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PRBABO Members 2010-2011 Sr. IAABO 53 Sr. 2 INT 33 JR 42 Not Ranked 4 Total Active Membership 134 Inactive Members somewhere 20 - 25.

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Presentation on theme: "PRBABO Members 2010-2011 Sr. IAABO 53 Sr. 2 INT 33 JR 42 Not Ranked 4 Total Active Membership 134 Inactive Members somewhere 20 - 25."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRBABO Members 2010-2011 Sr. IAABO 53 Sr. 2 INT 33 JR 42 Not Ranked 4 Total Active Membership 134 Inactive Members somewhere 20 - 25

2 PRBABO Members 2010-2011 FFFFIBA Membership Level 3 SSSSR IAABO15 FFFFIBA Membership Level 2 SSSSR IAABO24 SSSSR 0 IIIINT16 JJJJR19

3 NNNNone FIBA Members (Not Certified) SSSSR IAABO 4 SSSSR 0 IIIINT 6 JJJJR19 NNNNo Ranked 4

4 PRBABO Badges Samples of New Badges

5 PRBABO League Status 1. Senior Girls Rimrocker Tournament 2. Malton Men’s League 3. Ballers Men’s League on the verge of leaving  Leagues are concerned about the level of service they are getting for the amount of money they are spending. We are endanger of losing leagues to other non- OABO refereeing boards. Basically leagues are creating their own referees.

6 PRBABO OFSAA Representation  We have 4 members going to OFSSA 1 Member to Division A Melissa McCutcheon 1 Member to Division AAA Nisha Wilson 1 Member to Division AAA not selected Not selected 1 Member to Division AAAA not selected Not selected

7 Federation Exam  Deadlines have to be maintained. The deadline for completing the exam is October 31 st 2010  Twelve members didn’t believe the deadline for registration they have been put on the non-active members list.

8 Federation Exam  If you do not write the exam or hand it in on time you will be put on the members not in good standing list  Members NOT IN GOOD STANDING will not be assigned games. We are a group of individuals who are suppose to enforce rules. If we cannot obey our own rules then why are we refereeing.

9 PRBABO Membership OABO Constitution   14.6 A member of the OABO shall not officiate a game in Ontario with another official who is not a member of the OABO. This Provision shall not apply where appointments are being made for regional, provincial, or national championships and/or regional, provincial, or national tournaments.   14.5 Members of the OABO must not move into another member's local area unless the Local Board in whose area the game is to be played grants its approval, or such approval is granted by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Local Board. In the latter case, the Local Board shall be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer that such permission was granted. Such approval is not required where appointments are being made for regional, provincial, or national championships and/or tournaments. Such approval is not required where officiating panels exist or may come into existence to handle provincial leagues. Where Panels exist or may come to exist, approval of the OABO Executive Committee will be granted, in consultation with the Local Boards holding jurisdiction in the areas involved in the panels upon formation of such panel

10 PRBABO Constitution  Referees may volunteer to referee games for charitable causes without remuneration, but they must have the consent and approval of the P.R.B.A.B.O. executive. When refereeing games for charitable causes, the P.R.B.A.B.O. referee’s uniform must not be worn.

11 PRBABO  Members that referee for groups like PHYBA and Brampton Warriors, or any other unnamed here within  Must provide a written letter or email to the executive for every week they intend to volunteer their services to these organization or they will face discipline after January 1 st 2011.

12 Basketball Ontario Past Tournaments 2010  April 16 th Major Bantam Girls  April 23 rd Bantam Boys  May 14 th Midget Boys  Unknown tournament (5 locations in Peel Region) March 26 th Atom Girls (90 games)

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