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Presentation on theme: "SUMMARY OF FIBA BASKETBALL RULES"— Presentation transcript:

PREPARED BY Paul Deshaies, PhD CABO NATIONAL INTERPRETER SEPTEMBER 2007 © Paul Deshaies, August 6, 2007

Officials’ jurisdiction  : From the moment they arrive on the court (20 minutes before game time) until they sign the score sheet Playing time : All the time between the start and the end of a period 4 periods of 10 minutes If needed, overtime period(s) (5-minute duration) Interval of play : Time during which the officials have jurisdiction, before the start of a period and between the end of the game and the signing of the score sheet Half-time interval : 15 minutes Interval between the 1st and 2nd periods, 3rd and 4th periods, and before each overtime : 2 minutes

A team member is a player when on the floor and entitled to play Otherwise, a team member is a substitute A substitute becomes a player when beckoned on the floor by an official During an interval of play, team members are considered as players A player committing a 5th foul immediately becomes a substitute

4 STATUS OF THE BALL (10) Live Ball Jump Ball Free Throw Throw-in
Ball legally tapped by a jumper Ball at the disposal of the free thrower Ball at the disposal of the thrower-in

5 STATUS OF THE BALL (10) Dead Ball Ball enters the basket
Official blows the whistle Signal sounds to end a period Exception : if the ball is in the air on a try for goal, it remains live until: the ball enters the basket it is clear that the try is unsuccessful the ball is touched by a player after a signal

6 CONTROL (14) A player is in control of the ball when :
he/she is holding or dribbling a live ball the ball is at the disposal of a thrower-in the ball is at the disposal of a free thrower Team control begins at the same time as does player control and ends when : the ball is released on a try for goal the ball becomes dead the opposing team gains control

7 OUT OF BOUNDS (23) Player :
while touching the ball, touches a boundary line, the floor or any object beyond a boundary line Ball : touches a boundary line, the floor, a person or an object located on or beyond a boundary line, the back or a support of a backboard Note: Ball can pass over the backboard in either direction

8 AIRBORNE PLAYER (11) An airborne player occupies the spot on the floor where he/she last touched before becoming airborne

9 ACT OF SHOOTING (15) No time or distance involved
Throw, dunk, tap Release of the ball or Both feet returning to the floor Habitual action preceding the release of the ball No time or distance involved Only limitations are continuous motion and restrictions regarding traveling If there is a pause or the start of a new action, the act of shooting ends immediately

10 ACT OF SHOOTING (15) 3-point attempt : the player must be completely outside of the semi-circle; if a player in the 2-point area touches the ball, it is a 2-point attempt. (The status of the shooter does not change) Note: A foul by any member of the opposing team does not cause the ball to become dead once the act of shooting has begun If the act of shooting has begun and a teammate of the shooter commits a foul before the ball is released, the ball becomes dead immediately and no points can be scored if the try is successful

Spirit and intent of the rules Consistency in the application of the concept of advantage/disadvantage: Do not seek to interrupt the flow of the game unnecessarily Consistency in the application of common sense: Abilities, attitude, and conduct of the players Consistency in the maintenance of a balance between game control and game flow: Call what is right for the game

There must be team control in the front court A player may not be in the restricted area for MORE than 3 seconds The rule does not apply during throw-ins The count is suspended if : the player is attempting to leave the restricted area a movement to the basket has been initiated

A player holding the ball is closely (within one normal step) guarded for 5 seconds Defence must play aggressively (i.e. attempting to gain control of the ball or to prevent a dribble, a pass or a try) The rule applies anywhere on the court

Once control of a live ball is achieved on the court, a team has 8 seconds to bring the ball into the front court The count is interrupted when the ball is in the front court or when team control ends The count continues if the team who had control is awarded a throw-in in the back court as a result of the ball going out of bounds, a player of that team being injured a jump ball situation (i.e. arrow favors offense), a double foul, the cancellation of equal penalties assessed to both teams During the last 2 minutes of the game, if the team entitled to a throw-in in its back court takes a time out, the throw-in will take place at mid-court with the thrower-in straddling the line. There shall be a new 8-second count if the throw-in is made into the back court.

Once a team establishes control of LIVE ball on the court, that team must attempt a try for goal within 24 seconds. The count stops when, as a result of a try for goal, the ball touches the ring or enters the basket or when team control ends.

16 TIME VIOLATIONS 24 SECONDS (29 & 50) (cont’d) Shot clock reset to 24:
Whistle because of a foul or violation Ball legally enters the basket On a try for goal, the ball hits the ring Stoppage of play not related to the team in control Stoppage of play not related to either team (except if undue advantage) Opposing team gains control Shot clock stopped with no reset to 24: Stoppage of play and ball awarded to the team that had control, as a result of Ball going out of bounds, Injury to a player of the team in control, Jump ball situation, Double foul, Cancellation of equal penalties against both teams.

The ball is illegally returned to the back court when a player of the team in CONTROL of the ball Is the LAST player to TOUCH the ball before it returns to the back court And that player or a teammate of that player is the FIRST to TOUCH the ball after it has returned to the back court. Notes: The mid-court line is in the back court. The rule applies during throw-ins. A player straddling the mid-court line who receives a pass coming from the back court may only pivot, pass or dribble the ball in the front court. After a back court violation, the ensuing throw-in shall take place in the front court at the spot nearest to where the violation occurred (ball was touched in the back court).

There is only one jump ball in the game: at the beginning of the first period. In all other jump ball situations, the ball is awarded to one team in an alternating process (including overtime). The possession arrow is changed when the alternating possession throw-in ends : the ball touches a player or is legally touched by a player on the court, the team making the throw-in commits a violation, the ball lodges in the basket support Foul committed before the throw-in ends: the arrow does not change Infraction (technical foul) committed during an interval of play other than that preceding 1st period: the period starts with the administration of the penalty

A dribble begins when a player, having gained CONTROL of the ball, projects the ball to the ground and touches it again. A dribble ends when the dribbler touches the ball with both hands or when the ball comes to rest* in one or both hands. * (During the dribble, if the palm of the hand touching the ball is facing upwards, the dribble ends.) Once the dribble has ended, the player may not dribble again except if control is lost because of : a try for goal the ball being tapped out of the hands by an opponent, a pass or a fumble touched by another player. Note : a fumble (before starting or after ending a dribble) is not a dribble.

Punching the ball, or DELIBERATELY kicking or blocking the ball with any part of the leg (thigh, knee, lower leg, foot) is a violation.

21 TRAVELLING (25) The rule applies to a player HOLDING THE BALL (CONTROL) Determining the pivot foot : A player receiving the ball or stopping a dribble : - while stationary : EITHER FOOT - with one foot on the ground : THAT FOOT - while airborne : landing on one foot : FIRST FOOT ON THE GROUND landing on both feet : EITHER FOOT

22 TRAVELLING (25) Movement limitations :
The player MAY LIFT the pivot foot before releasing the ball on a pass or a try for goal. The player MAY NOT LIFT the pivot foot before releasing the ball when starting a dribble. (While moving, a player with one foot on the ground or landing on one foot, may receive the ball or end a dribble, jump, and land on both feet simultaneously; then, he/she may not pivot.)

23 TRAVELLING (25) Player falling, lying or sitting on the floor :
It is LEGAL when a player falls on the floor while holding the ball or, while lying or sitting on the floor, gains control of the ball. It is a VIOLATION if the player then slides, rolls, or attempts to stand up while holding the ball.

24 TRAVELLING (25) Blocked shot :
While A2 is in the air on a shot for a field goal, A2 has the shot blocked by B3. In blocking the shot, B3 does not have a hand(s) firmly on the ball. Both A2 and B3 are still in contact with the ball when they return to the floor. Has a travelling violation occurred? ANSWER: YES. The contact by B3 was not adequate enough to cause a jump ball situation.

Free thrower : Must release the ball within 5 seconds, May not go over the free throw line before the ball hits the ring, Must throw the ball so that it touches the ring or enters the basket, May not fake a throw Note: No rule on other players in lane faking

Players occupying rebound spaces : (Exclusive spaces : 1 & 3 ® defensive players, 2 ® offensive player) (Maximum: 2 offensive players and 3 defensive players) Restrictions: May not occupy a space after the ball is at the disposal of the free thrower, May not enter the lane or leave the space before ball is released by thrower, May not touch ball until throw has ended*, Opponents may not disconcert free thrower. * Free throw ends: If the ball MUST become dead after the free throw, the free throw ends when the ball enters the basket or it is clear that it will not enter the basket ; If the ball MAY remain live after the free throw, the free throw ends when the ball enters the basket, touches the ring and is touched by a player, or falls off the basket.

Other players : Must remain in the 3-point area and behind the free throw line extended until the ball hits the ring. Penalties : Violation by free throw shooter: free throw cancelled. If on last free throw, throw-in awarded to opposing team at free throw line extended. If a free throw is successful and the violation(s) is committed by any player(s) other than the free-throw shooter: Point(s), if made, shall count. Violation(s) shall be disregarded.

Penalties (cont’d): If a free throw is not successful and the violation is committed by: A team-mate of the free-throw shooter on the last or only free throw, the ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the free-throw line extended. An opponent of the free-throw shooter, a substitute free throw shall be awarded to the free-throw shooter. Both teams, on the last or only free throw, a jump ball situation occurs.

Jumpers : Leaving jumping position before ball legally tapped Tapping the ball more than twice Controlling the ball before it touches the floor, a non-jumper, the backboard, or the basket Hitting the ball other than with an open hand(s) Tapping the ball before it reaches its highest point Non-jumpers : Entering the circle before ball is legally tapped Note: Can move around circle

Thrower-in : Take more than five (5) seconds to release the ball. Step into the court while having the ball in his hand(s). Cause the ball to touch out-of-bounds, after it has been released on the throw-in. Touch the ball on the court before it has touched another player. Cause the ball to enter the basket directly. Move a total distance from the designated throw-in place, laterally in one or in both directions, not to exceed a total of one (1) metre before or while releasing the ball. Other players : Have any part of their bodies over the boundary line before the ball has been thrown across the boundary line.

Occurs during a shot for a field goal when a player touches the ball while it is completely above the level of the ring and: It is on its downward flight to the basket. After it has hit the backboard. Occurs during a shot for a free throw when a player touches the ball while it is in flight to the basket and before it touches the ring. The goaltending restrictions apply until: The ball no longer has the possibility of entering the basket during the shot. The ball has touched the ring.

Occurs during a shot for a field goal when: A player touches the basket or the backboard while the ball is in contact with the ring. A player reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball. A defensive player touches the ball or the basket while the ball is within the basket and it prevents the ball from passing through the basket. A defensive player causes the backboard or the ring to vibrate in such a way that, in the judgement of the official, the ball has been prevented from entering the basket. An offensive player causes the backboard or the ring to vibrate in such a way that, in the judgement of the official, the ball has been caused to enter the basket.

Occurs during a shot for a free throw when: A player, during a free throw to be followed by a further free throw(s), touches the ball, the basket or the backboard while the ball has the possibility of entering the basket. A player, during a last or only free throw, touches the basket or the backboard while the ball is in contact with the ring. A player reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball. A defensive player, during a last or only free throw, while the ball has the possibility of entering the basket and after the ball has touched the ring, causes the backboard or ring to vibrate in such a way that, in the judgement of the official, the ball has been prevented from entering the basket. An offensive player, during a last or only free throw, while the ball has the possibility of entering the basket and after the ball has touched the ring, causes the backboard or ring to vibrate in such a way that, in the judgement of the official, the ball has been caused to enter the basket.

Penalty: By offensive player: No points can be awarded Throw in to opponents at free-throw line extended By defensive player: Offensive team awarded: 1 point – on free throw 2 points – on two-point try 3 points – on three-point try If the violation is committed by a defensive player during a last or only free throw one (1) point shall be awarded to the offensive team, followed by the technical foul penalty charged against the defensive player.

35 PERSONAL FOULS (34) Definition : Basic principles :
contact by a player against an opposing player during playing time (live or dead ball) Basic principles : Responsibility: who is responsible of contact? Consequences: did contact produce an advantage or create a disadvantage ?

A defensive player wishing to guard an opponent MUST FIRST ESTABLISH A LEGAL DEFENSIVE POSITION. In order to ESTABLISH a legal guarding position, a defensive player must FACE THE OPPONENT HAVE BOTH FEET ON THE GROUND Once a legal guarding position is established, the defensive player may MAINTAIN it legally by moving laterally or backward or by jumping vertically.

Opponent with ball No time or distance Opponent without ball Moving Time to stop or change direction: maximum 2 steps Stationary Within field of vision As close as possible short of contact Outside of field of vision One normal step

The player establishing a screen must be stationary. The screener must comply with the prescriptions of establishing a legal defensive position to guard a player without the ball, except that the screener may not move, but does not have to face the opponent.

A player occupying a spot on the floor is entitled to all the space at that spot, from the floor to the ceiling, even if he/she jumps, as long as he/she jumps vertically Cylinder principle This principle always applies, especially: In playing defense to block a try for goal In offensive and defensive post playing In rebounding

POST PLAY Dislodging or backing down of a defender, swim arm motions, pushing or hooking by an offensive player in the post with or without the ball is illegal. No warning. It’s a foul. Dislodging a post player by a defensive player by placing a knee against the bottom of a post player is illegal. An “arm bar” (bent elbow) by a defensive player on a post player may not be maintained if the opponent moves or receives the ball. Placing two hands on a post player with the ball is also illegal.

HAND CHECKING In the back court: During back court pressure, any hand contact with the dribbler is illegal. No warning. It’s a foul. In the front court: If the dribbler is not going toward the basket (« east-west »), a defender may briefly place a hand on the dribbler. The hand must not remain in contact on any part of the dribbler. A hand that remains on or influences the direction of a dribbler anywhere on the court is illegal .

CONTACT OFF THE BALL It is illegal to bump or dislodge a player without the ball who is moving to a new position (i.e. player cutting through the lane) Illegal screens are also to be the object of special attention REBOUNDING Illegal « box-outs » and rough play in rebounding will be addressed as an added point of emphasis Special responsibility of C and T

« Common » foul : throw-in at spot nearest the infraction Foul against a player attempting a try : successful : 1 free throw unsuccessful : 2 (3) free throws « Common » foul, starting on the 5th team foul in each period, including all player fouls and fouls committed during the preceding interval of play (except fouls by the coach) : 2 free throws, except if the foul is committed by a player whose team : Is in control of a live ball Is entitled to the ball for a throw-in Personal foul committed by a player whose team is in control or entitled to the ball for a throw-in: Throw-in from the spot nearest to the infraction

Unsportsmanlike foul (by offensive or defensive player) : 2 free throws plus ball awarded for a throw-in at mid-court Against a player in the act of shooting 2 (3) free throws plus ball awarded at mid-court for a throw-in if try unsuccessful 1 free throw plus possession for a throw-in at mid-court if try successful Disqualifying foul (by offensive or defensive player): Player disqualified: must leave to the locker room or outside the building Double foul (2 players, each committing a foul against the other player at the same time : No free throw, alternating possession Basket scored: throw-in from behind the end line If a team was in control, throw-in awarded to that team

45 TECHNICAL FOULS (38) All non contact fouls during playing time.
Contact fouls (even during a dead ball) are personal, unsportsmanlike or flagrant All fouls during interval of play. Two kinds : Unsporting behaviour : player : obscene language or gesture, delay of game, taunting or baiting an opponent, not raising hand when requested by an official, changing number without advising an official and the scorer, going out of bounds to gain an advantage, grasping the ring, touching the ball before it touches the ring on a last or only free throw. coach : disrespectfully addressing an official, leaving the team bench area for any reason other than requesting a time out or requesting information from the table officials while game clock is stopped or attending an injured player, etc. Procedural infractions : Deliberately omitting to submit the list of players (20 min.) and of starters (10 min.) before game time

46 TECHNICAL FOULS (38) Penalties By player or by coach :
2 free throws followed by throw-in at mid-court Before the beginning of the game : 2 free throws followed by jump ball at center Note: Coach is ejected after 2 technical fouls, however player could get 5 technical fouls Player is disqualified after 2 unsportsmanlike fouls

47 SPECIAL SITUATIONS (42) Definition : several infractions during the same dead ball period Principles : Foul charged for each infraction Penalties of equal gravity against both teams cancel each other IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY WERE COMMITTED Remaining penalties are administered in the ORDER IN WHICH THE INFRACTIONS OCCURRED; if no penalty remains to be administered, play resumes as follows: Basket scored: throw-in by the other team Team had control: throw-in by that team (no reset) No team control: alternating possession Possession as part of a penalty is cancelled if a foul is committed by either team which carries an additional penalty to be administered. Note : As long as the administration of a penalty has not begun, that penalty may be used for cancellation of a new penalty that may occur.

A4 commits an unsportsmanlike foul against B4, after which B5 is charged with a technical foul. Shall the penalties for these fouls cancel each other? ANSWER: YES

49 THINK ABOUT IT (47) FIBA Rules, Art. 47 ‘Officials: Duties and Powers”… When deciding on a personal contact or violation, the officials shall, in each instance, have regard to and weigh the following fundamental principles: The spirit and intent of the rules and the need to uphold the integrity of the game. Consistency in the application of the concept of 'advantage/disadvantage', whereby the officials should not seek to interrupt the flow of the game unnecessarily in order to penalize personal contact that is incidental and which does not give the player responsible an advantage nor place his opponent at a disadvantage. Consistency in the application of common sense to each game, bearing in mind the abilities of the players concerned and their attitude and conduct during the game. Consistency in the maintenance of a balance between game control and game flow, having a 'feeling' for what the participants are trying to do and calling what is right for the game.

50 CHARGED TIME OUT (18) Two per team in the first half, three per team in the second half (non cumulative) No penalty for excessive time out One (1) per team for each extra period (no carryover) 60 seconds in length (signal after 50 seconds) (May not be shortened) No restrictions on substitutions with respect to the warning horn Request made by coach or assistant to scorer during playing time (not allowed during interval of play) Time out is granted when play stoppage or basket scored by opposing team May not be granted between free-throws If a last free throw is successful or is to be followed by a throw-in, a time out may be granted if the request is made before the ball is at the disposal of the thrower-in.

51 INJURY (5) Injured player:
Player ready to play immediately (within 15 seconds) player may stay in the game If player is not ready to play immediately or if bench personnel comes onto the court, player must be replaced If either team is granted a time out and the injured player is ready to play at the end of the time out, the player may remain in the game, except if the buzzer has sounded to indicate that a substitute is coming in to replace the injured player If no substitute is available, player may stay in the game without penalty.

52 SUBSTITUTIONS (19) Substitutions may only be granted when play is stopped. In the last 2 minutes of the last period or overtime, if a basket is scored, only the team that was scored against may initiate substitutions If a last free throw is successful or must be followed by a mid-court throw-in, substitutions may be granted if the request is made before the ball is at the disposal of the thrower-in. If a foul is committed between multiple free-throw penalties, substitutions may be granted between penalties A player who was substituted for may not come back in the game or a player who has entered as a substitute may not leave the game until a running phase of the game clock has occurred, even if the substitution was made to replace an injured player who is ready to play after a time out.

53 CORRECTABLE ERRORS (44) Four types : Time limitation :
Failure to award merited free throws Awarding unmerited free throws Allowing the wrong player to attempt free throws Awarding or cancelling points in error Time limitation : To be correctable, the error must be discovered before the ball has become live following the first dead ball after the game clock has started following the error.

54 CORRECTABLE ERRORS (44) Illustration : Error occurs Game clock starts
Ball becomes dead Ball becomes live Error correctable Too late !

55 CORRECTABLE ERRORS (44) If error = unmerited free throw(s), cancel free throw(s) and game shall resume as follows: Game clock has not started after the error, ball awarded for a throw-in to the team whose free throws were cancelled. Clock has started after the error and: ▬ Team in control (or entitled to the ball) when error is discovered is the same team that was in control of the ball at the time the error occurred, or ▬ Neither team is in control of the ball at the time the error is discovered, the ball shall be awarded to the team entitled to a throw-in at the time of the error.

56 CORRECTABLE ERRORS (44) If error = unmerited free throw(s), cancel free throw(s) and game shall resume as follows: Clock has started and, at the time the error is discovered, the team in control of the ball (or entitled to the ball) is the opponent of the team that was in control of the ball at the time of the error, a jump ball situation occurs. Clock has started and, at the time the error is discovered, a foul penalty involving a free throw(s) has been awarded, the free throw(s) shall be administered and the ball shall be awarded for a throw-in to the team that was in control of the ball at the time the error occurred.

57 Error = failure to award merited free throw(s):
CORRECTABLE ERRORS (44) Error = failure to award merited free throw(s): If there has been no change in possession of the ball since the error was made, game shall resume after correction of the error as after any normal free throw. If the same team scores after having been erroneously awarded possession of the ball for a throw-in, the error shall be disregarded. Error = erroneous awarding or cancelling a score: game shall be restarted at the point at which it was interrupted to correct the error, by the team entitled to the ball at the time the game was stopped for the correction. Error = wrong player attempting a free throw(s): free throw(s) shall be cancelled ball awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the free throw line extended.

58 FIGHTING (39) If fighting erupts or threatens to erupt:
Only coach and/or assistant may leave bench TO HELP If coach and/or assistant leave bench and do not help or if any other bench personnel leaves bench They are disqualified Only one technical foul is charged to the coach (regardless of number of disqualified people)

Substitution Opportunity: For the non-scoring team, when a field goal is scored in the last 2 minutes of the 4th period or the last two minutes of each extra period Throw-in (Advancing the Ball to Centre Line Extended): During the last 2 minutes of the 4th period and during the last 2 minutes of each extra period, following a time-out granted to the team that has been entitled to the possession of the ball from its backcourt – subsequent throw-in to be taken at the centre line extended, opposite the scorer’s table.


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