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Strategic Planning Summit GAP/Committee Chairs/IE December 5, 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning Summit GAP/Committee Chairs/IE December 5, 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning Summit GAP/Committee Chairs/IE December 5, 2014 1

2 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS 2 Strategic Planning Summit GAP/Committee Chairs/IE December 5, 2014

3 Mission Statement Mission College's first priorities are students, their learning and their success. Our College serves the diverse educational, economic and cultural needs of the student population of Santa Clara, the Silicon Valley and our global community by providing associate degrees, transferable, career and basic-skills courses and programs, as well as opportunities for life-long learning. 3

4 Mission Statement (cont’d) Through participatory governance in support of our first priorities, Mission College systematically commits to evaluating and improving educational programs, technological resources and student support services by making informed decisions, allocating resources and establishing institutional policies and procedures. Approved by BOT 2010 and reaffirmed by GAP 2011 & 2012 4

5 College Strategic Focus Areas Community Life, Outreach and Marketing Curriculum and Program Improvement Economic Development and Sustainability K-12 and Higher Education Articulation and Partnerships Leadership and Professional Development Student Learning, Completion, and Institutional Accountability Technology 5

6 Board of Trustee Goals Upon receiving data regarding career training programs, including completion and transfer rates, discuss potential enhanced support for such programs. Schedule a presentation regarding the District’s pension plans, including how the plans are funded at the present time and into the future. After receiving appropriate data, continue discussion of issues relating to enrollment, class scheduling, waitlists, and potential actions to address the issue of scheduling class offerings to meet student demands K-12 and Higher Education Articulation and Partnerships Continue to receive regular reports on West Valley College’s and Mission College’s responses to the recommendations of the Accreditation Visiting Teams, and receive a final report on or about March 15, 2015. 6

7 Alignment: Board Goals and College Goals 7 Rubric  No stars ( ) – no alignment  1 star (*) – slight alignment  2 stars (**) – moderate alignment  3 stars (***) – high alignment Group activity – fill out the form

8 Mission College - Board of Trustees Goal Alignment Legend: * = Slight Alignment ** = Moderate Alignment *** = High Alignment Board of Trustees Goals Upon receiving data regarding career training programs, including completion and transfer rates, discuss potential enhanced support for such programs. Schedule a presentation regarding the District’s pension plans, including how the plans are funded at the present time and into the future. After receiving appropriate data, continue discussion of issues relating to enrollment, class scheduling, waitlists, and potential actions to address the issue of scheduling class offerings to meet student demands. Continue to receive regular reports on West Valley College’s and Mission College’s responses to the recommendations of the Accreditation Visiting Teams, and receive a final report on or about March 15, 2015. Mission College Strategic Goals Strategic Focus: Community Life, Outreach, and Marketing Goal #1: Increase the value of the college by meeting the educational needs of the community. Goal #2: Increase participation and collaboration to improve a sense of community across the college. Goal #3: Advance Mission College’s visibility and service to the community. Goal #4: Create programs to improve and enhance the safety and security of the college community. (New Goal) 8

9 Mission College - Board of Trustees Goal Alignment Legend: * = Slight Alignment ** = Moderate Alignment *** = High Alignment Board of Trustees Goals Upon receiving data regarding career training programs, including completion and transfer rates, discuss potential enhanced support for such programs. Schedule a presentation regarding the District’s pension plans, including how the plans are funded at the present time and into the future. After receiving appropriate data, continue discussion of issues relating to enrollment, class scheduling, waitlists, and potential actions to address the issue of scheduling class offerings to meet student demands. Continue to receive regular reports on West Valley College’s and Mission College’s responses to the recommendations of the Accreditation Visiting Teams, and receive a final report on or about March 15, 2015. Mission College Strategic Goals Strategic Focus: Economic Development and Sustainability Goal #1: Develop market- responsive education, training, and services in conjunction with business, industry and community partners to address local workforce, economic and community needs. Goal #2: Establish Mission College's participation in regional workforce and economic development initiatives. 9

10 Mission College - Board of Trustees Goal Alignment Legend: * = Slight Alignment ** = Moderate Alignment *** = High Alignment Board of Trustees Goals Upon receiving data regarding career training programs, including completion and transfer rates, discuss potential enhanced support for such programs. Schedule a presentation regarding the District’s pension plans, including how the plans are funded at the present time and into the future. After receiving appropriate data, continue discussion of issues relating to enrollment, class scheduling, waitlists, and potential actions to address the issue of scheduling class offerings to meet student demands. Continue to receive regular reports on West Valley College’s and Mission College’s responses to the recommendations of the Accreditation Visiting Teams, and receive a final report on or about March 15, 2015. Mission College Strategic Goals Strategic Focus: K-12 and Higher Education Articulation and Partnerships Goal #1: Strengthen collaborative partnerships with the local K-12 institutions to align programs and facilitate student matriculation to Mission College. Goal #2: Increase and improve collaborative partnerships with universities to align programs and provide students with a seamless transfer experience. Goal #3: Expand and enhance collaborative international partnerships to increase the global diversity of the college. 10

11 Mission College - Board of Trustees Goal Alignment Legend: * = Some Alignment ** = Moderate Alignment *** = High Alignment Board of Trustees Goals Upon receiving data regarding career training programs, including completion and transfer rates, discuss potential enhanced support for such programs. Schedule a presentation regarding the District’s pension plans, including how the plans are funded at the present time and into the future. After receiving appropriate data, continue discussion of issues relating to enrollment, class scheduling, waitlists, and potential actions to address the issue of scheduling class offerings to meet student demands. Continue to receive regular reports on West Valley College’s and Mission College’s responses to the recommendations of the Accreditation Visiting Teams, and receive a final report on or about March 15, 2015. Mission College Strategic Goals Strategic Focus: Leadership and Professional Development Goal #1: Increase and support opportunities for all employees to receive professional development and skill building. Goal #2: Promote opportunities for leadership growth and participation in community and college activities from all college constituencies. 11

12 Mission College - Board of Trustees Goal Alignment Legend: * = Slight Alignment ** = Moderate Alignment *** = High Alignment Board of Trustees Goals Upon receiving data regarding career training programs, including completion and transfer rates, discuss potential enhanced support for such programs. Schedule a presentation regarding the District’s pension plans, including how the plans are funded at the present time and into the future. After receiving appropriate data, continue discussion of issues relating to enrollment, class scheduling, waitlists, and potential actions to address the issue of scheduling class offerings to meet student demands. Continue to receive regular reports on West Valley College’s and Mission College’s responses to the recommendations of the Accreditation Visiting Teams, and receive a final report on or about March 15, 2015. Mission College Strategic Goals Strategic Focus: Student Learning, Completion and Institutional Accountability Goal #1: Facilitate student persistence, retention, and goal completion through effective student support, instructional strategies and the use and analysis of disaggregated student data. Goal #2: Implement ongoing institutional assessment and evaluation that supports student learning and completion. Goal #3: Implement a complete ongoing assessment cycle for student learning and service area outcomes. (New Goal) 12

13 Mission College - Board of Trustees Goal Alignment Legend: * = Slight Alignment ** = Moderate Alignment *** = High Alignment Board of Trustees Goals Upon receiving data regarding career training programs, including completion and transfer rates, discuss potential enhanced support for such programs. Schedule a presentation regarding the District’s pension plans, including how the plans are funded at the present time and into the future. After receiving appropriate data, continue discussion of issues relating to enrollment, class scheduling, waitlists, and potential actions to address the issue of scheduling class offerings to meet student demands. Continue to receive regular reports on West Valley College’s and Mission College’s responses to the recommendations of the Accreditation Visiting Teams, and receive a final report on or about March 15, 2015. Mission College Strategic Goals Strategic Focus: Technology Goal #1: Optimize technology solutions to improve effectiveness of programs, services, and processes, with a focus on total cost of ownership and sustainability. Goal #2: Identify and foster partnerships with technology organizations to keep the college at the forefront of technological advances. 13

14 Institutional Set Standards 1. Institution Set Standards 2014: Collegewide Measures 2. Institutional Set Standards FAQ 14

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17 Committee Goals – Update and Progress 17 Group Activity Review Handout  Did you change any goals this year?  What progress did you make in meeting existing goals?


19 19 Research and Planning

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29 29 Organizational Evaluation

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31 31 Background: Recommendation #10: In order to meet the Standards, the team recommends that the College regularly evaluate governance and decision-making structures and processes… to assure their integrity and effectiveness, to ensure these processes facilitate effective communication and the College’s constituencies and between the College and the District, and that the College widely communicates the results of these evaluations and uses them as the basis for improvement. Participatory Governance Evaluation

32 32 Full survey analysis will be presented to participatory governance bodies in the Spring and will be shared with all college constituencies. Survey was administered in person the week of November 17 th for the following groups, which then held discussion of their perceptions (facilitated by cabinet members) within their regular meetings:  Associated Student Government  Academic Senate  Classified Senate The survey was administered electronically to the administrative group during that same week. Participatory Governance Evaluation

33 33 Content analysis under way Disaggregation by group under way Preliminary results:  Respondents, all groups:56  Administration:13  Classified Senate:9  Associated Students:20  Academic Senate:14 Participatory Governance Evaluation

34 34 Participatory Governance Evaluation How effective is the participatory governance structure at Mission College at providing the opportunity for your constituent group to participate in decision making? Answer OptionsVery IneffectiveIneffectiveNeutralEffective Very Effective Rating Average Response Count 37103243.4856 answered question56 skipped question0

35 35 Participatory Governance Evaluation

36 36 Participatory Governance Evaluation

37 37 Participatory Governance Evaluation

38 38 Next steps:  Disaggregation by group  Content analysis  Discussions  Improvement! Participatory Governance Evaluation

39 39 Survey Questions Undergoing Content Analysis:  What is working well in participatory governance college- wide?  What can we do as a college to strengthen participatory governance for all constituencies? Participatory Governance Evaluation

40 Administrative Reorganization Evaluation 40 Background:  In the 2009-10 Academic Year, Mission College began to implement organizational changes approved by our governance bodies and supported by the District.  This first phase focused on the realigning of all instructional divisions, assigning Dean support for each division while retaining our Division Chair and Department Chair structure.  We asked for your feedback regarding this process in 2011, and with the passing of time, we followed up to see what you think now.

41 Administrative Reorganization Evaluation 41 Full survey analysis will be presented to GAP in the Spring and will be shared with all college constituencies. Survey closed December 1 st.  Content analysis underway  Preliminary resul ts  2011: 98 respondents  2014: 143 respondents

42 42 Administrative Reorganization Evaluation As in 2011, the largest group of respondents is Full-Time Faculty

43 43 Administrative Reorganization Evaluation

44 44 Administrative Reorganization Evaluation As in 2011, the majority of respondents have been at Mission over 5 years.

45 45 Survey Questions Undergoing Content Analysis:  Impact of cost reductions  Changes in release time  Weaknesses of structure  Strengths of structure  Suggestions for improvement  Division/SOC alignment Administrative Reorganization Evaluation

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48 48 Full survey analysis will be presented to GAP in the Spring and shared with all college constituencies. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback! Administrative Reorganization Evaluation

49 Future Plans for May 2015 Summit End of Year alignment and progress  College strategic focus and committee goals Review of institutional self-evaluation documents Progress report on Research Agenda Institution Set Standards for CTE and Certificates Review of committee structure and effectiveness Review of next steps for accreditation 49

50 Review of this meeting What worked? What could be improved? 50

51 Thank You! THANK YOU! Office of Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness: Sarah Randle & Inge Bond Accreditation Program Assistant: Aleksandra Martin Event Planning: Linda Angelotti & Patty Egusa 51

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