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Earl Haig Public School PROGRAM AREA REVIEW TEAM Community Meeting Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Earl Haig P.S.

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Presentation on theme: "Earl Haig Public School PROGRAM AREA REVIEW TEAM Community Meeting Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Earl Haig P.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earl Haig Public School PROGRAM AREA REVIEW TEAM Community Meeting Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Earl Haig P.S.



4 From McMacken, Geof Date Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:13:13 PM To Cowan, Kathy Cc Gowdy, Andrew Subject RE: Local Feasibility _________________________________________________________________________ Please find attached a Student Accommodation Review package for Earl Haig Junior Public School. The package includes student enrolment and facility utilization for three time periods September 30 th 2008, 2009 and 2013, for Earl Haig Jr, Earl Beatty PS and Gledhill Jr. The data is presented in three scenarios, Orignial, Option 1 and Option 2. Original representing no grade changes. Option 1 representing Earl Haig Jr converting to a JK to 8 public school with 50% of the Grade 6 students remaining for Grade 7. Option 2 representing Earl Haig Jr converting to a JK to 8 public school with 95% of the Grade 6 students remaining for Grade 7. Historically, only 50% of the Earl Haig Jr Grade 6 students attend Earl Beatty PS for Grades 7 & 8. The other 50% attend Bowmore Road PS, Earl Grey Sr PS, Cosburn MS and other area senior schools. This leads to the question of whether or not this trend will continue if Earl Haig Jr offers Grade 7 & 8, thus the need for two Options. As you review the Summary of Student Accommodation Options you will note that I have prepared Utilization Rates based upon Full-time Equivalent Enrolment and Headcount Enrolment. The Headcount calculation is to reflect the potential impact of full-time JK & SK. Based on the Original scenario, no grade changes, Earl Haig Jr is projected to have a student population of 277 fte and a utilization of 62% by 2013. Option 1, assuming that Earl Haig Jr would only retained 50% of the Grade 6 students for Grade 7, the student population would increase to approximately 310 fte and a utilization of 70%. Option 2, assuming that Earl Haig Jr would retained 95% of the Grade 6 students for Grade 7, the student population would increase to approximately 340 fte and a utilization of 77%. Both of these models project an intermediate student population of 35 to 60 students by 2013. Based upon this review of the student enrolment, it would appear that both options support the request for Earl Haig Jr PS converting from a JK to Grade 6 Junior School. Therefore, I would like to suggest you share this information with the Principals of Earl Haig Jr and Earl Beatty PS as you discuss other issues involved in the conversion of Earl Haig Jr into a JK to Grade 8 Public School.





9 QUESTIONS PART Membership Committee Meeting Jan 20, 2009  potential impact on staffing models and funding  clarification as to the Optional Attendance Policy  potential impact on the current Junior MID Programme  Vice-Principal Allocation  Other Questions

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