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Published byMarianna Hunt Modified over 9 years ago
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Connecting the Pieces Presented by Mary Stires Director School Support, SCOE 1/21/2014
Objectives for the Day 1.Provide technical assistance and guidance to districts. 2.Update on LCFF Regulations and LCAP Template 3.Review components of district plans (Strategic, LEA, EL, Title III, CCSS etc.) and how they align. 4.Planning for the future. 1/21/2014
LCFF Regulations Significant changes based on input and ideas shared by stakeholders Calculation of proportionality percentageThree data sources –LCFF targets, prior year expenditures, and statewide implementation percentage Clarification of “districtwide, countywide, charterwide, schoolwide”Threshold and explanation Oversight and assignment of assistance by county offices of education for districts 1/21/2014
SCOPE All LEAs LCFF Funds apportioned on the basis of unduplicated pupils LCAP shall demonstrate how services are provided to meet the needs of unduplicated pupils and improve the performance of all pupils in the state priority areas 1/21/2014
Key Definitions Prior year means one fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year for which an LCAP is approved Improve services means to grow services in quality Increase services means to grow services in quantity 1/21/2014
Requirements Provide evidence in the LCAP to demonstrate how funding…is used to support unduplicated pupils as compared to services provided to all pupils in proportion to the increase in funds Conditions under which funds may be apportioned districtwide, schoolwide, countywide or charterwide County oversight in demonstration of proportionality 1/21/2014
Requirement: Evidence Formula provided in regulations Sample scenario provided Amount of funds expended in 2013-2014 shall be no less than the amount of EIA funds the LEA expended in 2012-2013 1/21/2014
Requirements: Districtwide – Enrollment of unduplicated students in excess of 55% Identify in the LCAP those services being provided on a districtwide basis Describe in the LCAP how such services are directed towards meeting goals for unduplicated students in the state priority areas – Enrollment of unduplicated students less than 55% Identify in the LCAP those services being provided on a districtwide basis Describe in the LCAP how such services are directed towards meeting goals for unduplicated students in the state priority areas Describe how these services are the most effective use of the funds to meet the goals of unduplicated pupils in the state priority areas 1/21/2014
Requirements: Schoolwide – Enrollment of unduplicated students in excess of 40% Identify in the LCAP those services being provided on a schoolwide basis Describe in the LCAP how such services are directed towards meeting goals for unduplicated students in the state priority areas – Enrollment of unduplicated students less than 40% Identify in the LCAP those services being provided a schoolwide basis Describe in the LCAP how such services are directed towards meeting goals for unduplicated students in the state priority areas Describe how these services are the most effective use of the funds to meet the goals of unduplicated pupils in the state priority areas 1/21/2014
Requirements: Countywide/Charterwide – Identify in the LCAP those services being provided a countywide or charterwide basis – Describe in the LCAP how such services are directed towards meeting goals for unduplicated students in the state priority areas 1/21/2014
Requirements: County Oversight Review descriptions of services directed towards meeting the goals for unduplicated students in the state priority areas to determine full demonstration of increasing or improving services for unduplicated students IF the COE does not approve the LCAP the COE shall provide technical assistance to the LEA 1/21/2014
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) – Eight Areas of State Priority 1.Basic Services (Williams) 2.Implementation of Content Standards 3.Parental Involvement 4.Student Achievement 5.Student Engagement 6.School Climate 7.Course Access 8.Other Student Outcomes (COEs Only) 9. Expelled Pupils Coordination of Instruction 10. Foster Youth Coordination of Services 1/21/2014
Local Control Accountability Plan Encourages telling a story of support, impact, and improvement Emphasis on good planning, communication, and engagement Organization – Stakeholder Engagement – Goals and Progress Indicators – Actions, Services, and Expenditures 1/21/2014
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) – Eight Areas of State Priority A. Conditions of Learning: Priority 1 Basics: rate of teacher misassignment, student access to standards-aligned instructional materials, and facilities in good repair Priority 2 Implementation of CCSS: implementation of standards for all students, including ELs Priority 7: Course access: student enrollment in all required areas of study as applicable Priority 9 and 10: (COEs only) B. Pupil Outcomes: Priority 4 Student achievement: performance on standardized tests, score on API, share of students that are college and career ready, share of ELs that become English proficient, EL reclassification rate, share of students that pass AP exams with 3 or higher, share of students determined prepared for college by the Early Assessment Program (EAP) Priority 8 Other student outcomes: other indicators of performance in required areas of study C. Pupil Engagement: Priority 3 Parent involvement: efforts to seek parent input, promotion of parent participation Priority 5 Student engagement: school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, middle & high school dropout rates, and high school graduations rates Priority 6 School climate: student suspension rates, student expulsion rates, other local measures including surveys of students, parents and teachers on the sense of safety and school connectedness 1/21/2014
Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) Five Performance Goals: 1. All 1. All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in ELA and mathematics by 2013-14. All 2. All limited-English-proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in ELA and mathematics. all 3. By 2005-06, all students will be taught by highly-qualified teachers. All 4. All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning. All 5. All students will graduate from high school. 1/21/2014
Title III Plan 2A: AMAO 1– Annual Progress Learning English 2B: AMAO 2– English Language Proficiency 2C: AMAO 3– AYP for EL Subgroup (ELA & math) 2D: High-Quality Professional Development 2E: Parent and Community Participation 2F: Parental Notification 2G: Providing High-Quality Instruction and Support to Immigrant Students 5A: Increasing Graduation Rates 1/21/2014
LEAP and LCAP Alignment LEAP 1.All 1.All students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics, by 2013-14. All 2. All limited-English-proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. all 3. By 2005-06, all students will be taught by highly-qualified teachers. All 4. All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning. All 5. All students will graduate from high school. LCAP: 8 Areas of State Priority 1.Student Achievement (Goals 1-2, 5) 2.Student Engagement (Goal 4-5) 3.Other Student Outcomes 4.School Climate (Goals 4-5) 5.Parental Involvement 6.Basic Services (Goal 4) 7.Implementation of Content Standards (Goal 1-2) 8.Course Access (Goal 5) 1/21/2014
Title III and LCAP Alignment Title III – Goals 2 and 5 2A: AMAO 1 – Annual Progress Learning English 2B: AMAO 2 – English Language Proficiency 2C: AMAO 3 AYP for EL Subgroup 2D: High-Quality Professional Development 2E: Parent and Community Participation 2F: Parental Notification 2G: Providing High-Quality Instruction and Support to Immigrant Students 5A: Increasing Graduation Rates LCAP: 8 Areas of State Priority 1.Student Achievement (Goals 2A-C, and 5A) 2.Student Engagement (Goals 5A) 1.Other Student Outcomes 2.School Climate (Goals 5A) 3.Parental Involvement (Goal 2E) 1.Basic Services 2.Implementation of Content Standards (Goal 2D) 3.Course Access (Goal 5A) 1/21/2014
District Plan/Objectives Goal 1Goal 2 EL Master Plan Title III Plan Goals 2A-2G, and 5 Goal 3Goal 4Goal 5 Title III Plan Increase Graduation Rate LEA Plan (Federal) LCAP (State) 1/21/2014
So…What are the Pieces? 1.Comprehensive needs assessment, based on data and information from Stake Holder Groups, ELSSA, DataQuest, 2.Revision of the LEA and School Plans, e.g. Title III Plan CCSS- ELA and mathematics New ELD Standards 3.Reallocation of resources Critical to ensure that revised plans are sustainable and able to be faithfully implemented. Align resources to meet identified needs. 4.Professional development and support for staff Include sufficient professional development and support for staff in the revised plans. Is your plan actually “do-able”; don’t fill your plan with great strategies that are impossible to implement. Plan out over a period of time, e.g. 3 year implementation. 5.Faithful implementation of the revised plans 6.Ongoing monitoring, analysis, and support for improvement plans 1/21/2014
LCAP Template Comprehensive planning tool Guiding questions for each section One goal may address multiple priorities Three Sections 1.Stakeholder Engagement 2.Goals and Progress Indicators 3.Actions, Services and Expenditures 1/21/2014
Possible Next Steps Working groups Peer review Engaging stakeholders Single Plan for Student Achievement Alignment Spring dates Other? 1/21/2014
Resources LCFF Web page LCFF Channel LAO Report SCOE Website rvs/lcff.html rvs/lcff.html. 1/21/2014
California Department of Education Fermín Jaramillo, Curriculum Coordinator, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. Local Educational Accountability (LEA), Title III, and Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP): Connecting the Pieces PPT. Merced County Office of Education WestEd – Janelle Kubinec Stanislaus County Office of Education – Mary Stires, Director, School Support 1/21/2014
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