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Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I E-learning I-1. Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(一) 若沒有動詞就用 be 動詞 主詞 + 動詞->英文句子 例 :Birds fly. 例 :She is a student.

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Presentation on theme: "Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I E-learning I-1. Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(一) 若沒有動詞就用 be 動詞 主詞 + 動詞->英文句子 例 :Birds fly. 例 :She is a student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I E-learning I-1

2 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(一) 若沒有動詞就用 be 動詞 主詞 + 動詞->英文句子 例 :Birds fly. 例 :She is a student.

3 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(二) be 動詞-> is, am, are, was, were, be I am a student. You are a girl. She is a student. He was in the kitchen last night. They were at the party last night. Mary will be in Taipei tomorrow.

4 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(三) 助動詞-> can, will, do, does, did, may.. He will go to school tomorrow. Mary can take a bus to school. You may see me at the party.

5 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(四) 主詞如為單數時,第三人稱現在式( He, She, It ), 則動詞須加 s 或 es 。 例 :He works in Taiwan. She goes to school every day. My mother cooks dinner for us.

6 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(五) 疑問句 1. 有 be 動詞或助動詞的句子 =>把它移到句首 2. 無上述情形則在句首加 Do, Did,Does, + S + 原形動詞

7 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則(六) 否定句 1. 有 be 動詞或助動詞的句子 =>在 be 動詞或助動詞後 面加上 not. 2. 無上述情形則在一般動詞 前面加上 do not, does not, 或 did not.

8 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則 練習 ( 一 ) 1.She is in Japan now. 疑問句: Is she in Japan now? 否定句: She is not in Japan now. => She isn’t in Japan now. 2.You are angry. 疑問句: Are you angry? 否定句: You are not angry. => You aren’t angry.

9 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 3.Ben and Liz are cousins. 疑問句: Are Ben and Liz cousins? 否定句: Ben and Liz are not cousins. => Ben and Liz aren’t cousins. 4. He is very serious. 疑問句: Is he very serious? 否定句: He is not very serious. => He isn’t very serious.

10 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 5.Both sisters are tall. 疑問句: Are both sisters tall? 否定句: Both sisters are not tall. => Both sisters aren’t tall. 6.She is a clever woman. 疑問句: Is she a clever woman? 否定句: She is not a clever woman. => She isn’t a clever woman.

11 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 7.They are members of the country club. 疑問句: Are they members of the country club? 否定句: They are not members of the country club. => They aren’t members of the country club.

12 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 8.He is a good tennis player. 疑問句: Is he a good tennis player? 否定句: He is not a good tennis player. => He isn’t a good tennis player. 9.Elaine is a pilot with an international airline. 疑問句: Is Elaine a pilot with an international airline? 否定句: Elaine is not a pilot with an international airline. => Elaine isn’t a pilot with an international airline.

13 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 10.The sky is very cloudy today. 疑問句: Is the sky very cloudy today? 否定句: The sky is not very cloudy today. => The sky isn’t very cloudy today. 11.The office of the supervisor is on the first floor. 疑問句: Is the office of the supervisor on the first floor? 否定句: The office of the supervisor is not on the first floor. => The office of the supervisor isn’t on the first floor.

14 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 12.It is cold today. 疑問句: Is it cold today? 否定句: It is not cold today. => It isn’t cold today. 13.She is in her office. 疑問句: Is she in her office? 否定句: She is not in her office.

15 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 14.The stamps are in my desk. 疑問句: Are the stamps in my desk? 否定句: The stamps are not in my desk. => The stamps aren’t in my desk. 15.He is a smart man. 疑問句: Is he a smart man? 否定句: He is not a smart man. => He isn’t a smart man.

16 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 六大通則 練習 ( 二 ) 1. I work on the tenth floor. 疑問句: Do I work on the tenth floor? 否定句: I do not work on the tenth floor. => I don’t work on the tenth floor. 2. Ella likes to study English. 疑問句: Does Ella like to study English. 否定句: Ella does not like to study English. => Ella doesn’t like to study English.

17 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 3. You speak English well. 疑問句: Do you speak English well? 否定句: You do not speak English well. => You don’t speak English well. 4. The plane leaves at ten o’clock. 疑問句: Does the plane leave at ten o’clock? 否定句: The plane does not leave at ten o’clock. => The plane doesn’t leave at ten o’clock.

18 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 5. He knows everyone in the office. 疑問句: Does he know everyone in the office? 否定句: He does not know everyone in the office. => He doesn’t know everyone in the office. 6. I feel good. 疑問句: Do I feel good? 否定句: I do not feel good. => I don’t feel good.

19 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 7. He eats lunch in the cafeteria every day. 疑問句: Does he eat lunch in the cafeteria every day. 否定句: He does not eat lunch in the cafeteria every day. => He doesn’t eat lunch in the cafeteria every day. 8. She comes to work late. 疑問句: Does she come to work late? 否定句: She does not comes to work late. => She doesn’t come to work late.

20 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 9. They live in Chicago. 疑問句: Do they live in Chicago? 否定句: They do not live in Chicago. => They don’t live in Chicago. 10. We need a fan in this room. 疑問句: Do we need a fan in this room? 否定句: We do not need a fan in this room. => We don’t need a fan in this room.

21 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 11. Janet and I cook together. 疑問句: Do Janet and I cook together? 否定句: Janet and I do not cook together. => Janet and I don’t cook together. 12. I understand everything he says. 疑問句: Do I understand everything he says? 否定句: I do not understand everything he says. => I don’t understand everything he says.

22 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 13. She wants to visit San Francisco. 疑問句: Does she wants to visit San Francisco? 否定句: She does not want to visit San Francisco. => She doesn’t want to visit San Francisco. 14. He begins his new job this week. 疑問句: Does he begin his new job this week? 否定句: He does not begin his new job this week. => He doesn’t begin his new job this week.

23 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 15. My son plays in the park every afternoon. 疑問句: Does my son play in the park every afternoon? 否定句: My son does not play in the park every afternoon. => My son doesn’t play in the park every afternoon. 16. Gina and James make mistakes in spelling. 疑問句: Do Gina and James make mistakes in spelling. 否定句: Gina and James do not make mistakes in spelling. => Gina and James don’t make mistakes in spelling.

24 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 課外讀物練習 請在下篇文章中找出十個文法錯誤, 並寫出 正確答案. ( ) 中為正確答案

25 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 雄獅:(怒吼) Roar, roar! I are (am) the lion, the king of the forest. No one are (is) stronger than me. Roar, roar! 小獅: Daddy! I is (am) hungry. 雄獅: You was (are) big now. Be brave! Go and find your own food. 小獅: But, I does (do) not know how.

26 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 雄獅: Do it like me. Roar, roar! (怒吼) 小獅:(小聲地) Roar, roar! 雄獅: Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth. (露出尖利的牙齒) Go and do it now. 小獅: Yes, daddy.

27 Y >_< I Y 一,一一,一 I 小 獅: Hi, rabbit! I were (am) hungry. Roar, roar! (小聲地) 小白兔: Does (Do) you want some carrots? 小 獅: Yes, please. (小白兔遞給小獅一根紅蘿蔔) 小 獅: Thank you. 小白兔: Carrots is (are) the best food. 小 獅:(吃了一口) Yuck! I doesn’t likes (don't like) it.

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