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Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance (MSTA) Induction for newly qualified teachers September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance (MSTA) Induction for newly qualified teachers September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middlesbrough Schools’ Teaching Alliance (MSTA) Induction for newly qualified teachers September 2014

2 Agenda Purpose of induction Who does what in Middlesbrough – NQT, induct tutor, HT, appropriate body, MSTA The relevant standards The induction process Assessments – first, second and final Support and professional development

3 Purpose of induction The bridge between ITT and a career in teaching Personalised programme of development, support and professional dialogue Monitoring and assessment of performance against the relevant standards Performance must be considered to be at least satisfactory by the end of the period but …….. Equipped with the tools to be an effective and successful teacher

4 Who does what in Middlesbrough? Starting with you as NQTs What are the 10 key responsibilities and actions you have to take in order to make this a successful year? Discuss

5 The NQT should….. 1.Provide QTS evidence 2.Meet, discuss, agree and keep under review priorities for your induction period with your school tutor 3.Agree how to use your reduced timetable with your induct tutor 4.Provide evidence of your progress against relevant standards 5.Participate fully in the agreed monitoring and development programme 6.Raise any concerns with your induct tutor early 7.Consult appropriate body named contact if there are any difficulties early 8.Keep track of and participate effectively in all you do – observations, progress meetings, formal assessments 9.Keep track of all dates – start and finish of induction, assessments, absences 10.Retain copies of all assessment forms

6 The induct tutor should….. 1.Provide, or coordinate guidance and effective support including coaching and mentoring 2.Carry out regular reviews 3.Undertake 3 formal assessments 4.Inform the NQT of judgements being made and recorded – no surprises! 5.Ensure NQT’s teaching is observed and feedback provided 6.Ensure NQTs are aware of how to raise concerns 7.Take prompt action in the case of an NQT appearing to have difficulties

7 HTs, the appropriate body and the governing body Significant statutory responsibilities all documented in the Statutory guidance on induction for newly qualified teachers. Appropriate body named contact – Louise Moore Appropriate body administrator – Angela Harrison Appropriate body named school – Pallister Park Primary Teaching School Appropriate body reserve contact – Andrew Mackle

8 Appropriate Body Appropriate body named contact – Louise Moore Appropriate body administrator – Angela Harrison Appropriate body named school – Pallister Park Primary Teaching School Appropriate body reserve contact – Andrew Mackle Appropriate body website –

9 Meeting the induction standards Teachers: Make education of their pupils their first concern Are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct Act with honesty and integrity; have strong subject knowledge; keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up- to-date Are self critical Forge positive professional relationships Work with parents in the best interests of their pupils/students - taken from the preamble to the Teachers’ Standards

10 Record of evidence It is never to early to start building your evidence base Be systematic Be evaluative – reflective practitioners required Be honest – self-critical without being OTT Be on time and make time count

11 The induction process See overview of the induction process – statutory guidance - handout You should be half way down the page by now See A4 summary sheet from the Appropriate Body - handout

12 Assessments – first, second and final Important documents Track your progress as an NQT through the year Track the record of support and guidance offered by your school Meets statutory requirements NQT retains the original copy

13 Support and professional development CPD programme 2014/15 Proposed taught sessions: autumn term 2014 Behaviour management Health and safety Numicon Safeguarding/child protection Phonics/letters and sounds EYFS Ofsted – and me as an NQT How children learn to read

14 Support and professional development CPD programme 2014/15 Proposed taught sessions: spring term 2015 SEND in Middlesbrough SEND case studies SEND – autism Assessment The science curriculum Numicon Mathematics The new primary curriculum

15 Support and professional development CPD programme 2014/15 Proposed taught sessions: summer term 2015 Moderation PE Music

16 Support and professional development CPD programme 2014/15 Networking with informal meetings arranged in local schools after the school day – an opportunity to meet other NQTs and look round different school/academy settings. It is a comprehensive offer to Middlesbrough NQTs – but is there anything missing….something that you would like us to add?

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