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Action Research Teacher as a Researcher ILLUSTRATION Manoj Kumar Dash DEP-SSA, IGNOU New Delhi 110 068 0-9971728220.

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Presentation on theme: "Action Research Teacher as a Researcher ILLUSTRATION Manoj Kumar Dash DEP-SSA, IGNOU New Delhi 110 068 0-9971728220."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Research Teacher as a Researcher ILLUSTRATION Manoj Kumar Dash DEP-SSA, IGNOU New Delhi 110 068 0-9971728220

2 Problem: Poor performance of a group of children in class V in spelling & pronunciation skills in English) Illustration Title: Improving Writing and Pronunciation Skills of Children of children of Standard V in English

3 Improving learning of children is one of the important aspects of teaching learning process. We are constantly trying to develop understanding of teachers in making effective design and development of their teaching learning strategies. English being a second language adds additional difficulties on the part of teachers and children as well. At primary level teacher faces many difficulties in developing knowledge and understanding of children. One of the common errors committed by children in Std V is making frequent errors in Writing English words in one hand and making correct pronunciation of those words. Avoiding errors in spelling is one of the basic requirement at primary level and many children face problems related to correct spelling and their correct pronunciation therefore precaution has to be taken at the early state of learning particularly at primary level. Introduction

4 Background

5 Many of the children in standard V face difficulty in correct spelling of English Words and their correct pronunciation. Though children of other classes face the similar types of difficulties but it is found to be more prominent in standard V. As this is the terminal year at primary level, it would be more appropriate to identify the real problem on the part of children in learning correct spelling and making appropriate pronunciation. This will certainly helps me in developing appropriate need based strategies for the children of Std V in improving their competencies to develop correct spelling and making right pronunciation. Rationale

6 Method : Descriptive research method has been adopted for finding the solution of the problem Sample: Purposive sampling technique has been adopted for the selection of sample of the study N= 30 children of Std V in ------- School. Tool: Following tools are used for identifying errors committed by children in writing words in English and making appropriate pronunciation skills 1. Newly developed activities (Flash cards) based on writing English word 2. Competency based evaluation tool for assessment Statistics: Mean and percentage has been used for calculation, analysis and interpretation of results Methodology

7 A set of activities based on graded approach have been developed. I have thoroughly prepared on how to deal with children of Std V with the effective implementation of newly developed activities. Children of Std V were exposed to one activity every day at the end of English class. All children were divided into five different groups. They were advised to deal with the activity in groups first and then individually. Attempts were taken for the involvement of all children in activity. Children were made to listen to recorded voice of words and simple sentences using those words. I was moving around to facilitate the children in their involvement in activities. At the end of every week an assessment test was administered on children to record their improvement in performance. Procedure

8 The present study aims at focusing on the following objectives: 1.To design activities for developing learning habits of children in learning correct spelling of English words 2.To develop motivation of children in making correct pronunciation English words Objectives

9 Problem in identification & writing of letters/words Lack of interest and motivation of children may be due to fear Implementation of inappropriate teaching strategies Design and development of inadequate T-L materials Problem in pronunciation of teacher Inappropriate learning environment Probable Reasons

10 Paying individual attention to identify individual problems Devoting some extra time, contextualizing examples and illustrations Using simple words and developing writing practice Developing charts with pictorial form Using recorded voice for pronunciation simple words Making provision for listening to radio Simple and easy test items for assessment Self improvement of teacher in spelling and pronunciation Action Steps

11 Children gradually show interest towards writing words in English and tried to pronounce Children's are motivated towards listening to radio Children develop motivation towards learning together with their peers Performance of children become improves Teacher become more confident and enthusiastic Consequences/Effects

12 Sharing with colleagues Sharing trainers and master trainers Sharing during monthly meeting Sharing of Results

13 This type of action research is useful for: Improving performance of children by reducing fear developing interest and their motivation Knowing individual needs of children Making appropriate planning in teaching second language Developing teaching competencies of teachers in teaching English Remarks/Implications

14 DEP-SSA (2009) Teaching English: Primary Level, Vol 1;Distance Education Programme -Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, IGNOU, New Delhi 110 068 DEP-SSA (2007) Action Research 9A Document…) Distance Education Programme-Sarva Shikha Abhiyan, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110 068 Dash, M. K. (2006) Quality Elementary Education for all: Role of the Teacher; Staff and Educational Development International, Vol.10, No.2&3, Dec, 2006, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi Dash, M. K. (2009) Information and Communication Technology: Professional Development of Elementary School Teachers; Neel Kamal Publishers, Hyderabad References

15 T H A N K S

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