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Unit 11 Vocabulary These words were tough to find.

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1 Unit 11 Vocabulary These words were tough to find.

2 Abrogate Verb – To repeal, cancel, declare null and void Synonyms: annul, revoke Antonyms: reaffirm, renew, ratify

3 Ambient Adjective – Completely surrounding, encompassing

4 Asperity Noun – Roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness Synonyms: rigor, harshness Antonyms: mildness, blandness, softness, lenience

5 Burnish Verb – To make smooth or glossy by rubbing, polish; Noun – gloss, brightness, luster Synonyms: shine, buff Antonyms: tarnish, dull, abrade

6 Cabal Verb – A small group working in secret Synonyms: clique, ring, gang, plot, conspiracy

7 Delectable Adjective – Delightful, highly enjoyable; deliciously flavored, savory Verb – An appealing or appetizing food or dish Synonyms: delicious, scrumptious Antonyms: repugnant, repulsive, distasteful

8 Deprecate Verb – To express mild disapproval; to belittle Synonyms: deplore, frown upon Antonyms: smile on, countenance, approve

9 Detritus Noun – Loose bits and pieces of material resulting from disintegration or wearing away; fragments that result from any destruction Synonyms: debris, wreckage, ruins, rubble

10 Ebullient Adjective – Overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement; boiling, bubbling Synonyms: exhilarated, elated, exuberant Antonyms: gloomy, morose, sullen, apathetic, blasé

11 Eclectic Adjective – Drawn from different sources; Noun – One whose beliefs are drawn from various sources Synonyms: selective, synthetic, pick-and-choose Antonyms: uniform, monolithic

12 Flaccid Adjective – Limp, not firm; lacking vigor or effectiveness Synonyms: soft, flabby Antonyms: hard, firm, solid

13 Impecunious Adjective – Having little or no money Synonyms: penniless, impoverished, indigent Antonyms: affluent, wealthy, prosperous, rich

14 Inexorable Adjective – Inflexible, beyond influence; relentless, unyielding Synonyms: inescapable, ineluctable, obdurate Antonyms: avoidable, yielding, pliant

15 Moribund Adjective – Dying, on the way out Synonyms: obsolescent Antonyms: flourishing, thriving

16 Necromancer Noun – One who claims to reveal or influence the future through magic, especially communication with the dead; in general, a magician or wizard Synonyms: sorcerer, conjurer

17 Onerous Adjective – Burdensome; involving hardship or difficulty Synonyms: oppressive, weighty Antonyms: light, easy, undemanding, untaxing

18 Rife Adjective – Common, prevalent, widespread, happening often; full, abounding, plentiful, abundant, replete Antonyms: devoid of, lacking

19 Rudiments Noun – The parts of any subject or discipline that are learned first; the earliest stages of anything Synonyms: fundamentals, basics

20 Sequester Verb – To set apart, separate for a special purpose; to take possession of and hold in custody Synonyms: seclude, segregate, isolate, closet

21 Winnow Verb – To get rid of something unwanted, delete; to sift through to obtain what is desirable; to remove the chaff from the wheat by blowing air on it; to blow on, fan Synonyms: sift, strain, filter, sort

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