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Progress?? Good progressOutstanding progress Target Grade A & B Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress?? Good progressOutstanding progress Target Grade A & B Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress?? Good progressOutstanding progress Target Grade A & B Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed Suggest 8-9 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions recalling information from the lesson Target Grade C & D Suggest 5-6 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed

2 Starter

3 Peer - Assessment Violence between players unfortunately takes place. How can the NGB’s, team managers, coaches, captains & individuals deal with this violence? (9 marks)

4 Self – Assessment 1. Why might an elite performer commit an act of violence on the pitch? (3 marks) 1. Over-strong desire to win/over arousal/pressure 2. May be encouraged/asked to do so by coach/team mates/pressure from sponsors/crowds 3. Player loses control due to action of opponents/referee decisions/retaliates/frustration 4. Player lacks moral/ethical restraints on personal behaviour 5. Financial rewards 6. Importance of game/cup final/equivalent

5 4 marks for 4 of: A.Negative image of sport causes decline in participation rates/smaller foundation base B.Spectator attendance declines C.Supporters banned from travelling/attending/matches played behind closed doors D.All supporters treated as hooligans E.Teams banned from competing/loss of points/fined F.Sponsors/commercial deals withdrawn G.Additional cost to police events/provide more stewards H.Relationship with local community/other countries declines /negative impact for hosting future events The focus of the question is on the consequences and not the strategies used A – negative image too vague, need consequence Do NOT accept lose money – have to say how money is lost G – Has to be reference to increase need

6 Good progressOutstanding progress Target Grade A & B Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed Suggest 8-9 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions recalling information from the lesson Target Grade C & D Suggest 5-6 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed

7 %20and%20conduct%202009.pdf Code of conduct for players or performers in two different sports – what were the similarities or differences between the two


9 Hooliganism Although acts of hooliganism can be serious they are often over reported and sensationalised by the media A distinction should be drawn between hooligans, fans & supporters You can support your club & be a football fan without ever being involved in behaviour that could be described as hooliganism

10 Hooligans use football as a stage and a justification for the abusive and violent acts in which they are engaged

11 What do we mean by ‘hooliganism’ or ‘hooligan’

12 Hooligan confrontations are often: Pre-organised Looking for conflict with the authorities, especially the police Linked to consumption of alcohol

13 Hooligan behaviour can often be in reaction to the ways in which police & authorities are dealing with the problem The behaviour can take place?


15 Causes of hooliganism Not possible to identify a single cause of hooligan behaviour in football but many explanations have been offered… Pair reading the print out: A – reads out loud B – highlights the key points

16 Causes of hooliganismStrategies to reduce hooliganism

17 The effect that violence has on individuals, sport & wider society Violence brings sport into disrepute & damages its ability to encourage children, young people & families to participate

18 Exam questions Some sports have experienced violence, both on and off the field of play, involving both players and spectators. 1. How does the law and sports legislation help to ensure that performers are protected during sporting contests? (3 marks) 2. Explain the consequences of spectator violence, for example hooliganism, for the clubs and the sporting authorities.(4 marks)

19 Violence can sometimes occur in elite sport, for example football, both on and off the pitch. 3. Why might an elite performer commit an act of violence on the pitch? (3 marks) 4. Explain, using examples, why an elite performer may need the protection of the law during their sporting careers. (4 marks)

20 Elite sports performers are expected to be role models and to maintain high standards of behaviour during their preparation and competition. 5. Suggest possible reasons why an elite performer may display behaviour which is deemed 'unacceptable' by coaches, managers and officials. (3 marks) 6. The media often report on many aspects of a performers behaviour. Explain the potential impact on a sport of any negative publicity. (3 marks)

21 1. 3 marks for 3 of: A.Protect against violent play B.Employment contracts with clubs/Sponsorship/commercial contracts/avoid burnout C.Ensure duty of care from officials/negligence of poor referees D.Safe playing environment/stadiums are suitable for purpose E.Protection from violent spectators/hooligans/terrorist threats F.Ensure opponents using doping methods are banned G.Equality legislation/racism act/sexism act/disability acts/age or weight categories/gender Any links to private life and media intrusion is irrelevant Link to rules is irrelevant E – Focus not on method 2. 4 marks for 4 of: A.Negative image of sport causes decline in participation rates/smaller foundation base B.Spectator attendance declines C.Supporters banned from travelling/attending/matches played behind closed doors D.All supporters treated as hooligans E.Teams banned from competing/loss of points/fined F.Sponsors/commercial deals withdrawn G.Additional cost to police events/provide more stewards H.Relationship with local community/other countries declines /negative impact for hosting future events The focus of the question is on the consequences and not the strategies used A – negative image too vague, need consequence Do NOT accept lose money – have to say how money is lost G – Has to be reference to increase need

22 3. Why might an elite performer commit an act of violence on the pitch? (3 marks) 1. Over-strong desire to win/over arousal/pressure 2. May be encouraged/asked to do so by coach/team mates/pressure from sponsors/crowds 3. Player loses control due to action of opponents/referee decisions/retaliates/frustration 4. Player lacks moral/ethical restraints on personal behaviour 5. Financial rewards 6. Importance of game/cup final/equivalent 4. Explain, using examples, why an elite performer may need the protection of the law during their sporting careers. (4 marks) 1. Opposition player fouls/protection from violence 2. Off field of play – contracts with employers/administration of wages/assets/Bosman ruling 3. Sponsorship deals/commercial deals 4. Protection from media intrusion into private life 5. Protection from hooligans during and after games 6. Maintenance of restricted areas during training/competitions 7. Protection from racism/equal opportunities

23 5. 3 marks for 3 of: Pressure from media; High expectation of supporters; Financial rewards; Fear of losing contract/hire and fire culture; Retaliation due to foul play; Officials decisions; 6. 3 marks for 3 of: Less media coverage/reduced media income; Loss of sponsorship deals; Fewer spectators; Reduction in participation rates; Increased pressure on NGBs to eliminate poor behaviour; Money could be spent in more productive areas such as player development;

24 Good progressOutstanding progress Target Grade A & B Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed Suggest 8-9 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions recalling information from the lesson Target Grade C & D Suggest 5-6 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed Suggest 7 points for the starter activity Achieve target grade on exam questions using your notes/book where needed

25 Home learning This is to be handed in next lesson Produce a poster discussing the effects that violence has on individuals, sport & wider society

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