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Curriculum Update SUMMER 2015. Issues Affecting Curriculum and Instruction  Standards instability  Standards Review process will begin this summer.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Update SUMMER 2015. Issues Affecting Curriculum and Instruction  Standards instability  Standards Review process will begin this summer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Update SUMMER 2015

2 Issues Affecting Curriculum and Instruction  Standards instability  Standards Review process will begin this summer. Draft available next Spring. If approved by Governor and Legislature goes into effect for the 16-17 school year.  Until then the state standards are the CCSS.  Testing Instability (grades 3 – 8)  One year state contract. Up to 49% PARCC items. Remaining PARCC-like developed by Louisiana Educators.  Assessment Guides available in the Fall.  New testing vendor contract – October 15. May effect testing schedule, etc.

3 English Language Arts GRADES K-12

4 Grades K-2  We will continue to use the reading foundations materials from Storytown to teach phonological awareness, phonics and word study as we have this year.  Read Aloud Project Lessons will be used for instruction in reading/listening comprehension and supplemented with text sets from the Storytown anthology to provide 36 weeks of instruction. The district will supply teacher copies of the Read Aloud books for the selected lessons.  Digging Deep into the Curriculum groups have met by grade-level this summer to revise the scope of sequence of the units and select text sets.  Those resources are found in the TPSS Resources Blackboard Class.

5 Grades 3 - 6  Continue to use the Guidebook units that were implemented this year and add a unit to each grade based on the survey results below.  Digging Deep into the Curriculum groups have met by grade-level this summer to revise the scope of sequence of the units. Guidebook units will be supplemented with materials from Harcourt Storytown in order to provide 36 weeks of instruction.  Unit choices are as follows:  3 rd Grade Because of Winn Dixie  4 th Grade If you Lived at the Time of the American Revolution  5 th Grade The Birchbark House  6 th Grade The Witch of Blackbird Pond  The district will purchase the materials for the units listed above.  Support Resources are available in the TPSS Resources class in Blackboard.

6 Grades 7 - 12  For grades 9-12, the district will continue to require two 9-week units from the Guidebook to be taught during time periods identified by the alignment committees.  For grades 7-8, the district will require that one additional 6-week unit be taught (this brings their requirements in line with what grades K-6 are doing). Specific units should be taught during time periods identified by the alignment committees.  New 7 th grade anchor text will be “How to Write a Memoir.”  New 8 th grade anchor text will be Jack London’s The Call of the Wild  Teachers may continue to create and teach anthology-based lessons that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards during time periods identified as “Teacher Choice.”  Support Resources are available in the TPSS Resources class in Blackboard.

7 Mathematics GRADES K - 12

8 Grades K-5  Continue to use Envision mathematics textbooks.  Supplement as needed.

9 Grades 6 - 8  Harcourt Go Math!: Includes consumable worktext, full student and teacher access to online materials  OR  Glencoe Math: Includes consumable worktext, full student and teacher access to online materials  Each school selected the program they wanted to pilot this year.  Training at the end of July. Sign-up on Professional Development Portal.

10 Grades 9 - 12  Holt McDougal/Harcourt: Explorations in Mathematics workbooks (one per student) and full online student and teacher access to basal program  Glencoe/McGraw Hill Mathematics: One workbook per student plus full online student and teacher access to basal program  Carnegie Learning: Includes worktext and access to student and teacher resources online.  MathXL: Online access only.  Each school selected the program they wanted to pilot this year.  Training at the end of July. Sign-up on Professional Development Portal.

11 Social Studies K-12

12 Social Studies  We will be using the 2011 GLEs for the 2015-2016 school year. Click here for a link to those  Mrs. Trappey has compiled an extensive collection of resources in the TPSS Resources Blackboard Class.  Grades 6 – 12 continue to use the Common Core Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and technical subjects.History/Social Studies, Science, and technical subjects.  US History assessment remains the same. Grades 3 – 8 assessments will test the 2011 GLEs. The 15-16 test will be an optional online field test.

13 Science K-12

14 Science – K-12  No changes.  The state has still not adopted the Next Generation Science Standards.  Current textbooks are going into their 4 th year.  Grades 6 – 12 continue to use the Common Core Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and technical subjectsHistory/Social Studies, Science, and technical subjects

15 Other grades and subjects  District adopted textbooks  State Standards  mic-standards mic-standards  National Standards (in the absence of state standards)  Grades 6 – 12 continue to use the Common Core Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and technical subjectsHistory/Social Studies, Science, and technical subjects

16 Assessments 2015-2016

17 Compromise Agreement  For the 2015-2016 school year, the Division of Administration and the Department of Education will seek a one-year contract for English and mathematics test content to measure current standards and create results comparable to other states, per state law.  The Department of Education will not participate in the PARCC consortium of states.  No more than 49.9 percent of English and math test questions in 2015-2016 shall be developed through the PARCC process or through other federally funded consortia of states (amended HB 542 by Rep. Schroder).

18 Assessments 15-16 continued  Other 50% will be PARCC-like developed by Louisiana Educators.  Previously mentioned available pre and mid year tests with new contract.  Schedule may change slightly depending on testing vendor selected.  Paper and pencil/computer based – district decision  3-5 – paper/pencil  6-8 - computer

19 State Assessments  DSC – pre-K and K  Dibels/SRI – K-3  PARCC-like Louisiana Test– grades 3 – 8 ELA and Math  Leap/iLEAP – grades 3 – 8 Science  Social Studies – grades 3 – 8 – optional online field test  Explore – grades 8 & 9  Plan – Grade 10  ACT – Grade 11  EOC – Algebra I, Geometry, English II, English III, Biology, and American History

20 District Benchmark Tests  Grades K – 12, ELA and Mathematics  Tentative Schedule:  Test 1: August 17 – September 11  Test 2: November 30 – January 15  Test 3: April 18 – May 20 District End of Year Tests – some high school science and social studies courses. May include grades 3 – 8 social studies this year.

21 Classroom/School progress monitoring  Teacher and schools are strongly encouraged to use LDOE provided assessment resources including EAGLE.  EAGLE training should be after school starts.

22 Policies and Procedures

23 Grade Books and Grading  WEBPAMS – online grade book  Parent Command Center  Grade book Policy  Grading Procedures  OnCourse  Lesson plan policy  Lesson plan templates (CCSS Lesson Plan Template and Guide) Curriculum and Instruction Policies and Procedures

24 Teacher Evaluations End-of-Year Complete Compass Score Compass score is a combination a teacher’s student growth score and professional practice score.

25 District Resources

26 Teacher Leaders  Each school has a teacher leader that has been trained by the state and district to assist with the transition to the common core state standards and new assessments.

27 Curriculum and Instruction Support Staff Others: Ann Trappey, Social Studies. Mark Vining, Health and PE; C.C. Lanier, STEM Deondra Warner 504 coordinator Alison Andrews Magnet Supervisor Linda Baker Literacy Coordinator Keri Wickham Early Childhood Coordinator Lisa Fussell Secondary Supervisor/Jumpstart Jennifer Wheat Mathematics Coordinator Marquita Jackson Elementary Supervisor Andre Pellerin District Test Coordinator Terran Perry Middle School Supervisor

28 State Resources

29 District Resources  TPSS Common Core Portal TPSS Common Core Portal  TPSS Curriculum and Instruction Page TPSS Curriculum and Instruction Page  TPSS Blackboard – TPSS Resources TPSS Blackboard – TPSS Resources  Video Resources  Teaching Channel  Inside Mathematics  Teachscape 


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