAH–aVAH DAQ–aVEH דַּקָּה-עָבָהדַּק-עָבֶה much, many–little, few harBEH–m e AT הַרְבֵּה-מְעַט veteran–new v e tiQAH–hadaSHAHvaTIQ–haDASH וְתִיקָה-חֲדָשָׁהוָתִיק-חָדָשׁ אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית different (sing./pl.) אַחֵר\אֲחֵרִים aHEret/aheiROT אַחֶרֶת\אֲחֵרוֹת opposite, contrary (sing./pl.) (לַהֲפֹךְ) HEIfech/hafaCHIM הֵפֶ ךְ \הֲפָכִים useful, practical (sing./pl.) (לְשַׁמֵּשׁ) shimuSHIT/shimushiYOT שִׂמּוּשִׁית\שִׂמּוּשִׁיּוֹ ת Some relevant terminology

20 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 20 Other Useful Words -2- מִלִּים שִׁמּוּשִׁיּוֹת אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית cheap–dear zoLAH–y e qaRAHZOL–yaQAR זוֹלָה-יְקָרָהזוֹל-יָקָר hot–cold haMAH–qaRAHHAM–QAR חַמָּה-קָרָהחַם-קַר good–bad toVAH–ra’AHTOV–RA טוֹבָה-רָעָהטוֹב-רַע (רָע) dry–wet y e veiSHAH–r e tuBAHyaVESH–raTOV יְבֵשָׁה-רְטֻבָּהיָבֵשׁ-רָטֹב nice, pretty–ugly yaFAH–m e choEret yaFEH–m e cho’AR יָפָה-מְכֹעֶרֶתיָפֶה-מְכֹעָר old–new y e shaNAH–hadaSHAHyaSHAN–haDASH יְשָׁנָה-חֲדָשָׁהיָשָׁן-חָדָשׁ dark–light, bright keiHAH–b e hiRAHkeiHEH–baHIR כֵּהָה-בְּהִירָהכֵּהֶה-בָּהִיר entrance–exit k’niSAH–y e tsi’AH כְּנִיסָה-יְצִיאָה slowly–quickly l e AT–maHER לְאַט-מַהֵר early–late muqDEmet–m e uHEretmuqDAM–m e uHAR מֻקְדֶּמֶת- מְאֻחֶרֶת מֻקְדָּם- מְאֻחָר sweet–bitter m e tuQAH–maRAHmaTOQ–MAR מְתוּקָה-מָרָהמָתוֹק-מַר clean–dirty n e qiYAH–m e luchLEchetnaQI–m e luchLACH נְקִיָּה-מְלֻכְלֶכֶתנָקִי-מְלֻכְלָ ךְ closed–open sguRAH–ptuHAHsaGUR–paTU’ah סְגוּרָה-פְּתוּחָהסָגוּר-פָּתוּחַ Opposites (antonyms) -2- הֲפָכִים

21 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 21 Other Useful Words -3- מִלִּים שִׁמּוּשִׁיּוֹת אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית end–beginning SOF–hathaLAH סוֹף-הַתְחָלָה crooked–straight aquMAH–y e shaRAHaQOM–yaSHAR עֲקֻמָּה-יְשָׁרָהעָקֹם-יָשָׁר rich–poor ashiRAH–aniYAHaSHIR–aNI עֲשִׁירָה-עֲנִיָּהעָשִׁיר-עָנִי less–more paHOT–yoTER פָּחוֹת-יוֹתֵר young–old ts e iRAH–zqeiNAHtsa’IR–zaQEN צְעִירָה-זְקֵנָהצָעִיר-זָקֵן light–heavy qaLAH–k’veiDAH QAL–kaVED קַלָּה-כְּבֵדָהקַל-כָּבֵד easy–difficult, hard qaLAH–qaSHAHQAL–qaSHEH קַלָּה-קָשָׁהקַל-קָשֶׁה first–last rishoNAH–aharoNAHriSHON–ahaRON רִאשׁוֹנָה- אַחֲרוֹנָה רִאשׁוֹן-אַחֲרוֹן empty–full reiQAH–m e lei’AHREIQ–maLE רֵיקָה-מְלֵאָהרֵיק-מָלֵא quiet–noisy shqeiTAH– ro’EshetshaQET–ro’ESH שְׁקֵטָה-רוֹעֶשֶׁתשָׁקֵט-רוֹעֵשׁ falsehood, lie–truth SHEqer–eMET שֶׁקֶר-אֶמֶת lower–upper tahtoNAH–elyoNAHtahTON - elYON תַּחְתּוֹנָה-עֶלְיוֹנָהתַּחְתּוֹן-עֶלְיוֹן occupied–available tfuSAH–pnuYAHtaFUS–paNUI תְּפוּסָה-פְּנוּיָהתָּפוּס-פָּנוּי Opposites (antonyms) -3- הֲפָכִים

22 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 22 אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Alas! (אוֹי!) (וְ-) (אֲבוֹי!) OY va’aVOY! אוֹי וַאֲבוֹי! maybe, perhaps --- uLAI אוּלַי not possible (אִי-) (אֶפְשָׁר) I-efSHAR אִי-אֶפְשָׁר a manner, a way, a fashion --- Ofen אֹפֶן anyhow, anyway (בְּ-) (כָּל) (אֹפֶן) b e CHOL Ofen בְּכָל אֹפֶן By no means! In no way! (בְּ-) (שׁוּם) (אֹפֶן) b e SHUM Ofen (LO)! בְּשׁוּם אֹפֶן (לֹא)! Absolutely/Definitely not! --- b e SHUM paNIM va’Ofen (LO)! בְּשׁוּם פָּנִים וָאֹפֶן (לֹא)! Exactly! Precisely! (לְדַיֵּק) b e diYUQ! בְּדִיּוּק! אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית idiom, phrase/idioms, phrases --- NIV/niVIM נִיב\נִיבִים word of…/words of… (מִלָּה\מִלִּים) miLAT/miLOT מִלַּת\מִלּוֹת call, calling/calls, callings (לִקְרֹא) qri’AH/qri’OT קְרִיאָה\קְרִיאוֹת Some relevant terminology Idioms/Phrases and Exclamations -1- נִיבִים וּמִלּוֹת קְרִיאָה

23 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 23 אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Enough! --- DAI!/masPIQ! דַּי!\מַסְפִּיק! least/most (suffix: -est) --- haCHI הֲכִי smallest (masc.) --- haCHI qaTAN הֲכִי קָטָן prettiest (fem.) --- haCHI yaFAH הֲכִי יָפָה Certainly! (לְוַדֵּא) vaDAI/b e vaDAI וַדַּאי!\בְּוַדַּאי! What a pity! Alas! Woe! --- haVAL! חֲבָל! apart from this/that (חוּץ) (מִן) (זֶה) HUTS mi’ZEH חוּץ מִזֶּה more/less --- yoTER/paHOT יוֹתֵר\פָּחוֹת more than that (יוֹתֵר) (מִן) (זֶה) yoTER mi’ZEH יוֹתֵר מִזֶּה more/less than enough (יוֹתֵר\פָּחוֹת) (מִן) (דַּי) yoTER/paHOT mi’DAI יוֹתֵר\פָּחוֹת מִדַּי more or less --- paHOT O yoTER פָּחוֹת אוֹ יוֹתֵר not more and not less --- LO faHOT v e LO yoTER לֹא פָחוֹת וְלֹֹא יוֹתֵר at the very most/least --- l e CHOL ha’yoTER/ha’paHOT לְכָל הַיּוֹתֵר\הַפָּחוֹת at least --- l e faHOT לְפָחוֹת Idioms/Phrases and Exclamations -2- נִיבִים וּמִלּוֹת קְרִיאָה

24 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 14/Page 24 אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Wonderful! Lovely! (יָפֶה) YOfi! יֹפִי! hopefully (lit. it is to hope) --- YESH l e qaVOT יֵשׁ לְקַוּוֹת Of course! Obviously! (כְּ-) (הַ-) (מוּבָן) ka’muVAN! כַּמּוּבָן! Take it easy! (masc./fem.) --- l e AT l e CHA!/LACH! לְאַט לְ ךָ !\לָ ךְ ! To the contrary! (לְ-) (הֵפֶ ךְ ) l e HEIfech! לְהֵפֶ ךְ ! actually, in fact, practically (לְ-) (מַעֲשֶׂה) l e ma’aSEH לְמַעֲשֶׂה luckily/unfortunately, sadly --- l e marBEH ha’maZAL/ha’TSA’ar לְמַרְבֵּה הַמַּזָּל\הַצַּעַר for example (לְ-) (מָשָׁל) l e maSHAL לְמָשָׁל occasionally, sometimes (פַּעַם) lif’aMIM לִפְעָמִים What can be done? --- MAH efSHAR la’aSOT? מָה אֶפְשָׁר לַעֲשׂוֹת? What is the matter? --- MAH YESH? מַה יֵּשׁ? At last! Finally! --- SOF-SOF! סוֹף-סוֹף! Nonsense! (שְׁטוּת) shtuYOT! שְׁטֻיּוֹת! Silence!/Silence please! --- SHEqet!/SHEqet b e vaqaSHAH! שֶׁקֶט!\שֶׁקֶט בְּבַקָּשָׁה! Idioms/Phrases and Exclamations -3- נִיבִים וּמִלּוֹת קְרִיאָה

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